Yikes it has been awhile… nearly a year since I worked on ToN. Been a crazy life changing year, relocated a few times and out of Wisconsin for the first time in my life (in Kentucky now) and I got engaged. Despite everything I STILL have taken notes of cool ideas for ToN and have wanted to work on it again. Tonight was the first night in awhile I touched anything ZQ and I am excited for what I did and the direction it is going gameplay wise and story wise. I play to get back into dev regularly.
Small update, but this is more of a statement that despite how dormant this project seems there is still a lot of life and I have not at all lose any ambition… life just got crazy for a bit (still is but is becoming more stable). I appreciate everyone that still follows ToN and are looking forward to its progress and eventual release. See yall in the next update!
Edited by Deathrider, 04 December 2024 - 12:03 PM.