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Screenshot of the Week 475

Shane SkyLizardGirl joelmacool12 ZeldaPlayer Orithan

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Poll: Screenshot of the Week 475 (62 member(s) have cast votes)


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#1 The Satellite

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Posted 29 September 2014 - 02:31 PM

Apologies, guys, the last two Sundays I've been worn out and things have slipped my mind. I'll try not to make a pattern of this.





(BLAZZMA) Ultimate Hybrid Nightmare ..




"Shane makes tropical volcanoes and swampy deserts. What's next? xD" - Avataro




First Attempt Much?




My first take at the DoR tileset.




My first time playing around in Firebird.

#2 MarinaraSauce



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Posted 29 September 2014 - 03:11 PM

SkyLizardGirl's shot clearly had a lot of time put into it, and as much as it burns my eyes, it burns my curiosity even more.

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#3 Demonlink


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 03:59 PM

Top three were SkyLizardGirl, Chica the Chicken and Orithan. Had to go with Bonnie, cause, tropical volcanoes yo (dude, make a burning ocean! XD ).

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#4 Parsnip



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Posted 29 September 2014 - 04:05 PM

Hmmmm idk I choose Shane go for four wins. :)
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#5 Russ


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 04:12 PM

Shane gets my vote. I really like the atmosphere of this one. Most people assume volcanoes have to be the generic glowing-red scorched-land ordeal, so it's nice to see something different. I tried a tropical volcano once, and failed. Props to you for pulling it off.
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#6 HavoX


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 04:19 PM

I second that notion. Detail and quality is a thing I take very seriously (OCD much? heh), and Shane's SS is no exception.

Well played.

Edited by HavoX, 29 September 2014 - 04:20 PM.

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#7 ZeldaPlayer


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 05:57 PM

Ah, I knew I was going to lose like this. But it was worth a shot.

#8 Lightwulf



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Posted 29 September 2014 - 06:03 PM

I commend SkyLizardGirl on her giant boss-creature!  :wow:  Those things are not easy to make.  Nice job!


Shane's got an interesting combination of detailed landscape and volcano.  Nice touch!  :)


@joelmacool12:  Those are some nice new trees! :)  Nice variation in land texture.

The mountains could use some work, though; it's kind-of boring to have straight mountains like that.  Try throwing in some angles here and there to break up the straightness of the mountain line.


@ZeldaPlayer:  Not bad for a first try! :)  If you add more ground details (such as the rocks you put to the left of where Link is standing), it will spice the screen up (though you don't need too many details, but just enough to make it not look artificially straight).  Also, you can scatter the tree lines a bit (move some up and some down) and still make it so that Link can't pass between them.  Unless it's a garden, trees don't realistically line up like that.

By the way, there's an error on the lower-right of the screen: a tree has 2 green combos for the bottom and 2 grey combos for the top.  Just make them match and that fixes it.

Don't be discouraged!  It takes time to gain experience with making screens.


Ultimately, I voted for Orithan.  Nice details; I like how you have some symmetry, because it's a man-made (or furry-made, whatever is the case) place, but there are still details that make it non-symmetrical like the different shapes carved in the stone pillars, the bomb-able (I'm assuming) wall to the south, and the two different types of walls.  Plus, nice character sprite! :D

#9 David


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 06:55 PM

Here are my thoughts. :)



  • This screenshot was definitely interesting. I can tell that the monster took a long time to make and I admire your exceptional effort. I do have to note that the perspective is a little off, but it really does not matter in this screenshot.
  • 9/10 (Amazing)


  • My vote went here. This is a very well made and constructed screenshot. I love the creativity with the volcanic area as there is not the typical lava. Overall, this screen is well designed and looks awesome.
  • 10/10 (Masterpiece)


  • This screen is constructed nicely overall and the trees look nice, but the screen design is lacking overall in detail. There needs to be a bit more variation in the landscape. Also, the mountains look a bit boring; consider adding a few angles somewhere along the mountain line to make things more interesting.
  • 7/10 (Good)


  • This screen is constructed well overall, but the screen design is lacking a lot of details. Consider adding different grasses, rocks, trees, etc. Also, there is an error in the bottom right corner: The top half of the tree is gray but the bottom half of the tree is green. Fix that. Otherwise, pretty decent screen though requires more details.
  • 7/10 (Good)


  • This screen is excellent. It is designed very well constructively and the screen design looks great as well. Link being a fox thing (sorry if I don't know exactly what it is) looks very interesting and is creative.
  • 8/10 (Great)


If you have not realized yet, I voted for Shane this week. Solid construction and amazing screen design made Shane's screen my first choice for this week. Great job to everyone else as well! :)

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#10 strike


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Posted 30 September 2014 - 05:28 AM

Lizard Girl gets my vote. It looks like something out of a CDI game but this somehow only magnifies it's incredible.... Presence. Really good shot. I hope you're game is going well!

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#11 Moosh


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Posted 30 September 2014 - 05:35 AM

I have so much no idea what's even going on in SkyLizardGirl's shot that I actually like it.

#12 Eddy



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Posted 30 September 2014 - 09:49 AM


Great job there, mate. :P


Anyways, I was torn between SkyLizardGirl and Shane. I eventually went for Shane's shot because making a volcano screen like that is something truly spectacular. We need more tropical volcanoes plz.

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#13 trudatman


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Posted 30 September 2014 - 02:56 PM

I don't like any of them, but Joel has the one I dislike the least, so I voted for that one.

#14 SkyLizardGirl


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Posted 01 October 2014 - 11:34 PM

0. That monster is the equivalent of ultimate nightmare, his personality is terrifying & crazed.
-He grabs people off the event floor and chomps them into halfs with blood dripping while in front of his generals talking too him scheming attack plans upon Harpian-Fields / Ocean-Tower.
i saw these: and was instantly inspired.'


-Combining the two in my mind now as always. 


1. General Atlantian Labcoat Scientist 'Miyamoto' is often threatened

'You will be next' -if that happens his appearance in reality will be a bitten in half-teethmarked corpse in the realworld work-office at Nintendo.
2. He taps the floor erratically silently
while you're yelling or threatening him with attack.
-If you've ever played scary RPG games this - equivalent what he be.
3. Gives snarky/cryptical/threatening remarks while always talking about 'gameplay reality.'
Claiming by killing them off in his reality they will die in 'all reality' as it is their emulation of their actual lives.

4. ('Celebs die in threes, - the Triforce is not as people thinks - ..')

5. Mermaids are in fact- very, fickle things. -You attract them with shiney-objects swimming-pool/spas/shops/free-living/Healthcare + vending machines.' -BLAZZMA Knows this..
6. When you step into an old man's broken down doorway - you claim the land lord sent you and he pays you secret rupees. - MAN Owes Man to Live Upon Man's Own land.
-Sent by the 9 Generals in Blazzma's order.

Erratic Payments for living in his 'Ocean-Tower prison.'




I voted Orithan to be a fair Lizzy. //

because - ams soon gonna takes a chomp out of the tilesets next.

Dramatically - remodifying everything + added parts the set does not have implemented yet withins.

Edited by SkyLizardGirl, 02 October 2014 - 04:07 PM.

#15 EpY


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Posted 03 October 2014 - 05:15 PM

Voted for SkYLizardGirl this week!  :thumbsup:

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Shane, SkyLizardGirl, joelmacool12, ZeldaPlayer, Orithan

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