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Z4 Continue Point & Perpetual Title Screen

Creator: Lemmy Koopa Added: 26 Apr 2014 Tags: FFC, Global, Item Downloads: 76
Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (1 rating)
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The script allows you to have continue points like in Link's Awakening, where whenever you enter or exit a doorway, that is where you'll continue after you die or restart after save. This can be very useful if it's a more appropriate continue point approach than the default continue system in Zelda Classic.
You can also set your continue point on demand via script, or disable a doorway continue from being set by the script via FFC.

This also allows you to always have a Title Screen pop up everytime you continue your quest. The titlescreen will be basically used as a HUB for transporting you to the continue point, or transporting you to the start of the quest if you made a new quest.