Please look up on either
Hypercam 2.0
and also super great
Hypercam 2.0
settings are below in this post.
Also on can upload a video to YouTube.
Have you ever seen any MPC YouTube videos? I have and I love them. If you have MPC with all its needed files I strongly recommend you put all of MPC files in a .zip folder.
^ And then you upload such a .zip folder on a file hosting website where anyone for free can download it.
^ and then make a video showing the .zip folder being downloaded and then unzipped.
^ and then in such a video also show the unzipped files being scanned (whether with another way such as Kaspersky or both).
^ and then in such a video show Mario Paint Composer being opened up for use.
^ and then stop the recording and upload the video to YouTube.
Excellent Hypercam 2.0 settings are below