The dungeons just felt kinda weird in places. The first one you go to is just a mini dungeon to get the key for the 'real one', if you will. But the main progression is bombing a random wall when you don't have a map. Maybe I missed something obvious but that struck me as weird. Especially when there was a more obvious chest with reward, but that one had a heart piece. (And was behind a push block you seemingly could only push from one direction). Generally I feel if it's main progression you need to bomb a wall for the player should have a map so they can figure it out rather than bombing randomly.Stuff like that made the dungeons feel weird. I don't have any more concrete examples, but direction on where to go in some of them just felt a lil bit off.For the overworld it's kind just everything. The aesthetics feel underbaked... but it's like everything in the overworld is very utilitarian. There are pits because you need the hookshot or boots to get over them, etc etc. For the most part it didn't feel much like a real place. I don't think it's just looks, because it kinda affects how you play it too.Also, it took me a while to figure out that the dark gray blocks on the overworld were, in fact, pushable.
Good point. I wasn’t thinking thoroughly enough on the mini dungeon. It would be pretty easy to just drop in a map or have the player have it by default. I’ll definitely work on that. I think the water mini dungeon did the same thing too. One dungeon I’m a bit unsure on is the Haunted Workshop. I had it set up to where you had to go one side and come back the other side and go back to the other side again. How noticeable was that? I’m considering putting a passageway in the room with the Patra as a shortcut to get from each side of the dungeon to the other.
Some of this will be addressed with NPCs, but I’ll be doing some more playtesting to see what else might stand out.
Also yeah, the overworld was rushed. It was the first thing I did, but I didn’t spend a whole lot of time on it after making dungeons. Mainly because Christmas pretty much knocked me out of being able to actively develop for a couple weeks and I wanted to hop on secrets and a basic story.
I know the blocks are out of place too. I have an NPC in the ghost cabin that mentions it now, but I may entirely replace the block. Just was trying to avoid making custom combos as much as I could, and wasn’t sure what else to put there. At least since I used a rock to block off the first mini dungeon.
Also, the main reason I didn’t fancy up the overworld was because I knew the grass would be an issue, with being set up to use undercombos, instead of a slash->next thing. I’ll look into that as well. Doing more paths, maybe rivers and such like that should help.