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Randomizer BS Zelda Version

Rating: 4.71/5 (6 ratings)


Rating: 5/5

Posted 09 March 2019 - 11:17 PM
favorite quest by far! love it!

Rating: 5/5

Posted 08 January 2018 - 06:44 PM
Very good quest. My only complain is the confusion resulting from so many levels which are not numbered in a way that a person can easily keep track of. There should be a number placed after each regular level in parentheses, for example: Name of Dungeon (1 of x) and so on so one can keep track of what level one has finished. I had to go back several times to find which levels I had finished because there were so many of them. Perhaps the bonus levels can be labels with Roman Numerals, e.g. Name of Dungeon (I of x) where x is the total number of bonus levels in the game.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 07 December 2016 - 11:25 PM
The greatest quest ever made in this tile set which is also my favorite tile set. A must play. Do your best to get all 215 items and complete all 30 heart containers.

Surreal Canine  
Rating: 5/5

Posted 17 February 2016 - 11:29 PM
Oh geez. Where do I even begin with this one? The fact that it manages to be both bigger and smaller than Super Version at the same time? ....Yeah, maybe.

Almost immediately upon starting my quest, what struck me was the game's sense of compactness over Super Randomizer. The compactness of the original BS Zelda may have contributed to this, as I definitely felt an attempt to imitate their more straightforward, less passage-riddled shape and style of the EX dungeons. Aside from two exceptions later in the game (one of which I will name as 1-8, the Bell), I never felt hopelessly lost or the urge to make a map of my own while exploring the dungeons. And the main dungeons themselves were easy to find once I familiarized myself with the BS overworlds.

As for the plethora of secrets in this game, let me preface this paragraph with a huge SPOILER WARNING. There, now that that's out of the way... I loved every bit of the Lost Overworld. The sense of adventure from exploring the brand-new map, the themed designs of the elemental dungeons combining a classic aesthetic with modern sensibilities, and the well hidden bonus and super-secret dungeons presenting some very interesting challenges! Which brings me to my other point of frustration: True Chaos is the most evil thing I have seen anyone do in ZC, and that includes myself. And while I get the point of it, the search for the second item frustrated me to the point of seeking help in the help thread. You bet I'm making a note of its location in my guide. :P

The music was wonderful to listen to. Especially Infinity Mijinion, The Tank Girl's Dream, and whatever that song was from Floor 10 of ToTheTop. Once again, I'm making an exception for True Chaos although it was almost certainly intended to horrify the player. :P

I appreciate the attempt at balancing the items by hiding half of them in the secret world, and the final upgrades to many game-breakers inside the super secret dungeons. It made exploring the world thoroughly feel very rewarding while not making me too overpowered due to sheer luck in the beginning. Although I will say I abused the heck out of the chakram until I found the more powerful melee weapons...

All in all, this game is a wonderful improvement from the somewhat flawed execution of Super Randomizer, and I'm very much looking forward to starting Outlands tomorrow.
  • Deedee likes this

Rating: 5/5

Posted 21 December 2014 - 04:39 PM
By far the best randomizer yet. The dungeons in the totally non-existent third overworld were a joy to play through.
  • Deedee likes this

Rating: 5/5

Posted 09 December 2014 - 06:16 PM
Absolutely amazing! I love this game! Don't ignore it because of the small amount of items, It's way better than the other Randomizers (That, and it has over 200 items! Shh! Don't tell :D) It has an incredible amount of secret content, such as the HUGE secret over-world that actually matters this time (Looking straight at you, lost over-world!) You will probably scream trying to find the most hidden content!