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Screenshot of the Week 198

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Poll: SotW 198 (54 member(s) have cast votes)

Vote for your favorite Screenshot of the Week

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#1 Shoelace


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Posted 17 February 2008 - 03:12 PM

IPB Image
Into the forest...

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Link fetches the iron key from the dead monkey

IPB Image
3 Big Fancy Curtains definitely own a zillion small red curtains

#2 Dawnlight


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Posted 17 February 2008 - 03:15 PM

Evile gets my Vote

link1996: Looks too plain

LostinHyrule: A Summer Version of link1996.

Migo: I don't like those bushes.


#3 LostInHyru1e


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Posted 17 February 2008 - 03:17 PM

Evile- Looks like the same old stuff to me. :shrugs: I like it, but it's nothing special.

Link1996- icon_biggrin.gif

LostInHyru1e- TOTALLY PWNS! J/k.

Migokalle- I'm gonna bet this wins.

Tri- Looks good, but nothing particularly special.

#4 The Satellite

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Posted 17 February 2008 - 03:17 PM

Holy friggin crap, Evile, that shot rocks! icon_wow.gif *votes*

QUOTE(Shoelace @ Feb 17 2008, 03:12 PM) View Post
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Guys, stop stealing each other's shots... *runs*

- Evile -

Awesome detail, awesome palette... Evile, the KING of palettes! icon_biggrin.gif

- link1996 -

Not much going for you here in the way of detail. icon_sigh.gif

- LostInHyru1e -

Not much to see, here. Disappointing after the good shot you had last week. icon_unsettled.gif

- Migokalle -

A pretty good shot, nice job. icon_wink.gif

- TriMaster001 -

Sorry. Dungeon shot. Me no likey. icon_neutral.gif

#5 LostInHyru1e


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Posted 17 February 2008 - 03:19 PM


Guys, stop stealing each other's shots... *runs*

Which is extra funny because I know him in real life. icon_smile.gif (He hosted it on my Photobucket)

#6 Moonbread


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Posted 17 February 2008 - 03:23 PM

This is a tough choice... I'm kinda tired of Evile's shots... and it's hard to decide among Migo and Tri. I'll make my decision later, I suppose.

#7 Dawnlight


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Posted 17 February 2008 - 03:23 PM

Wait for it.... Watch as CC complains about my floors.

#8 CastChaos



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Posted 17 February 2008 - 03:36 PM

QUOTE(TriMaster001 @ Feb 17 2008, 09:23 PM) View Post

Wait for it.... Watch as CC complains about my floors.


Today is a special day. TriMaster001 gets a vote from CastChaos! Another sign of the ZC apocalypse? Who cares.
(It was a tough call between Migo and TM001)

TriMaster001: (ALttP/10) This nice dungeon screen has some ALttP subdungeon feeling. I like the palette, the going of big borders and the Hyrule Castle curtains on the north wall. Because the subdungeon feeling, the floor is good as it is. *VOTED*

Migokalle: (dark/10) Nice forest screen and I see the monkey that I killed. Unfortunately, the foliage makes the screen too dark and low contrast.

link1996: (pure winter/10) I like winter. However, this screen simply doesn't have enough interesting things on it.

LostInHyru1e: (SD3/10) Waaaay too bland. Professional transparent water can't lift up EVERY SINGLE screen... Plus SD3 grass seems weird there... the CSet3 greens don't produce a perfect gradient.

Evile: (again/10) Again an Evile screen with Evile palette. To think about that I was thinking about voting here...

EDIT: No SotY 2007? icon_frown.gif

#9 Joe123



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Posted 17 February 2008 - 03:41 PM

Damn, I meant to enter for this week and I forgot.
That's what you get for going out 5 nights in a row, I work so much better at ZC during term time.
I'd even taken the screenshot and everything >_<

Anyway, Migo.

Edited by Joe123, 17 February 2008 - 03:41 PM.

#10 Shoelace


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Posted 17 February 2008 - 03:50 PM

I voted for Migo. icon_razz.gif

Also, CastChaos, funny you should mention that. SotY 2007 should be starting today as well. It was started last week because SotM was running and it would have been too much threads. So I wanted to wait until two striaght free weeks, which is this week. icon_razz.gif /M/ should be posting it later on.

#11 Plissken


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Posted 17 February 2008 - 03:52 PM

Absolutely amazing palette and design Evile. I seriously will never care if it slightly (and yes slightly, I took the time and looked through Evile's last 5 or so submission and this one is close to some but not the exact same thing...) resembles anything you've done if it surpasses all the other screens by 100% like this one does. Truly amazing screen and palette.

#12 Old Inactive Member

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Posted 17 February 2008 - 04:00 PM

Evile gets my Vote


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IPB Image

I don't meen to be rude but i'm going to do a migokalle
Strage Mts don't look right in the DOR set guys
Use the big tress becasue in DOR samll trees don't relly look good
More detile guys
Link: there is somthing wrong with those Mts

I'm not trying to make anyone mad i'm just pointing these things out

#13 Aslion


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Posted 17 February 2008 - 04:10 PM

No comment. 2nd

Not a great shot, not a horrid one, whatever. 4th

The pallet is awful and its not a great shot either. 5th

The tree's stump seems wrong. And try connecting those dirt patches. Good shot tho. 2nd

3 Big Fancy Curtains definitely own a zillion small red curtains

They indeed do. 2nd

Nulled for having too many 2nd places.

And unrelated, but what the hell's up with dead animals this week?

Edited by gray0x, 17 February 2008 - 04:16 PM.

#14 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 17 February 2008 - 04:14 PM

Okay, here goes:
Evile: Your shot is great. BUT... one thing ruins it for me... that is the open space behind the trees on the left. I dunno why that ruins it, but it does anyways... icon_frown.gif
link1996: Straight mountains? Straight answer: NO!
LostInHyru1e: Same... straight mountains is a no no... atleast in DoR. Some people should stick to the older sets... no harm meant. Really icon_razz.gif
TriMaster01: Yep... I love that shot. Really... REALLY...!

#15 LostInHyru1e


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Posted 17 February 2008 - 04:33 PM


I don't meen to be rude but i'm going to do a migokalle
Strage Mts don't look right in the DOR set guys
Use the big tress becasue in DOR samll trees don't relly look good
More detile guys
Link: there is somthing wrong with those Mts

I'm not trying to make anyone mad i'm just pointing these things out

Hey, no offense taken, but I disagree with you.


The pallet is awful and its not a great shot either. 5th

You don't like DoR's Summertime Palette!? I love it. icon_smile.gif


LostInHyru1e: Same... straight mountains is a no no... atleast in DoR. Some people should stick to the older sets... no harm meant. Really icon_razz.gif

Hey, I've seen some of your older shots, your first ones with new tilesets sucked too. icon_biggrin.gif Just give me a little time to get better, don't tell me to stick with an older tileset.

Edited by LostInHyru1e, 17 February 2008 - 04:34 PM.

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