Screenshot of the Week 66
Posted 10 October 2004 - 02:15 PM
a screenshot from a cutscene in Fragments. Laike is warping to the boss arena to face Gian - False Spirit of Stone
I bet the Grand Canyon never had Lynels!
That's weird, some of the plants are dying because of the rain.
New shot from Heros Mark!
A sample screen for an upcoming DoR dungeon.
My Titlescreen of the Master Quest.
I'm assuming all of these were allowing comments, since there was no mention of otherwise in the forwarded messages I received. Now get to voting!
Posted 10 October 2004 - 02:21 PM
Posted 10 October 2004 - 03:04 PM
Posted 10 October 2004 - 03:21 PM
Posted 10 October 2004 - 03:36 PM
link3505: Wow, well I know I don't stand a chance in this one. This game looks really good. Great job with the screen!
DragonAtma: You really just came out of nowhere and now is really backing it up with some good shots. The mountain tiles and cliff tiles look really good. Maybe add a little bit more detail in the sand and grass. However, I know you were focusing on the mountain tiles. Good job.
Shoelace: Wow, this is the best picture. Anyways, this is my picture taken from the "life" part of the 5th level. (The 5th level is going to be the demo that I will release)
codelinker: Not bad dude. I am looking forward to running in the spikes. But that is cool that the dungeon is connected to the cave.
Radien: The master of design is doing it again. The caves even have the special look of DoR. And I bet that this is the first time that you actually enter a cave through the left side. I never seen that.
IaN: All I have to say is, who been cutting the grass. Anyways, I never knew that Link had the powers to talk to a gorilla. That is funny. Not as good as the other pictures, but that is a cool looking gorilla.
Snort: Hey Snort, never seen you before (or maybe I stupid). Link returns to the Legend of Zelda Snortia Master Quest. That is a funny name. Can't really tell how the game is going to look but I'll check it out. Nice title screen, and I like the mountian tiles in the background. I don't know if it is enough to win, but pretty good. At least it isn't a plain title screen.
Well there is my two cents. peace out.
Edited by Shoelace, 10 October 2004 - 04:05 PM.
Posted 10 October 2004 - 04:05 PM
Link3505: Looks nice! Is it me or is the guy doing something, different?
DragonAtma: Good, but nothing interesting's going on.
Shoelace: Nice! But, where's the rain coming from? Rain in a bright day is weird. (And that's my favorite weather.)
Codelinker: Looks good. Feels weird though. Nice Atmosphere.
Radien: Great use of depth. Still, nothing I haven't really seen (blam Prince).
Ian: Excellent use of Layers. Unique Tiles. Funny = Gorilla. #2 this week in my book.
Snort: I don't think anyone's used a Master Sword before with the Triforce thing. Looks good, but not too original.
Thus, I voted for Link3505.
Posted 10 October 2004 - 04:11 PM
You'll understand, when I release the demo.
Posted 10 October 2004 - 05:02 PM
DragonAtma: Nice mountains, and the setup is pretty nice. You should put some grass around, and you need to add a darker green under the mountains for better shading.
Shoelace: You seem to be getting quite well at quests. I can't really think of anything to say, except maybe you should try a more yellowish green, like I believe Z has a "Sunshine" palette, or possibly a dawn or dusk palette.
codelinker: Nice, but I really find those flames stick out far too much because they are too bright. Everything else looks good.
Radien: Everything looks pretty nice here, except on the top right hand corner of the cave walls (the tall part), the second corner, the duplicate from the one below it, looks odd for some reason. I have no clue why, but it sticks out.
IaN: This looks really good, and comes in 2nd. My only problem is that some of the elements seem repeated, and the only good thing about this is the Ape.
Snort: I'll give you advise, don't enter in Title Screens. I do not know of 1 title screen that has won in SOTW. It's because they don't really have anything appealing in them. And, I'm sorry to say this, but yours is no exception. :\
Posted 10 October 2004 - 05:07 PM
DragonAtma: Feels like LTTP, but the moutains in your shot is what sets it apart from LTTP. Besides, I liek smooth tiles.
shoelace: Mmm... rain, and the trees are already changing color!
codelinker: The shot from your quest looks promising, great job.
Raiden: Somehow, you managed to capture the true feel of a dungeon with custom tilework ... and spiderwebs. Yes, the spiderwebs pwn j00 all.
IaN: The framing for the text box is just ... perfect, especially since it is a soft green color. Also, nice touch with the blue gorilla.
Snort: Believe it or not, I actually played your quest a quite a few months ago (lets just say it was long before I joined PZC) and I liked it except for the fact that I got stuck due to a bug in it. Also, nice touch with teh Master Sword.
Overall, link3505 gets my vote.
Posted 10 October 2004 - 05:20 PM
LTM: I know they look kinda wierd; I just made them a few days before I submitted to SSOTW, so I'm still working on it them
wow, I scrolled through the shots, and when I saw IaN's, I thought I didn't have a chance. these are awsome screenshots this week. excellent job, all of you who entered
[edit] forgot my comments
DragonAtma: nice screen, but it needs more variety in the grass
Shoelace: grey fire? while the layout of the scenery looks nice, the rain trows it off a little
codelinker: the only thing I don't like about your shot is that the lower walls (the darker ones) look wierd with the flat, for lack of a better word, dirt on top
Radien: to me, the walls are a bit too flat
IaN: awsome gorilla, but the black text on the bright green background looks odd
Snort: I don't like title screens, but I do like that Master Sword sprite. where did you find it?
Edited by link3505, 10 October 2004 - 05:28 PM.
Posted 10 October 2004 - 05:38 PM
link3505-Great looking screen link3505. I love everything that you have done. The graphics are spectacular. I quite enjoy that thing in the center, whatever it is. Keep up the super work. This shot gets my vote. *votes*
DragonAtma-This is a very cool screen. I love the LTTP like things. The mountains are awesome. Nice setup. Keep up the good work.
Shoelace-Hey, that's a cool screen. So, it's the inside of the Spirit temple huh? Very neat idea.
codelinker-Cool screen code. I like the mixture of dungeon and cave tiles. I'm looking forward to the quest. Great job.
Radien-Another cool mixture of cave and dungeon. That has to be one of my favorite things that people do. Cool looking enemies. Keep it up man.
IaN-Cool screen man. I love the feel of the forest you have going on. Cool monkey. ^_^ Good work.
Snort-Good looking title screen. It looks like you have done some good work on it.
I kind of wish I could have gotten my screen made for this week, but I shall do that for next week. Great work everyone.
Posted 10 October 2004 - 05:48 PM
8 / 10
Dragonatma - Well those mountains look great. But other than that the shot is quite bland. The grass is just plain green. That does not look very good.
6 / 10
Shoelace - Nice, it's raining, and the shot is very well designed! I really can't find anything to complain. Bravo!
9 / 10
codelinker - Pretty good cave shot, but doesn't really offer anything new and the shot needs some details here and there.
7 / 10
Radien - Well, good looking tiles don't make a good looking shot. I hate to say this... but the shot is quite boring. :\ But the bats are great and the spider webs are a nice detail.
6 / 10
IaN - Uh oh... IaN is becoming the new tilemaster and fast. Everything in that screen is awesome. I just would like to see more little details (you know, different flowers and a bit cracked mountain wall or something like that... though I don't know if it fits to the LttP set...)
9 / 10
Posted 10 October 2004 - 05:59 PM
Posted 10 October 2004 - 06:43 PM
Posted 10 October 2004 - 10:43 PM
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