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Legend Revisited

This is a very short midi I created as part of an electronic music class project several years ago at the community college. It's my one and only MIDI creation which is entirely composed by me, although I admit I was imitating the style of ambience of something I'd heard at the time (from Chrono Trigger, I believe).

I had a longer version, but it will probably never see the light of day since it's currently saved in a format I can't read. It had the same chord progression, though, so it was just another couple of takes on the short clip you hear looped twice here.

Anyway, it was just sitting around on my hard drive, so what the heck, I'll upload it here. It could use a bridge or something, but I'll probably leave it as-is in its really short state. Anyone has permission to remix this or use it in their quest, with the condition that you let me know about it, dangit! I'm dyin' for feedback here!!

By the way, the song loops once without percussion before bringing in the congo drum etc. That's why the player loop starts so late. Have the song actually start at the 0 or -1 mark as usual.

My Electronic Music professor for making me do it. And my Casio keyboard, may it rest in peace...
Creator: Radien Added: 22 Jun 2004 Type: MIDI
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.88/5 (15 ratings)
Loop Start: 80 Loop Stop: 152 Downloads: 248
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Rating: 5/5

Posted 23 October 2011 - 06:56 PM
...I haven't said anything yet???

This is just wonderful. And I'm using it.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 29 March 2011 - 06:17 PM
I think there's a good chance I'll use this in my current WIP quest. Given I'm also using the BS Tileset for it, this would make a perfect combo.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 16 August 2009 - 12:39 AM
I swear, this must be some unreleased track from Chrono Trigger. Reminds me of Schala's theme a bit. 5 stahz!

Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder  
Rating: 5/5

Posted 03 October 2008 - 07:58 AM
This went right into my quest, as the theme of "The Great Forest", which won't only be the first big overworld you'll walk in, but also a very important one. The full forest will be spanning at LEAST two overworlds, so you'll be hearing this song a lot in The Hylian Phoenix. Thanks for creating such awesomeness... it's one of the few songs I haven't really edited in terms of instruments, cause it's allready so awesome.
One of the absolute best songs in this very database!

0 stars!!!!!!!1111one

Nooot! 5 all the way, man!

Rating: 5/5

Posted 16 June 2007 - 12:48 PM
Very Chrono Trigger-ish. Sounds like it has a little bit of Dark Cloud mixed in, aswell. A five from me.

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