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Additional Sprite (Height) Layering

Sprite Overlapping

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#1 Bagu



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  • Real Name:A.I. Bot Bottomheimer
  • Location:Germany

Posted 05 September 2023 - 04:54 PM

I hope my english is good enough to explain, what I mean.

Since so many new features have been achieved and even FFC Solidity is a valid option, I dare to ask for advanced Sprite Layering.

Currently it requires a lot of scripted settings, to create proper 2-tile Hero/Enemy Quests.

...it's a matter of solidity check, collision detection, layering and built-in weapons.

For example, I draw the top (tile) of each 2-tile (height) enemy to layer 3, to allow overlapping of the bottom (tile) of the hero, or other NPCs.
I wrote flexible Overhead-Combo scripts, to debug hero overlapping
(placed on Layer1 it draws its current tile to layer 3, on 2 it draws to 4, but not if the hero is close below, so it will never cover the top of the hero sprite)

I wrote global offsets for the Sword and some other Melee Weapons
(cause engine offset caused buggy results and LWeapon scripts only affected Projectiles)

The Hero- and Esspecially NPC Hitbox offsets are one more thing.
To enable overlapping, it's nessessary to leave a deadzone (without collision) at top and bottom of each sprite.
...but negative hitbox offset causes partially overrunning of solid combos (downward).

Also I think it wouldbe god to equalize the default hitbox placment and tile reading of Enemies and Hero Sprites.
...currently 2-tile enemies read to top-left tile of each set and create the default 16x16 hitbox at this sprite coorinates (on screen).
...But the current tile, of 2 tile heros, is the bottom tile, and the hitbox is also placed at the bottom of the hero (which makes much more sense to me)

Also the large Hero Hitbox setting is not really useful to me, cause it only affects the solidity check (what I actually don't want) but doesn't extend the collision check.

So what I would like to ask for is:

- additional layers (to draw to by script or even by instant engine features  (view example image below))

- precise and flexible Hero Hitbox sizes
(+ seperate solidity and collision check, for Enemies and Hero)

- Alternative LWeapon placement for extended Hero's (maybe by a quest rule)

example image:

Edited by Bagu, 06 September 2023 - 03:36 AM.

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