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Moosh's not so random reviews

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#1 Moosh


    Tiny Little Questmaker

  • ZC Developers

Posted 29 November 2011 - 10:29 PM

So Nick and LinktheMaster's Weekly Random Review has inspired me to start reviewing quests in a similar manner (AKA ripping off LTM and Nick's style pretty much). I'm not too fond of the random selection process and timely schedule and whatnot so I'll just post reviews when I feel like it of what I feel like.

Without further ado, let's start this:


Moosh's not so random review 1: Twitch TV Invasion Lunatic
By Arek1985

So I was introduced to this gem of a quest by Rover, who told me (I hope) jokingly to give it a 5/5. I knew from just a glance that this quest was obviously not 5/5 material, so off I went to play it. I thought I knew what I was getting myself into...I thought I knew the nature of the beast I was about to play...


So where to begin on this...if I were to sum up Twitch TV Invasion Lunatic's gameplay in one word, it would be "Confusing". You're dropped into the overworld in front of a cave in typical classic quest style. So an old man gives you a sword, right? WRONG! Not in this quest. In this quest you get 4 bombs and I assume (I'll admit right now I couldn't even find the sword before the quest's horribleness got to me and I ragequitted) that if you run out of them (there's a few money giving Goriyas but in the end you still have a limited supply of bombs) you're SOL and have to start all over again.

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There are many suspicious rocks like these and only some are bombable. They're just there to waste your limited supply of bombs.

Then there's the overworld setup. Ignoring the actual screen design for now, the place is a maze and the hints you're given are little help. I've been told things that I'm not sure are even correct. I was told at the beginning to go west into the forest maze to find the sword. I didn't find any form of maze to the west but I did find some mazelike screens to the east. Does the author have a confused sense of direction like the old woman in LQftH? Am I just missing something? I honestly have no clue.

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Is this the maze he's talking about? Also, dat CSet 6.

So the overworld's gameplay is horridly confusing, but what about the dungeon gameplay? I honestly can't know because I can't find any dungeons and quite frankly after my experience with the overworld, I don't want to. All I can give is some speculation based on a certain NPC's hint that the dungeons are probably very confusing with bombable and walk through walls everywhere. Not that that's unusual for a classic quest.

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Then why even bother having a dungeon map!?


This is going to be very short because this is a classic quest with a very simple story. Basically there's this bad guy named Daos that Link met in a dream that's somehow real and Link wakes up in the land of Twitch which has changed since he was last there and he has to restore the land and SAAAAVE the world and stop Ganon from reviving Daos (at least I assume it's Daos). Pretty basic and I don't think it adds or takes away from the experience. What DOES take away from the experience is string errors where words get repeated and spaces are left out and the such. It would have been nice to at least proofread the quest's strings a little.

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I think it's safe to say Arek1985 is a Lufia fan. 1 awesome point for him.


Here's where the quest really falls flat. I'll start with one positive thing about the design by stating that the overworld music is very nice, although it doesn't loop right. Other than that, this quest's design is pretty dang bad. Often times ground terrain style and color will randomly change between screens, for example having a random screen use a different palette. Sometimes the author just randomly changes the floor palette onscreen. It generally looks very ugly going between a screen with plain ground and a screen with dotted ground. It's honestly quite jarring. Just because Zelda 1 did it does not make it good design.

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This screen looks like something my 7-year-old sister would design. It's clear he just scribbled those trees in with the tile brush.

There's also, surprisingly enough, cutoff! Oh my old friend cutoff, I don't see you nearly enough in Zelda Classic quests. How I've missed you actually no I haven't. It's clear that the author either didn't know how to properly use mountain tiles or simply didn't want to.

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Here are some of the worst offenders.

Notice almost all of the screens I've shown are of The Known Lands? That's because only SOME of the differently colored areas have unique titles. Either label every area or just use one area name for the whole map. Then we get to the enemy placement. Almost every screen looks like it was randomly made in 10 seconds, but the enemy placements are the worst offenders. Enemies appear to be chosen almost completely at random with no care at all for balance dodging lynels and leevers without a sword or any renewable weapon is bad design.

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Now how is anyone supposed to dodge this? You're not. You have to rely on lucky spawns.

Sometimes enemies will get stuck because of the "enemies enter from sides" flag being used incorrectly. Other times you just don't have enough space to move. I found one spot where you randomly walk through trees (bad design right there IMO) only to encounter a screen full of blue lynels and leevers that quickly killed me before I could inspect the armos on the screen. And speaking of armos, on another screen I could only trigger one armos at a time because of sprite limitations. As a result I had to leave and re-enter the screen SIX TIMES only to find that there was nothing there. When it comes to design, the quest's title is very accurate: Sheer lunacy.


Extra Effort:
Now I have to give credit where credit is due, Arek1985 did include both a map (it was a low definition JPEG and for the most part completely useless) and a readme with hints and version changes. This unfortunately did not save me from the problem of how damn confusing the overworld was.


Concluding Thoughts:
This is a bad quest quite honestly. There's no other way I'd describe it. I'd say it's best avoided at all costs for the sake of your sanity. But that's just my opinion. This is all just my opinion. If you still want to play it, go ahead.

For now, let's look at the quest's strengths and weaknesses:

  • Good overworld MIDI
  • Fairly bugfree as far as gameplay goes
  • Rushed screen design
  • Bad enemy placement
  • Palette issues
  • Too difficult/unfair (I'm all for fair difficulty, but this isn't it; I'm a real hypocrite considering the stuff I did in LQftH so yeah. I've CHANGED! Really! icon_razz.gif)

Rating: 1/5

Comments/Responses are welcome BTW.

Edited by Moosh, 07 October 2012 - 02:23 PM.

#2 Shane



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Posted 29 November 2011 - 11:38 PM

Poke, your review is pretty cool, I'd love to see more reviews from you. icon_smile.gif

#3 Ventus



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Posted 30 November 2011 - 12:07 AM

Nice review! Bad looking game, lol but over all the review was enjoyable to read, can't wait for some more.

Nothing like some good reviews icon_smile.gif

PS~ No offense, to Arek1985, but those screens make my eyes, hurt.

#4 Moosh


    Tiny Little Questmaker

  • ZC Developers

Posted 30 November 2011 - 01:24 AM

QUOTE(Ventus @ Nov 30 2011, 12:07 AM) View Post
PS~ No offense, to Arek1985, but those screens make my eyes, hurt.

Yeah, I think a lot of this quest was rushed, hence the cutoff and other visual problems. I'll give the original Twitch TV Invasion the benefit of the doubt for now and assume that he was just really eager to make a sequel and cut some corners.

#5 DarkFlameWolf


    Murana Wolford

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 12:26 PM

So are these reviews of quests you'd like to play and review?

#6 MoscowModder


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Posted 30 November 2011 - 12:32 PM

Yeah, I think a lot of this quest was rushed, hence the cutoff and other visual problems. I'll give the original Twitch TV Invasion the benefit of the doubt for now and assume that he was just really eager to make a sequel and cut some corners.

Yeah, that can happen. LK, my first quest, got rushed at the end as I anticipated starting PoS. Of course, I don't think it was that bad...

#7 Moosh


    Tiny Little Questmaker

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 12:36 PM

QUOTE(DarkFlameWolf @ Nov 30 2011, 12:26 PM) View Post

So are these reviews of quests you'd like to play and review?

Yes, these are quests that I pick to review although I'll try to not only do mainstream and terrible stuff. It just seems the random number generator method gets a lot of bad quests (because there's a lot of bad quests in the database I guess) and I really don't want to wait to play the quests that I know I can write an entertaining review of. Also, I can take requests I guess.

#8 trudatman


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Posted 30 November 2011 - 05:40 PM

awesomeness. you have my request.

#9 Russ


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Posted 30 November 2011 - 05:54 PM

Oh sweet, another reviewer. I gotta say, I love reading all these, and I love your writing style. I think I might have to request a review... maybe...

#10 Moosh


    Tiny Little Questmaker

  • ZC Developers

Posted 30 November 2011 - 10:11 PM

Moosh's not so random review 2: trudatman.qst
By trudatman

So this quest was a request by trudatman. He says in the quest's topic "DON'T PLAY IT" which is essentially like saying "Warning: Do not play vegetable game". You gotta play it. So I did. And you know what, it's not as bad as he claims it is.


So trudatman.qst's gameplay is very interesting. Trudatman used some fancy 1.90 tricks involving push blocks that aren't affected by solidity, allowing for some rather interesting puzzles. Unfortunately, one of the tricks he used involved pushing a block off the screen which was apparently "fixed" at some point after 1.90. Thankfully, trudatman had been nice enough to give me cheats in case of a situation like this. So this quest is somewhat sprawling and confusing. I'm not even sure if I officially beat it...

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This here is the first screen of the quest. Pretty impressive for 1.90.

The first thing I noticed when I started exploring the overworld is that entering buildings can be a risky business. If you happen upon a dungeon, exiting will take you somewhere completely different from where you started. In any other quest, I'd say this is horrible gameplay. This quest though, actually does it pretty well. It doesn't get annoying very fast and the dungeon locations are fairly memorable so you won't accidentally make the same mistake twice...usually.

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Whoa! Just look at that Gleeok's palette! Also, it appears trudatman didn't know how to change dungeon palettes when he made this seeing as all the dungeons use the overworld palette.

The overworld was very large for such a smallish quest where some dungeons are only 2 or 4 screens. It's fairly easy to get lost in it, especially because of some rather annoying tricks trudatman pulled involving burning somewhat random trees and walking through mountains. I would compare these confusing parts to BoaB, but to give trudatman credit where it's due at least his secret combos make sense even if you do have to do some guessing to find some of them. Despite this, I somehow managed to beat the game, at least by my standards, in that I beat Ganon and couldn't find another dungeon or a Zelda room. Strangely enough, though, there was no triforce check room so I managed to completely skip level 5 (because I couldn't find it).

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How was I supposed to know to do this stuff?

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The lack of a triforce check before the Ganon fight makes me feel like I wasted my time collecting the triforce...

Unfortunately, this quest was not without its bugs. I got stuck on multiple occasions and had to continue quit, but for the most part these bugs didn't interfere with the flow of the quest.

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In place of story which is pretty much absent in this quest, I'm going to take a little time to comment on the quest's music. It is AMAZING. I have no clue where it's from, but I really love it! I see a lot of quests using the same midis over and over and over (Stone Tower Temple, Zelda 2 Dungeon theme, Norfair, ect.) yet every MIDI in this quest seems unique and refreshing.


Here's where the quest both excels and falls flat: Design. This quest is full of custom and edited tiles and it looks REALLY GOOD in my opinion, save for some slight style clash. Trudatman has edited many of the enemies and for some of the others made new tiles from scratch. I found it very cool that the gravestones are police stations and the ghosts are cops. Also, trudatman's gohma tiles for this quest kick ass in my honest opinion. I might even have to ask him if I can use them in the future.

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That is a VERY creative use of those wall tiles. Technically he used them wrong, but I call creative license on this one.

Trudatman interestingly enough has his own emblem that he uses in all of his quests. I don't know if it has any significance and if it does, it's probably really obvious, but whatever the case is I think it's really cool just seeing it show up everywhere including on some of his custom item tiles. It's like Where's Waldo except without Waldo and without any challenge and I pretty much killed my own simile here. That said, not all his designs are perfect, and I'll talk about that now.

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I'm sorry, this is just kinda silly right here.

So when designing a quest, sometimes you just run out of inspiration and just throw something together without much thought. This clearly happened in a certain portion of the overworld that was made all in CSet 8 that was very bare and filled with random enemies and bosses. This is also where I found Ganon, so I assume it was one of the last overworld areas made, possibly explaining why it felt so rushed. Oh yeah, also it's not marked on the map for whatever reason and is FREAKING MASSIVE.

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Even for a classic quest this screen is pretty empty and bland. Nice bridge, though.

Another flaw in the quest is the enemy difficulty balance. I found enemies like cracktoroks and death knights on some screen and although the cracktoroks were easilly dispatched and the death knight could be dodged, it still felt way to early to be meeting those enemies. Items were rarely found in dungeons and as I said before, the lack of a triforce check made the dungeons seem pointless. As far as the dungeons themselves go, they had enemy balance issues too, for example the boss of Level 8 was an aquamentus. I sincerely hope that was a jab at Zelda 1. The boss of Level 4 on the other hand was 4 blue wizrobes (good old trudatman and his non-conventional dungeon bosses) which honestly felt way too early to be fought...and then I found a dungeon that I thought was level 5 only it was really long and winding and I had to cheat to get through (although it could have been rushing/not enough gear) only to find that the triforce in the dungeon was a decoy and it was apparently just there to F*** with me. Well I can't say I've had that happen before. icon_confused.gif

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Can I even survive 1 hit from that thing with my current gear? Maybe. Barely.

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Mandatory triggering an armos from the south? REALLY?

Overall the quest's design has its good points and its bad points, but I feel they even out.


Extra Effort:
I must commend trudatman on making a walkthrough for this quest seeing as it can be very confusing at times. Unfortunately his walkthrough was still somewhat confusing at times and once I got into the groove of the quest I abandoned it completely, possibly leading to me missing some important stuff...oh well.


Concluding Thoughts:
This quest, although not perfect, is definitely worth a try. By most standards I suppose you could call it bad, but not terrible. It has some really good points that bring it up and some really bad stuff that brings it down and it stays somehwere in the middle, but I believe even bad quests can be fun to play sometimes. Just not terrible ones. So I guess the critic in me wants to call it bad, but the quest player in me wants to call in average. I guess I'll call it badverage.

Now let's look at the quest's strengths and weaknesses:

  • Amazing MIDIs
  • Some clever puzzles
  • Some really creative design
  • Usually visually pleasing
  • Somewhat rushed in places
  • Enemy difficulty is a bit off
  • Exploration can be confusing, especially in the endgame
  • Made in a somewhat outdated build (although from what I understand, trudatman can't really help it and I believe when it was made 1.90 was still current, so feel free to ignore this)
  • Somewhat buggy
Critical Rating: 2/5
Casual Rating: 3/5
Final Rating: 2.5/5

I'd say this is a solid quest overall even though it does have its flaws.

Feel free to comment and stuff.

Edit: Don't expect this to be a daily review thing just because I did two in a row. icon_razz.gif

Edited by Moosh, 07 October 2012 - 02:24 PM.

#11 Shane



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Posted 30 November 2011 - 10:21 PM

Nice review, hey, are you planning to review demos and such?

#12 Moosh


    Tiny Little Questmaker

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 10:23 PM

QUOTE(Shane @ Nov 30 2011, 10:21 PM) View Post

Nice review, hey, are you planning to review demos and such?

Depends on what it's a demo of. I might review something like Dawnlight's demo or ToTheTop (which is almost not even a demo).

#13 Shane



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Posted 30 November 2011 - 10:48 PM

Well, due time I'll give out a demo, maybe you can review that?

#14 Moosh


    Tiny Little Questmaker

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 10:54 PM

QUOTE(Shane @ Nov 30 2011, 10:48 PM) View Post

Well, due time I'll give out a demo, maybe you can review that?

Yeah, I can do that. Should be a shorter review than usual which is a nice break. Unless I choose to go into deeper detail.

#15 Shane



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Posted 30 November 2011 - 11:07 PM

Ah okay, any size is fine, as long as there is feedback. icon_razz.gif

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