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Screenshot of the Week 520

Jared Joelmacool12 Cjc Anarchy_Balsac

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Poll: Screenshot of the Week 520 (65 member(s) have cast votes)


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#1 The Satellite

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Posted 09 August 2015 - 07:14 PM



"All is a lie... you can no longer trust him... do not believe them... they want you dead..."




If only I could get my scripts working; we'd be good to go!




Several simultaneous hints.




A preview of Sheik's compiled and updated BSMC tileset!

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#2 strike


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 07:31 PM

Cjc's shots just always impress me with their atmosphere and mastery of the mysterious and the ancient. I salute him for making shots so opposite of the norm

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#3 MarinaraSauce



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Posted 09 August 2015 - 08:01 PM

Joelmacool12 - Almost voted for this one.  A solid GB screen.


Cjc - What is even this tileset?


Anarchy_Balsac - To be honest, this is just kind of a "meh" classic screen.


Jared - Voted here.  The tiles look really nice, and I've always been a fan of the "Toon" design of moblins.

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#4 Matthew



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Posted 09 August 2015 - 08:25 PM

Jared's shot is not only pretty and well designed, but also has minish and BS tiles. My vote went here. I also like Joel's shot, as it reminds me of the swamp in Oracle of Ages.

#5 SpikeReynolds


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 08:32 PM

Cjc wins my vote, hands down. Well composed and stylistically beautiful. I want that tileset if and when it gets released.

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#6 FalsePower


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 09:22 PM

It's very close between Cjc and Jared for me.
Gonna have to go with Jared's by a slight margin.

Nice work all around though.

#7 Shane



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Posted 09 August 2015 - 10:54 PM

Jared's easily. It has the most atmosphere and beautiful design and palette.
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#8 Nathaniel


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 11:11 PM

Joelmacool - I like you trying different sorts of screens in a lot of weeks.  I think you have become more versatile in your skills, from what I have seen.  A very good design for what it is, but there is often tough competitors.

Cjc - I love the graphics choice, although the design to me has some flaws and/or questionable decisions to consider, including the following:
- The shadowing in the upper center and around the tree stump.  Looks very machine cut.  If that can be smoothed out a bit, that would help.
- The stairs look like they are floating in the air.
- The water design looks like a mess, but that might have something to do with the next point.
- The screen overall feels somewhat crowded.  If you had a general concept for the screen when you started it, it would seem like you had a hard time with including it all in, but decided to stick to the plan anyway.  If not, then a good plan would have led to a simpler screen by concept, or what you have there over more than one screen.

Anarchy_Balsac - This screen is about as low risk as you can get, thus it's pretty bland.  It doesn't show much stretching of screen design skills.  It's quite rudimentary.

Jared - For me, this is the winner by a landslide.  Great graphics, combined with stellar design.  The screen is complete, and not overdone.

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#9 nicklegends


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 01:27 AM

Good diversity this week.

The water color is really attractive and makes the area about as lush as a swamp area will feel. There is adequate detail without crowding the screen too much, and the arrangement of trees makes the location look somewhat organic. It's hard to put a finger on all the aspects of the screen that call to me... I don't really care for the "lies" graffito and the fact that it's one of only two boldly red elements on the screen. Voted here regardless.

This shot looked great to me at first glance, but it has some issues. First of all, the shadows are inconsistent... Why would they be cast by mountains but not the stairway? Second, there's just too much going on... Too many different tiles placed too close together. It looks a little disorderly. That said, I appreciate that you're trying to implement shadows, and the colors are quite nice overall. P.S. Is that a tree or a watermelon?

Too conservative. I like picking shots that stand out. This shot, while doing nothing wrong, just doesn't have enough that's special about it.

Well composed overall. The colors seem a tad drab to me, though. I don't know if it's this computer or what. In this tileset, it's sometimes hard to know at a glance what's going on or what combos are walkable and I think that lack of instant awareness harms the impact of the shot.
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#10 Tree


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 01:53 AM

I voted for Cjc because it was the most interesting, and original screen.

#11 Cjc


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 03:56 AM

It's a palm tree.  Palm trees are like watermelons right?  : )


This screenshot was another screen test for my new tileset Eclipse (work in progress), which is why the screen is cluttered (I wanted to see how elements would interact with each other in this shot, as it was a stress test on the layer system I've devised).  At the moment I've completed my combo pages and I'm moving on to enemies (hence the goriyas on this screen).  Since I had the screen on hand and SoTW 520 was around the corner, I figured "hey, worth a shot right?".



The stairs not having a shadow was a tile error because their addition was an afterthought.  I wanted to see if my stairs script still worked (it did when everything was on Layer 0) but it doesn't, hence the caption "If only I could get my scripts working".  Usually stairs would be placed over wall/mountain tiles, giving them structural support and avoiding the need for shadow tiles.  Initially only the climb wall was going to be included, but when I found that my script was breaking water combos (argh!) I decided it would be best to test the stairs to see if they were the cause of the problem (yep, my script is sloppy and needs to be fixed).



With regards to the mountain shadows being mechanical, one of the goals of the tileset is to use as few tiles as possible: Each layer has only one page of tiles (with the exception of doors, which gave an additional page to Layer 0).  Because of this, I only produced two types of shadows: rigid (mountains/walls) and organic (trees).  This shot doesn't do a very good job emphasizing it but when the mountains overshadow trees the block shadow and curved shadow really mesh together very well (with a minimal number of required combos).  Still, I'll think about what you said; there may be room for improvement there.



I particularly like Joelmacool's shot.  Had I voted, I would have picked this one.  If I had any feedback to give, it would be that the two boulders on the screen might fare better in the red CSet.

Edited by Cjc, 10 August 2015 - 03:57 AM.

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#12 Eddy



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Posted 10 August 2015 - 05:18 AM

Pretty good week.


Joelmacool12 - Really loving the Swamp shot. I expect to see a Maku Tree somewhere here :P Design is really good and I couldn't help but notice the "lies". It seems like every week you're hinting towards something bigger which is a very clever way of advertising your quest IMO.


CJC - This is something. I really like how this looks. It's like EZGBZ mixed in with Classic or something, and it's all been made very well. Good job.


Anarchy_Balsac - I got to admit, there's nothing really to see here besides a few bubbles, bushes and a dungeon entrance. Screens like this usually don't really appeal to me.


Jared - This is almost perfection to me. I'm loving how this screen looks and that tileset is just beautiful. No critcisms here.


Overall, it was close between Joelmacool12 and Jared, but I'm going for Jared this week. Good job everyone.

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#13 MermaidCim


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 03:58 PM

Joelmancool I have to be honest, this is very good but the other 3 I liked more. I really think you are very good at this. You're worth it when it comes to these screenshots you take. [PM me if you want me to explain that] I give you a B+. I still think you've done better than this but another solid job by you.


Jared I really love the design. I didn't vote for this because of one small nitpick. What are those red things supposed to be? Really good job overall, but I loved the other two more, I give you an A-. Your skillset is very good.


Anarchy_balsac, I am a sucker for classic styled quests. To me, LOZ familiarity is my favorite kind of themed. Yes I know it's the basic tileset, and I know I'm in the minority on this, but I love its familiarity because I love the nostalgia. I give an A- as well, based on the screenshot. It looks to me this screen has 2 rooms you can go in?


CJC, this is one of the more unique screenshots I've ever seen. I've viewed quite a few of these polls, but only have voted for a few of them myself [3 or 4] I have to say CJC, this gets my vote for the fact that it is incredibly unique in design. I will give you an A+ for this. I wanna play something like this.


Thus, I give CJC my vote.

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#14 Eddy



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Posted 11 August 2015 - 04:03 PM

What are those red things supposed to be?

If you mean the enemies, then those are Moblins, the Minish Cap ones. One of them is a Spear Moblin and the other one is an Archer Moblin.

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#15 MermaidCim


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 11:40 AM

If you mean the enemies, then those are Moblins, the Minish Cap ones. One of them is a Spear Moblin and the other one is an Archer Moblin.

yas. i do. thx for the heads-up. I think what it came down to me for my vote is which one jumped out at me the most. Thus I went with my vote for CJC.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Jared, Joelmacool12, Cjc, Anarchy_Balsac

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