It's a palm tree. Palm trees are like watermelons right? : )
This screenshot was another screen test for my new tileset Eclipse (work in progress), which is why the screen is cluttered (I wanted to see how elements would interact with each other in this shot, as it was a stress test on the layer system I've devised). At the moment I've completed my combo pages and I'm moving on to enemies (hence the goriyas on this screen). Since I had the screen on hand and SoTW 520 was around the corner, I figured "hey, worth a shot right?".
The stairs not having a shadow was a tile error because their addition was an afterthought. I wanted to see if my stairs script still worked (it did when everything was on Layer 0) but it doesn't, hence the caption "If only I could get my scripts working". Usually stairs would be placed over wall/mountain tiles, giving them structural support and avoiding the need for shadow tiles. Initially only the climb wall was going to be included, but when I found that my script was breaking water combos (argh!) I decided it would be best to test the stairs to see if they were the cause of the problem (yep, my script is sloppy and needs to be fixed).
With regards to the mountain shadows being mechanical, one of the goals of the tileset is to use as few tiles as possible: Each layer has only one page of tiles (with the exception of doors, which gave an additional page to Layer 0). Because of this, I only produced two types of shadows: rigid (mountains/walls) and organic (trees). This shot doesn't do a very good job emphasizing it but when the mountains overshadow trees the block shadow and curved shadow really mesh together very well (with a minimal number of required combos). Still, I'll think about what you said; there may be room for improvement there.
I particularly like Joelmacool's shot. Had I voted, I would have picked this one. If I had any feedback to give, it would be that the two boulders on the screen might fare better in the red CSet.
Edited by Cjc, 10 August 2015 - 03:57 AM.