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Screenshot of the Week 101

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Poll: Screenshot of the Week 101 (54 member(s) have cast votes)

Screenshot of the Week 101

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#1 Neppy


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Posted 10 October 2005 - 02:51 AM

HAHA!! Time for class everyone! SotW101 is now in session. Please take your seats. >.> Ok, haha. Here we are for the shots this week. Sorry to Dark Emperor for not getting your shot. I couldn't get a hold of you... Please enter your shot next week. icon_wink.gif

user posted image
Link enters the Frost Cave in search for a key.

user posted image
Just when Link thought he was safe...

user posted image
The Gate of Kazaar Title Screen.

user posted image
In a dark, dingy cave...

System Error
user posted image
Look closely at the grass. Please see THIS LARGE IMAGE of the screen before anything else with this pic. Detail shown in large image.

user posted image
Link versus Green Devil!

Again, sorry to Dark Emperor. This is probably the last SotW I will be able to do.... -_- It's been fun, even for this short time. Maybe again someday... Don't worry, SotW isn't gonna die. Nothing to worry about there.

#2 Naldrag


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Posted 10 October 2005 - 05:27 AM

I say I liked mine the best cause it's a original idea!

Now I wonder who is going to be the next person to run SoTW.


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#3 Nathaniel


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Posted 10 October 2005 - 10:22 AM

System Error: You shot looks very basic. It could use a wider variety of tiles, and a river that isn't perfectly straight and angled.

Comix: It is good to see you doing some custom work in the shot. Although further detail with the grass, trees, walls, and clouds would certainly make it look more superior.

Nicklegends: I like the idea of underground caves and mines, but I feel as if you can probably do more with what you got.

Jake: I am very impressed with your green devil. That must have taken a huge effort to create that. However, the rest of the shot looks very basic.

Shoelace: My second favorite of the shots. Although it uses tiles that all look familar to me from before, what you do with them is very impressive. There is a lot going on in this screen. You clearly try to work around the typical rectangular room layout.

My vote goes to ZC-Ninja. There is a good amount of detail in your shot. I like the walls, the stainglass windows, the entrance, and the drawbridge. The moat is okay, but the shot looks good all over.

Edited by NateA80, 10 October 2005 - 10:23 AM.

#4 Theryan



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Posted 10 October 2005 - 10:35 AM

Jake: I picked. Really good! That Green Devil probably took hours to make! Great tiles and great effort! icon_thumbsup.gif icon_thumbsup.gif icon_thumbsup.gif

Shoelace: NateA80 said it all.

ZCNinja: Nice castle tiles, and nuns trying to kill Link... again icon_odd2.gif

Comix: I like those faces... but the screen needs more detail in the grass trees etc.

Nicklegends: This shot really doesn't have very much in it. You could do a bit more detail...

SystemError: I like the water diagnals. But besides that, there are just dots in the grass.

Good shots everyone!

Edited by theryan, 10 October 2005 - 10:36 AM.

#5 KDillon



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Posted 10 October 2005 - 11:26 AM

mmm it was hard pick btween shoelace and jake but i chose shoelace there is a lot going on in his picture i like jakes but there is not enough going on in the pic but nice custom boss btw

#6 Comix



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Posted 10 October 2005 - 11:31 AM

I nulled.

Wow, I got wasted. I thought I would get a few votes for mine because this was one of my best custom screenshots (like, added my own tiles)

Jakes shot is AMAZING! Holy, I just hope the actual gameplay is as good as the screenshot... would that big old monster be actually moving or just still?


#7 Shoelace


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Posted 10 October 2005 - 12:16 PM

That picture was suppose to be for the SotW100, but Hero Link overlooked my screen sadly so it carried over two weeks. lol. Anyways, here is my comments:

ZC-Ninja: Your tiles and screen design have improved big time! I have to give you a pat on the back, because you are doing very good work now.

Comix: It is okay. Title screens don't really work for SotWs but I do like the custom tiles, but can't really say anything else, like screen design.

nicklegends: I like this screen for some reason. It just looks like a interesting place to explore. By the way, the wall on the right side doesn't match up.

System Error: I guess you are showing off the grass, which is okay, but as for screen design and such, there is nothing to it. You should add a lot of detail to it.

Jake: Mega Man! I didn't know that Mega Man character would be so rippable! You ripped that boss really good. Too bad, the boss doesn't move (except for the eye). Hopefullly that boss turns out good for you. But anyways, the screen design is lacking, as it is a little plain. The only thing that stands out is the boss.

#8 phil



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Posted 10 October 2005 - 12:56 PM

I voted for ZC-Ninja, very uber fantastic screeny.

#9 System Error

System Error


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Posted 10 October 2005 - 02:52 PM

Well, I had a very long post ready, but my cookies ran out just as I entered it. Damn!

An explanation for my shot? Well, I noticed that grass in many quests tends to be extremely bland, like in Comix's shot for example. So I decided to add detail that would be easy to make, simple to have other tiles look good with it, and looks half-decent. Those "dots" are the result.

But look closely at the dots. Notice how there just isn't one pattern of them used over and over. There are around 3 or 4 different patterns used! This is intended to show varying lengths of short grass. It also works great with existing tiles. Missing from the shot are the short short grass tiles, which I use to show paths.

Now, why is the design so "bland"? Without going into too much detail, the first area of my qeust starts you off on a flatland plain. There are no mountains in this one area, so that's why they are absent. That river leads off to a lake, where you can use a bridge to cross over to the other side. There is also the odd rock, fence, stump and hole.

I'll add the comments later, don't want to lose this again.

#10 SwordOfSeals


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Posted 10 October 2005 - 04:27 PM

Shoelace: It feels disorganized. I just didn't like it for some reason icon_shrug.gif .

ZC-Ninja: Too symetrical. Appreciation could only be found by look at specifics. I wasn't in the mood for detail.

Comix: I admire the heads, but the screen felt pretty basic.

nicklegends: I couldn't make much things out. But, on secend thought, it would look nice in ZCPlayer. Still, not much variety, which does makes sense in a cave.

System Error: Nice grass. If only I actually saw that link next to your picture. icon_doh.gif

Jake: You got my vote. I'm interested how this green devil will handle. Don't disappoint us! One last thing, the room itself doesn't have much detail on anything else, really.

#11 Naldrag


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Posted 10 October 2005 - 05:32 PM

I ripped the Green Devil from my Rockman & Forte ROM. Also it the I made the room plain so you would have enough room to fight it. I can't wait for the new ZC. I may make many tilesets. Don't know though. Took me a while to grab and put the tiles in the tileset but hey its all good.

Note: I'm sure no one cares about this but I made the boss health meter based off the Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Boss Meter.

Edited by Jake, 10 October 2005 - 05:37 PM.

#12 Lemon



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Posted 10 October 2005 - 06:56 PM

Wow, Im winning icon_biggrin.gif.
Shoelace- Overall good shot, however, I cant help but notice that the color is the same on all the tiles. I surgest using one level darker pallete for the base level.
Comix- Well, kinda bland. Although the faces are nice, the rest is pretty plain.
The Guy After Comix- I like how you used the different colors to get the hieght feel, however, there are a lot of places where it dosent really work.
System Error- Er... well... although its nice in theory, it really dosent work as well as it should. I tried that and it looks a little overbearing. Just use it to a limited use, every here and then. It really dosent look much like grass though icon_razz.gif
Jake- Holy Jesus! Im amazed you were able to rip that! icon_clap.gif However, it just dosent look right in that perspective. May I surgest having a boss on a more flat surface? It would look a hell of a lot better. The only reason this dosent get my vote is because of the wierd look of it. Great job ripping rockman and forte though ^^

#13 Anthus



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Posted 10 October 2005 - 07:51 PM

I like this shot, but I don't like the red borders on the light blue ice... It clashes. The screen design is good though icon_smile.gif

I have resect of rhte man that makes his own tileset icon_razz.gif. This was a very close second just because it is cool...

Sorry man, but this shot is... Well, bot exactly what I would call SotW material... It is custom, but it is not too great... Sorry...

This shot is really cool too. I like the cave walls you used icon_smile.gif

System Error:
Despite the "detailed" grass, it still doesn't quite cut it... I do like your diagonal water tiles though... If your going to do extra grass detail, make it noticable icon_razz.gif

I really have no idea what your planning here, but that blod thingy is awesome. It so awesome, I ignore the overall blandness of the screen it self... (So this is what my Vitreous shot was like)

Good job all...

#14 nicklegends


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Posted 10 October 2005 - 08:09 PM

By the way, the wall on the right side doesn't match up.

Yeah, I noticed that about five minutes ago. icon_razz.gif Shh!

The Guy After Comix

I deserve better than that, don't I? icon_wink.gif

Thanks for everybody's comments so far. icon_smile.gif I nulled the vote just to be fair, although I like ZC-Ninja's the best here.

#15 SwordOfSeals


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Posted 10 October 2005 - 08:28 PM

QUOTE(ZC-Ninja @ Oct 10 2005, 06:56 PM)
Shoelace- Overall good shot, however, I cant help but notice that the color is the same on all the tiles. I surgest using one level darker pallete for the base level.

It is darker on the lower levels actually, just barely. I say make them darker than they are.

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