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The Colossal Tower

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Shosci Genre: Dungeon Romper Added: 31 Aug 2022 Updated: 02 Feb 2023 ZC Version: 2.55 Downloads: 291 Rating[?]: Rating: 4.4/5 (9 ratings) Download Quest
(4.85 MB)

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As the name suggests, you will be climbing a large tower dungeon for the entirety of the quest. It was inspired by the quest 'To The Top' designed by TheOnlyOne and also inspired by a video game called 'Pandora's Tower'. After much critisism of my last quest being very easy due to its open-world design, this is a much more linear dungeon-crawler that incorporates more challenging (and perhaps frustrating) level structure. There are a lot of floors, you can fall in pits which can drop you to previous floors, there are no Heart Pieces, there is more platforming involved. Due to its shorten length, I hope the challenge warrants the playtime.

Features include:
- Creative/original items as reskinned Zelda items
- 9 unique Dungeons with standout gimmicks
- Organic dungeon design
- Custom (non-scripted) enemies and bosses
- A shop for buying upgrades
- A custom map system
- A post-game boss rush mode
- A couple of scripts to spruce up certain levels
- Minor Metroidvania level progression with the structure of a Dungeon Romper and playtime of a Miniquest

Features not included:
- An overworld
- Heart Pieces

Update (2/2/23), technical changes:
- Oil Floor script has been reduced/removed in certain areas to prevent extensive lag
- By a surprising amount of request, Gleeok in Dungeon 9 now increased to Two-heads
Update (10/9/22), difficulty changes:
- Save->Continue method now refills all HP
- Dungeon 1 Color Barrier softlock fixed
- Small trap room in Dungeon 2 changed
- Dungeon 2 boss has slower movement speed
- Bombs now only cost 5 rupees in stores
- Gleeok in Dungeon 9 now reduced to One-head
Update (9/2/22), a few fixes in areas causing softlocks:
- Fixed infinite pitfall in Dungeon 3 (Floor 4). Pitfall will warp you instead
- Fixed warp room in Dungeon 3 (Floor 5) which can get you stuck between blocks
- Lava floor rooms in Floor 19 made slightly easier by adding more platforms
- Fixed signposts bug in the beginning of Dungeon 6 (Floor 8 )
- Fixed direct warp from Floor 11 to Floor 10 which can get you stick between skull statues
- Removed pitfall in Floor 3
- Dungeon 8 boss no longer returns
Link see big tower, Link faces big tower. What is in big tower? Find out (duh).

Story has never been my strong-suit, so hear ya go...
Tips & Cheats
- Link's bomb blasts and fire does NOT hurt

- There is one Fairy Fountain located in each Dungeon

- Pitfalls where you can see below, will drop you to the previous floor. This can be a detriment, or a blessing depending on where you are

- Slight spoiler territory, but you get the Roc's Feather early...it WILL be your best friend in this quest

- Don't be hesitant in using the ZC 'Map' button if you feel lost.

- If you cannot solve a puzzle or particular spot in a dungeon, there are signposts scattered throughout the game to aid you
  • Phosphor (Pure Tileset Update Extreme)
  • VGMUSIC (Midi Resources)
  • IceWind91 (Title theme)
  • CtrlAltDestroy (Dungeon 1)
  • Katsumi No (Dungeon 2)
  • James Flynn (Shop)
  • Shawn Gibbons (Dungeon 3)
  • David Josue (Dungeon 4)
  • Jarron Woodsorrel (Dungeon 5)
  • Jose (Dungeon 6)
  • Ulrik Ruud Rostrup (Dungeon 7)
  • CastChaos (Dungeon 8 )
  • Asa Lothario (Dungeon 9)
  • Three-Headed-Monkey (Boss theme)
  • Extacide (Final Boss 1)
  • Coen (Final Boss 2)
  • Jarel Jones (Credits)
  • GameFreak (Title screen)
  • Radien (Extra Dance of Remembrance tiles)
  • TheLink (Land Zora)
  • MoscowModder (Bari sprite)
  • System Error (Mothula sprite)
  • jeremy850 (Death reaper boss)
  • Ether (Oni Gameboy Boss)
  • Mister Man (Mega Man 7 Credits)
  • Moosh (Oil Floors)
  • Dan358 (Enemy Music)
  • Alucard648 (Boss Outro Effects)
  • Colossal (Ice Push Block)
  • TheRock
  • C1
  • Aefre
Special Thanks:
  • Nintendo
  • PureZC
  • TheOnlyOne (Inspiration)
  • Shigeru Miyamoto (Creator for Zelda)
  • Eiji Aonuma (Creator for Zelda)
  • Emily (Extra help)
  • Ywkls (Extra help)
  • Moosh (Extra help)
  • Majora (Extra help)