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The Deep

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Joaish (RedTribeLink) Genre: Metroidvania Added: 13 Mar 2024 ZC Version: 2.55 Downloads: 293 Rating[?]: Rating: 4.8/5 (14 ratings) Download Quest
(4.75 MB)

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This was made for the Zquest Classic (ZC) 2.55 Contest, held to celebrate the final release of the newest stable build of ZC. This game was originally made for the non-scripted bracket, meaning everything you see here is made fully in-engine on ZC 2.55, with exactly 0 bytes in the ZScript buffer. You will get to see a plethora of unique gimmicks that would have been previously impossible on older versions of ZC without the use of scripts. This quest was originally made in the last 3 1/2 weeks of the 3 month contest period, though taking into account the extra updates post contest, development time clocks in a little over a month.

V 1.3.1
New features have been added since the contest version, featuring:
- A new warping system
- New difficulty levels to choose from at the start
- New items
- More things to buy
- Several minor fixes and adjustments to overall gameplay
Balls of fire rained from the sky, forcing people underground to a vast underworld that would very soon be known by all as the Deep. Now, civilizations reside in various parts of these treacherous caverns. While working for your hometown’s mining company, you lose your footing and fall into a chasm, leaving you stranded in an unfamiliar section of the Deep. Explore various interconnected areas, each with their own themes, and find tools along the way utilizing unique mechanics that will aid you in not only finding home, but uncovering the secrets of these caverns and the people that reside within.
Tips & Cheats
- If you find yourself lost, be sure to talk to a certain individual met early in the game
- A bit theme of the game is exploring, there is a certain sense of nonlinearity so there may be multiple options available to you
- Joaish

- Cambria Tileset by Matthew
- Additional graphics sourced from:
- Instrumentality by Moosh
- Pure Remembrance by Akkabus
- Nintendo

- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy IX
- Halo: Combat Evolved
- Donkey Kong 64
- Mario Kart 64
- Kingdom Hearts
- Starfox Adventures
- PureZC (Espilan and Choray)

- JadeMinibou
- DarkTimeOwl
- MijitoAlexito
- Leannehef

- ChefBear
- Sledgenn

- The 2.55 Devs
- Coolgamer (this wouldn’t have happened without the contest)
- TeamUDF
- Shaylania
- And you for playing!