Zahalfor - Hm, not really feeling this one. I can't make out what those red pillar things are supposed to be, the Hylian eye center tile being all red (including the edge around the iris) looks really bad, and with the color of the floor I'm not about sure the perspective at the top of the screen (i.e. is that heart piece just through the door and it's an archway, or is it on an upper level and you walk through the door to enter the building?). Overall, just doesn't work at all for me.
Dwarlen - WOW. There is a definite sense of foreboding with this scene. It's a perfect example of saying a lot while using very little. I don't have any suggestions or anything, well done screen.
Evan20000 - Well, that sure is a Trinexx. The sprite work is really solid on it and I like the arena composition, though I'd question why a half-ice dinosaur thing is hanging what is either a lava filled desert or a volcano. (and yes, I questioned it in LTTP as well.)
Twilight-Prince - I like the premise of the screen, and it looks like an area that fits well in a small village, but there's just not much happening in the left half of the screen. This is another situation where the screen is good and will look great in a quest, but as a featured screen doesn't really jump out at me.
Dwarlen wins this week, though Evan and Prince both had good screens as well.