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Nayru's Odyssey: Definitive Edition

Rating: 4.82/5 (10 ratings)

Quest Club 17 - Nayru's Oddyssey: Definitive Edition

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#1 Russ


    Caelan, the Encouraging

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Posted 16 September 2024 - 08:23 PM

Nayru's Odyssey: Definition Edition by TeamUDF, Rainst0rm4759, and Arkia


Nayru's Odyssey was originally a 6th quest contest entry, but this version is updated to be more complete and has several additional features. The main dungeon romping gameplay also comes packaged with some mini dungeons. Some quality of life changes also help the player navigate the world more easily.

Played it about 3 years ago and was a favorite.

Well look at that. Two 6th Quest Contest entries in a row. Like Depths of Malice last time, this quest is a new game based quite loosely on the original Z1. It's been a while since I played it, and I played prior to the definitive edition, but I really liked it for the most part and looking forward to giving it a second go. It stands well on its own as a fun quest, and especially following the last Quest Club, should be a fun look at how different people can go very different places with the same prompt.
You can join discussion of the quest in the Discord thread, which can be found here. We encourage casual discussion in the Discord thread and longer thoughts on the quest in the forum thread here.

#2 Rainst0rm4759



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Posted 17 September 2024 - 06:58 PM

oh man oh gosh oh jeez


i'm happy to answer any questions/comments/concerns about this quest




funny timing though as we're literally about to go into playtesting for a major update to this quest using all the fun new 2.55 features (blame Joaish)

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#3 Jambu



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Posted 20 September 2024 - 09:36 PM

i tried giving this quest a spin and i can tell its not for me. 
Puzzles and Progression is too damn confusing. Straight up made me rage quit halfway through

#4 Rainst0rm4759



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Posted 21 September 2024 - 12:07 PM

i tried giving this quest a spin and i can tell its not for me. 
Puzzles and Progression is too damn confusing. Straight up made me rage quit halfway through

I'm really sorry to hear that! Were there any specific puzzles you were having trouble with? I'd love to hear any feedback on where you got frustrated so we can try to improve on it.

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#5 Mani Kanina

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Posted 21 September 2024 - 04:59 PM

I've been meaning to play this one for like... years(?) now. Sadly I'm a bit busy with other game's I'm playing right now to dive into it.

#6 ShirleyVaga


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Posted 26 September 2024 - 03:12 AM

oh man oh gosh oh jeez


i'm happy to answer any questions/comments/concerns about this quest




funny timing though as we're literally about to go into playtesting for a major update to this quest using all the fun new 2.55 features (blame Joaish)

Hearing there will be a major update is making me want to wait for the update befor i really start .

#7 Rainst0rm4759



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Posted 26 September 2024 - 11:55 AM

Hearing there will be a major update is making me want to wait for the update befor i really start .

Totally fair, although given the scope of the update I'd say both versions are worth playing. Assuming nothing goes catastrophically wrong, it should be out around the end of the year, if that helps you decide.

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#8 Russ


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Posted 26 September 2024 - 02:20 PM

Totally fair, although given the scope of the update I'd say both versions are worth playing. Assuming nothing goes catastrophically wrong, it should be out around the end of the year, if that helps you decide.

What all does the update include, out of curiosity? New features? Redesigns? New areas?

I've gotten through level 5 so far. I remember broad strokes of the quest, but not a lot of small detail. So far, I'm really enjoying it. I love how the forest area of the Z1 overworld became a dungeon, and how you go through it and finish it later. Really cool touch. Most of the dungeons so far have also been great. I think my only real complaint is how the OW railroads you into a strict linearity. As an example, is there any reason why you should need the boomerang to get the bracelet and enter level 2? Would be cool if 1 and 2 could be done in either order.
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#9 Rainst0rm4759



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Posted 26 September 2024 - 03:29 PM

I wanna keep it a bit vague for now (totally not because I made a whole trailer for it or anything lol), but it's largely major redesigns with a bit of spicy new content, particularly focused on story. The update is dramatic enough that I intend to include a (very slightly updated) version of the current game with the new file.


We've had a lot of discussions over the years about opening up the quest more, and while the idea of forcing you through Level 3 to get to Level 1 is definitely still cool imo, and we worked hard to make sure it was as smooth as possible (the hint cave + not labeling Level 3 as Level 3), some players have still struggled with it and it does make the exploration early in the quest very restrictive. We've kept the option for opening Level 1/2 open and are currently planning to have it open for the update, pending playtesting of course.


As for later levels, it's a lot harder because we start to make heavy use of multi-item puzzles with each dungeon building on the last, but the update adds even more extra stuff to do between dungeons to keep it worthwhile to explore the overworld, especially in the late game. Honestly, balancing the overworld opening more as you progress and keeping exploration exciting is a really interesting challenge.

Edited by Rainst0rm4759, 26 September 2024 - 09:42 PM.

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#10 ShirleyVaga


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Posted 27 September 2024 - 12:16 PM

Totally fair, although given the scope of the update I'd say both versions are worth playing. Assuming nothing goes catastrophically wrong, it should be out around the end of the year, if that helps you decide.

Yeah it helps and it's not like I got plenty other neat qsts to play since I only got back into playing zc games months ago.

Was absent for quite some time and there is alot to catch up on.

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#11 Russ


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Posted 28 September 2024 - 01:57 PM

Alright, so now that I've finished it, some more complete thoughts. Overall, I quite like the quest.


The things done to the OW are really cool, especially level 3 being part of the OW, as I mentioned above. I think my biggest gripe with it is how you're somewhat railroaded through it. There's plenty of secrets to find, but there's definitely a sense of wandering through a fenced off playground and discovering areas as the game deems it appropriate. With that said, it's pretty competently put together. It does walk a fine line between being the Z1 OW and being its own thing, and some areas nail this feeling, while some screens are basically unrecognizable. I think whether or not that's good or bad is a matter of perspective.


The dungeons are generally pretty good. There is a somewhat stark and noticeable difference between Team's and Rain's dungeons, with the former being more condense and filled with room sized puzzles, and the latter being more open with a macro-sized dungeon navigation puzzle and more open screen design. I think, for the most part, that works to the quest's advantage. I love Team dungeons, but they can at times be very densely packed with puzzles (less so here than in Eiyuu), so Rain's provide a nice breather, making you think in different ways and preventing the feeling of jumping from one brainteaser to the next. I liked almost all the dungeons (especially the way you go into level 3 multiple times, as I mentioned above), though the final dungeon did have a bit more swinging back and forth from one side to the other than I'd prefer. The minidungeons that are new to definitive edition are all great.


The quest's use of items was solid. Really cool puzzles from the items, a few creative uses of them, and consistent triggers.


The story... was there. It wasn't bad, but nothing standout either. I did like a few things about it (the way Ganon was used, for example), and the unexplained elements (the eyes) were intriguing, but I definitely get the sense that there's a lot more ideas in the dev team's mind than actually made it into the quest. Definitely curious to see what's done with it in this remaster they're cooking up.


Overall, it's really good. My biggest suggestions for the remaster (and I've already mentioned some) would be as follows. I'd allow for some degree of nonlinearity when possible. For example, L2 should be clearable before L1. L8 requires L7's dungeon item to reach its own dungeon item, but otherwise can be cleared without, so it'd be neat if it were possible to do it earlier. Really, just small tweaks that still push you in a certain order, but allow for some coloring outside the lines. It'd also be nice to have some kind of system to track the Master Ore. There was only piece I forgot to go back to and probably would've found it with a bit of exploring, but if you're missing one single piece and the only option is to comb over the entire world repeatedly, it could get a bit annoying. Ideally, some kind of system, only accessible post-L8, that hints at missing locations without outright spelling it out would be nice.


Again, really looking forward to seeing what you all come up with for the remaster.

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#12 ZeldaFan2025



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Posted 27 November 2024 - 03:50 PM

Gameplay Bug - Random drag that pulls players forward
Version: 2.55.7

The character gets pulled to the right randomly for a short period of time.  During drag I tried pressing START to enter the inventory menu.
The cursor continued to drag to the right continuously for a few seconds then stopped. 

I am using a DualShock4 controller with DS4Windows.  The game engine recognizes it as Xbox 360 which is normal.
I did try unplugging the controller and only using Keyboard.  While playing with Keyboard only the problem did not occur.

If I start the game engine with the controller unplugged and plug it in after while the quest is playing the error did not occur in testing.

I will test with other quests to see if it's a problem with this specific quest.


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