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Ice Rod

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#1 dank_riser



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Posted 02 July 2012 - 06:16 PM

Hi there Ya'll, I was Implementing the Ice Rod as I though it essential to my quest, and I ran into a slum of problems. The script I am useing is working but I dont know what to fill in for the Sprite # it requires to run properly, because the link does the right things, I mirrored the qualities in the Action tab in Item editor to the defalt wand,but it showes the default fire rod when in use. This may be also due to the fact that I left the Quantity for D1 in the item editor zero. Im still just learnig and I sure can use some help:DThanks...here is the code let me know.


const int Stunframes = 360;
const int twobytwoice = 3260;
const int threebythreeice = 10580;
const int icecset = 7;
bool opaqueice = false;
const int freezesound = 44;
const int iceblocknpc = 178;
const int watericeoffset = 11;
const int FWaterSound = 44;
const int IceRodID = 25;
const int BookID = 32;
const int DummyID = 100;

int foriceone;
int foricetwo;
int foricethree;
int foricefour;

bool Groundling(npc t){
    if(t->Type==NPCT_PEAHAT || t->Type==NPCT_GHINI || t->Type==NPCT_KEESE || t->Type==NPCT_FAIRY)


int IceLayer(npc f){
    if(Groundling(f)) return(3);

int icetransparency(){
    if(opaqueice) return(128);

bool CanFreeze(npc t){
    if(t->Type==NPCT_AQUAMENTUS || t->Type==NPCT_PEAHAT || t->Type==NPCT_ROCK || t->Type==NPCT_MOLDORM ||

t->Type==NPCT_MANHANDLA || t->Type==NPCT_GOHMA || t->Type==NPCT_LANMOLA || t->Type==NPCT_PATRA ||

t->Type==NPCT_SPINTILE) return(false);

void RandDir(npc r){
    int rdir = Rand(8);
    for(; rdir == r->Dir;){
        rdir = Rand(8);
    r->Dir = rdir;

void IceTurn(npc me){
    int cornerx;
    int cornery;
    int colc;
    float SCheck = me->Step/100;
    int SDist = Round(SCheck);
    if(me->Dir == DIR_LEFT){
        cornerx = me->X-SDist;
        cornery = me->Y;
    else if(me->Dir == DIR_LEFTUP){
        cornerx = me->X-SDist;
        cornery = me->Y-SDist;
    else if(me->Dir == DIR_UP){
        cornerx = me->X;
        cornery = me->Y-SDist;
    else if(me->Dir == DIR_RIGHTUP){
        cornerx = me->X+SDist;
        cornery = me->Y-SDist;
    else if(me->Dir == DIR_RIGHT){
        cornerx = me->X+SDist;
        cornery = me->Y;
    else if(me->Dir == DIR_RIGHTDOWN){
        cornerx = me->X+SDist;
        cornery = me->Y+SDist;
    else if(me->Dir == DIR_DOWN){
        cornerx = me->X;
        cornery = me->Y+SDist;
    else if(me->Dir == DIR_LEFTDOWN){
        cornerx = me->X-SDist;
        cornery = me->Y+SDist;
    for(colc = 1; colc <= Screen->NumNPCs(); colc++){
        npc cc = Screen->LoadNPC(colc);
        if(cc->ID == iceblocknpc && RectCollision(cornerx+me->HitXOffset, cornery+me->HitYOffset,

cornerx+me->HitWidth+me->HitXOffset, cornery+me->HitHeight+me->HitYOffset, cc->X, cc->Y, cc->X+cc->HitWidth,


void Freeze(eweapon flwpn){
    if(Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y)] == CT_DIVEWARP || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X,

flwpn->Y)] == CT_DIVEWARPB || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y)] == CT_DIVEWARPC ||

Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y)] == CT_DIVEWARPD || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y)] ==

CT_SHALLOWWATER || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y)] == CT_SWIMWARP ||

Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y)] == CT_SWIMWARPB || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y)] ==

CT_SWIMWARPC || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y)] == CT_SWIMWARPD || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X,

flwpn->Y)] == CT_WATER){
        if(Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y)] == 1){
        Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y)] += watericeoffset;
    if(Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y)] == CT_DIVEWARP || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15,

flwpn->Y)] == CT_DIVEWARPB || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y)] == CT_DIVEWARPC ||

Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y)] == CT_DIVEWARPD || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15,

flwpn->Y)] == CT_SHALLOWWATER || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y)] == CT_SWIMWARP ||

Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y)] == CT_SWIMWARPB || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15,

flwpn->Y)] == CT_SWIMWARPC || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y)] == CT_SWIMWARPD ||

Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y)] == CT_WATER){
        if(Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y)] == 1){
        Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y)] += watericeoffset;
    if(Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_DIVEWARP || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X,

flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_DIVEWARPB || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_DIVEWARPC ||

Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_DIVEWARPD || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X,

flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_SHALLOWWATER || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_SWIMWARP ||

Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_SWIMWARPB || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X,

flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_SWIMWARPC || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y)] == CT_SWIMWARPD ||

Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_WATER){
        if(Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y+15)] == 1){
        Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(flwpn->X, flwpn->Y+15)] += watericeoffset;
    if(Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_DIVEWARP || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15,

flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_DIVEWARPB || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_DIVEWARPC ||

Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_DIVEWARPD || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15,

flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_SHALLOWWATER || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_SWIMWARP ||

Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_SWIMWARPB || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15,

flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_SWIMWARPC || Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_SWIMWARPD ||

Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y+15)] == CT_WATER){
        if(Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y+15)] == 1){
        Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(flwpn->X+15, flwpn->Y+15)] += watericeoffset;

global script Slot2{
    void run(){
        for(foriceone = 1; foriceone <= Screen->NumEWeapons(); foriceone++){
            eweapon tweapon = Screen->LoadEWeapon(foriceone);
            if(tweapon->Misc[4] == 42){
                for(foricetwo = 1; foricetwo <= Screen->NumNPCs(); foricetwo++){
                    npc tnpc = Screen->LoadNPC(foricetwo);
                    if(RectCollision(tweapon->X, tweapon->Y, tweapon->X+15, tweapon->Y+15,

tnpc->X+tnpc->HitXOffset, tnpc->Y+tnpc->HitYOffset, tnpc->X+tnpc->HitXOffset+tnpc->HitWidth,

                        if(CanFreeze(tnpc) && tnpc->ID != iceblocknpc){
                            tnpc->HP -= tweapon->Misc[10];
                            else tnpc->Misc[12] = 144;
                            tnpc->Stun = Stunframes+1;
                            npc IceCol = Screen->CreateNPC(iceblocknpc);
                                IceCol->X = tnpc->X-8;
                                IceCol->Y = tnpc->Y-8;
                                if(tnpc->TileHeight == 2 && tnpc->TileWidth == 2){
                                    IceCol->HitHeight = 48;
                                    IceCol->HitWidth = 48;
                                    IceCol->HitHeight = 32;
                                    IceCol->HitWidth = 32;
                        tweapon->DeadState = WDS_DEAD;
        for(foricethree = 1; foricethree <= Screen->NumNPCs(); foricethree++){
            npc itnpc = Screen->LoadNPC(foricethree);
            if(itnpc->Misc[12] == 144 || itnpc->Misc[12] == 145){
                if(itnpc->Stun > 1){
                    itnpc->CollDetection = false;
                    if(itnpc->TileWidth == 2 && itnpc->TileHeight == 2){
                        Screen->DrawTile(IceLayer(itnpc), itnpc->X-8, itnpc->Y-8, threebythreeice, 3, 3,

icecset, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, true, icetransparency());
                        Screen->DrawTile(IceLayer(itnpc), itnpc->X-8, itnpc->Y-8, twobytwoice, 2, 2, icecset,

-1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, true, icetransparency());
                    itnpc->CollDetection = true;
                    eweapon Melt = Screen->CreateEWeapon(EW_SCRIPT1);
                        Melt->X = itnpc->X;
                        Melt->Y = itnpc->Y;
                        Melt->DrawStyle = DS_CLOAKED;
                    for(foricefour = 1; foricefour <= Screen->NumNPCs(); foricefour++){
                        npc ibnpc = Screen->LoadNPC(foricefour);
                        if(Collision(Melt, ibnpc) && ibnpc->ID == iceblocknpc){
                            ibnpc->X = 256;
                            ibnpc->Y = 176;
                            ibnpc->HP = 0;
                    Melt->DeadState = WDS_DEAD;
                    if(itnpc->Misc[12]==145) itnpc->HP=0;
        //Uncomment the code between the comment after this and the Waitframe
        //if you need to use a Wand because you have not allowed the player to select their A button item
        //if(Link->Item[DummyID] == false){
            //Link->Item[DummyID] = Link->Item[BookID];
        //if(GetEquipmentB() == IceRodID){
            //Link->Item[BookID] = false;
            //Link->Item[BookID] = Link->Item[DummyID];

item script IceRod{
    void run(int damage, int sprite, int step){
        eweapon Ice = Screen->CreateEWeapon(EW_SCRIPT1);
            Ice->Dir = Link->Dir;
            Ice->Damage = 0;
            Ice->Step = step;
            Ice->Misc[4] = 42;
            Ice->Misc[10] = damage;
            if(Link->Dir == DIR_LEFT){
                Ice->X = Link->X-16;
                Ice->Y = Link->Y;
            else if(Link->Dir == DIR_UP){
                Ice->X = Link->X;
                Ice->Y = Link->Y-16;
            else if(Link->Dir == DIR_RIGHT){
                Ice->X = Link->X+16;
                Ice->Y = Link->Y;
            else if(Link->Dir == DIR_DOWN){
                Ice->X = Link->X;
                Ice->Y = Link->Y+16;

Edit by Russ: I fixed the broken code tags for you, to make the post easier to read.

Edited by Russ, 02 July 2012 - 07:04 PM.

#2 nicklegends


    Trofessional Pransposer

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Posted 03 July 2012 - 03:15 AM

This sounds more like a scripting question than a general ZQuest question, so I'll move it to Scripting Discussion for ya. Sadly, I have no experience with scripting so I won't be of use. icon_frown.gif

#3 MoscowModder


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Posted 03 July 2012 - 09:26 AM

D1 (sprite): Make a weap/misc sprite of the ice rod magic (not the rod itself), and put its ID there.
Wand sprite (action tab): Make an ice rod sprite that's set up like the normal wand sprite, and choose it for the Ice Rod's sprite.

#4 dank_riser



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Posted 03 July 2012 - 04:22 PM

Thanks MosscowModder i'll give it a go. icon_smile.gif

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