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Project Storm DX

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#1 Mani Kanina

Mani Kanina


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Posted 21 September 2024 - 05:17 PM

Today on shit no one asked for (except Deedee and maybe Moosh): Project Storm DX


Now this project to update the quest to 2.55 as well as fixing some long standing bugs have been in the process for a while. But what might surprise you even more is that I have several amazing groundbreaking new features to announce!:
  • Dark Souls combat mechanics!
  • Blood Rituals.
  • A gaping maw that totally don't want to eat you.
  • A fully featured crafting system just like all them triple a games has these days.
  • A tutorial. (I've been told the quest needs one of those).
  • Mantra.exe
  • A ladder. (Let's you reach somewhere you couldn't before!!!)
  • Yuurand references. (I can be cool too).
Jokes aside though, there are a fair few things the DX version of this quest will have that the original lacks. The script file going down the shitter was a large setback, but I managed to recover most of it. And the new in-engine shield was a big motivator to actually get the ball rolling.
Things that actually will be in the quest: (Spoiler marked, in case you'd rather figure it out on your own)

It might not sound like much, but my time is limited and some of these dungeons I left unfinished were left that way because they had stuff left to them that just kills my motivation.

For those unfamiliar with the game; Project Storm was a quest I started shortly after A Tribute to Yeto's Quest came out. In some ways this quest sets out to be as inaccessible as possible when it comes to playing it. It's something that asks the player to do things that would make triple A game designers scream in terror at the very notion. ...And that's not praise nor a compliment. The quest is hard to play in ways other games usually aren't. It cares little if you progress further in it, and it couldn't care less if you even beat it.

It is simple there, providing a very particular experience. Some people, rather few, love this kind of experience. But it is not for most. But... if you do play it, then don't look up anything; that defeats the purpose. Instead, get a group together and play it with other people; that will likely give you the best experience.

Though, at this point you should probably wait for the DX release.


For it has new things to see and hear.
  • Anthus, Joelmacool, Deedee and 3 others like this

#2 xanadude



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  • Real Name:Ethan
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Posted 22 September 2024 - 05:00 PM

I genuinely cannot wait for this to drop, I've always wanted to check out a quest like this

  • Mani Kanina likes this

#3 Mani Kanina

Mani Kanina


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Posted 29 September 2024 - 07:25 AM

"How long is Project Storm?"


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