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Alttp Bow Help...

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#1 RephireZeKasual217



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Posted 16 January 2018 - 01:09 AM

I want to use the Alttp Charge bow script, but i want to have the arrow counter to show when it's selected on the subscreen.


// Delete these import lines if you already have them in your script file.
import "std.zh"
import "ffcscript.zh"
const int SPRITE_SPARKLE = 29; // Sparkle sprite for when charge bow is finished charging. NOT FOR ARROW SPARKLES!
const int SFX_BOW_CHARGE = 36; // Sound for when charge bow is finished charging.
const int SFX_ERROR = 61; // Error sound for when Link is out of arrows. Set to 0 for no sound.
int facing_dir;
bool bow_charging[2]; // [0] is true while bow is charging, [1] is true if Link gets hit while charging
global script BowActive
void run()
while (true)
void BowAnimation()
if (bow_charging[0])
// Comment out if you don't want charging interrupted by getting hit!
// vvv
if (BowInterrupt())
bow_charging[0] = false;
bow_charging[1] = true;
// ^^^
// Comment out if you don't want charging interrupted by getting hit!
Link->Dir = facing_dir;
bow_charging[0] = false;
// The function that determines if the bow charge should be interrupted.
bool BowInterrupt()
if (Link->Action > 1)
return true;
return false;
// Bow and arrow tiles cannot exceed 32768!
// Your bow and arrow tiles should be in the order up, down, left, right.
// This item script should be attached to the Action Script slot of an item that has a custom item class, not an existing bow.
// The Power of the item is how much damage it does. Most weapons do two times their "Damage" stat, but not this one!
// D0: bow tile
// D1: bow CSet
// D2: arrow sprite
// D3: arrow step speed (300 for short bow, 600 for long bow are ZC defaults)
// D4: sparkle sprite number, 0 for none
item script LttPBow
void run(int bow_tile, int bow_cset, int arrow_sprite, int arrow_step, int sparkle_sprite)
// Only triggers if the bow isn't already drawn.
int script_name[] = "LttPBowFFC";
int script_num = Game->GetFFCScript(script_name);
int bow_family = this->Family;
if (CountFFCsRunning(script_num) == 0)
float args[] = {bow_tile, bow_cset, arrow_sprite, this->Power, arrow_step, sparkle_sprite, bow_family};
RunFFCScript(script_num, args);
ffc script LttPBowFFC
void run(int bow_tile, int bow_cset, int arrow_sprite, int arrow_damage, int arrow_step, int sparkle_sprite, int bow_family)
itemdata A_item;
itemdata B_item;
bool using_B = false;
B_item = Game->LoadItemData(GetEquipmentB());
if (B_item->Family == bow_family)
using_B = true;
// Comment this out to give Link's bowmanship a lot less oomph.
Link->Action = LA_ATTACKING;
// Loop to draw the bow for 15 frames before firing. Similar for loops for additional frames of animation, such as taking out the bow
// à la Link to the Past, can be placed here.
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
A_item = Game->LoadItemData(GetEquipmentA());
B_item = Game->LoadItemData(GetEquipmentB());
Link->InputUp = false;
Link->InputDown = false;
Link->InputLeft = false;
Link->InputRight = false;
if (A_item->Family != bow_family)
Link->InputA = false;
// Quits if you switch item.
if (!using_B)
if (B_item->Family != bow_family)
Link->InputB = false;
// Quits if you switch item.
if (using_B)
// Disable other button inputs here if you want.
// Quits if Link gets hit. Comment this out if you don't want arrow firing to be interrupted.
if (Link->Action == LA_GOTHURTLAND)
Screen->FastTile(4, Link->X + InFrontX(Link->Dir, 7), Link->Y + InFrontY(Link->Dir, 7), bow_tile + Link->Dir, bow_cset, OP_OPAQUE);
// Checks to see that you have arrows and that no previously fired arrows are on screen.
if ((Game->Counter[CR_ARROWS] > 0 || Link->Item[I_QUIVER4]) && NumLWeaponsOf(LW_ARROW) == 0)
if (!Link->Item[I_QUIVER4])
lweapon arrow = NextToLink(LW_ARROW, 0);
arrow->Damage = arrow_damage;
arrow->Step = arrow_step;
arrow->Dir = Link->Dir;
LWeaponFlip(arrow, arrow->Dir);
//Arrow hitbox shenanigans. Modeled after ZC arrow defaults.
if (arrow->Dir == DIR_UP || arrow->Dir == DIR_DOWN)
arrow->HitWidth = 15;
arrow->HitHeight = 12;
arrow->HitXOffset = 0;
arrow->HitYOffset = 2;
arrow->DrawXOffset = 0;
arrow->DrawYOffset = -2;
arrow->HitWidth = 12;
arrow->HitHeight = 14;
arrow->HitXOffset = 2;
arrow->HitYOffset = 2;
arrow->DrawXOffset = 0;
arrow->DrawYOffset = 1;
// Creates sparkles around arrow while it's onscreen, if sprite for them is set.
for (int i = 0; NumLWeaponsOf(LW_ARROW) > 0 && sparkle_sprite; i = (i + 1) % 4)
if (i == 0)
arrow = LoadLWeaponOf(LW_ARROW);
SetSparkle(arrow, sparkle_sprite);
if (Game->Counter[CR_ARROWS] == 0 && !Link->Item[I_QUIVER4] && SFX_ERROR)
Game->PlaySound(SFX_ERROR); // Plays the error sound, if there is one, when Link is out of arrows.
// Bow and arrow tiles cannot exceed 32768!
// Your bow and arrow tiles should be in the order up, down, left, right.
// This item script should be attached to the Action Script slot of an item that has a custom item class, not an existing bow.
// The Power of the item is how much damage it does. Most weapons do two times their "Damage" stat, but not this one!
// D0: bow tile
// D1: bow CSet
// D2: arrow sprite
// D3: arrow step speed (300 for short bow, 600 for long bow are ZC defaults)
// D4: sparkle sprite number, 0 for none
// D5: charge time
item script LttPChargeBow
void run(int bow_tile, int bow_cset, int arrow_sprite, int arrow_step, int sparkle_sprite, int charge_time)
// Only triggers if the bow isn't already drawn.
int script_name[] = "LttPChargeBowFFC";
int script_num = Game->GetFFCScript(script_name);
int bow_family = this->Family;
if (CountFFCsRunning(script_num) == 0)
float args[] = {bow_tile, bow_cset, arrow_sprite, this->Power, arrow_step, sparkle_sprite, charge_time, bow_family};
RunFFCScript(script_num, args);
ffc script LttPChargeBowFFC
void run(int bow_tile, int bow_cset, int arrow_sprite, int arrow_damage, int arrow_step, int sparkle_sprite, int charge_time, int bow_family)
itemdata A_item;
itemdata B_item;
bool using_B = false;
bool fully_charged;
int bow_charge;
lweapon sparkle;
bow_charging[1] = false;
facing_dir = Link->Dir;
B_item = Game->LoadItemData(GetEquipmentB());
if (B_item->Family == bow_family)
using_B = true;
// Comment this out to give Link's bowmanship a lot less oomph.
//Link->Action = LA_ATTACKING;
// Loop to draw the bow for 15 frames before firing. Similar for loops for additional frames of animation, such as taking out the bow
// à la Link to the Past, can be placed here.
for (int i = 0; true; i++)
A_item = Game->LoadItemData(GetEquipmentA());
B_item = Game->LoadItemData(GetEquipmentB());
if (i % 2 == 0)
Link->InputUp = false;
Link->InputDown = false;
Link->InputLeft = false;
Link->InputRight = false;
if (A_item->Family != bow_family)
Link->InputA = false;
// Quits if you switch item.
if (!using_B)
if (B_item->Family != bow_family)
Link->InputB = false;
// Quits if you switch item.
if (using_B)
if (using_B && !Link->InputB)
if (bow_charge >= charge_time)
fully_charged = true;
else if (!using_B && !Link->InputA)
if (bow_charge >= charge_time)
fully_charged = true;
// Disable other button inputs here if you want.
// Quits if Link gets hit. Comment this out if you don't want arrow firing to be interrupted.
if (Link->Action == LA_GOTHURTLAND || bow_charging[1])
bow_charging[1] = false;
bow_charging[0] = true;
// Charge up sparkle animation.
if (i == charge_time)
sparkle = Screen->CreateLWeapon(LW_SPARKLE);
sparkle->X = Link->X;
sparkle->Y = Link->Y;
sparkle->CollDetection = false;
sparkle->Misc[0] = 15;
for (int j = 1; j <= Screen->NumLWeapons(); j++)
sparkle = Screen->LoadLWeapon(j);
if (sparkle->ID == LW_SPARKLE && sparkle->Misc[0] == 15)
DrawToLayer(sparkle, 4, OP_OPAQUE);
sparkle->X = Link->X;
sparkle->Y = Link->Y;
Screen->FastTile(4, Link->X + InFrontX(Link->Dir, 7), Link->Y + InFrontY(Link->Dir, 7), bow_tile + Link->Dir, bow_cset, OP_OPAQUE);
Link->Action = LA_ATTACKING;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
A_item = Game->LoadItemData(GetEquipmentA());
B_item = Game->LoadItemData(GetEquipmentB());
Link->InputUp = false;
Link->InputDown = false;
Link->InputLeft = false;
Link->InputRight = false;
if (A_item->Family != bow_family)
Link->InputA = false;
// Quits if you switch item.
if (!using_B)
if (B_item->Family != bow_family)
Link->InputB = false;
// Quits if you switch item.
if (using_B)
// Quits if Link gets hit. Comment this out if you don't want arrow firing to be interrupted.
if (Link->Action == LA_GOTHURTLAND)
Screen->FastTile(4, Link->X + InFrontX(Link->Dir, 7), Link->Y + InFrontY(Link->Dir, 7), bow_tile + Link->Dir, bow_cset, OP_OPAQUE);
// Checks to see that you have arrows and that no previously fired arrows are on screen.
if ((Game->Counter[CR_ARROWS] > 0 || Link->Item[I_QUIVER4]) && NumLWeaponsOf(LW_ARROW) == 0)
if (!Link->Item[I_QUIVER4])
lweapon arrow = NextToLink(LW_ARROW, 0);
arrow->Damage = arrow_damage;
arrow->Step = arrow_step;
// Multiply damage by 2 and step by 2 if bow was fully charged before releasing.
if (fully_charged)
arrow->Damage *= 2;
arrow->Step *= 2;
arrow->Dir = Link->Dir;
LWeaponFlip(arrow, arrow->Dir);
//Arrow hitbox shenanigans. Modeled after ZC arrow defaults.
if (arrow->Dir == DIR_UP || arrow->Dir == DIR_DOWN)
arrow->HitWidth = 15;
arrow->HitHeight = 12;
arrow->HitXOffset = 0;
arrow->HitYOffset = 2;
arrow->DrawXOffset = 0;
arrow->DrawYOffset = -2;
arrow->HitWidth = 12;
arrow->HitHeight = 14;
arrow->HitXOffset = 2;
arrow->HitYOffset = 2;
arrow->DrawXOffset = 0;
arrow->DrawYOffset = 1;
// Creates sparkles around arrow while it's onscreen, if sprite for them is set.
for (int i = 0; NumLWeaponsOf(LW_ARROW) > 0 && sparkle_sprite; i = (i + 1) % 4)
if (i == 0)
arrow = LoadLWeaponOf(LW_ARROW);
SetSparkle(arrow, sparkle_sprite);
if (Game->Counter[CR_ARROWS] == 0 && !Link->Item[I_QUIVER4] && SFX_ERROR)
Game->PlaySound(SFX_ERROR); // Plays the error sound, if there is one, when Link is out of arrows.
// This function flips the arrow sprite in the proper way based on direction.
void LWeaponFlip(lweapon lwpn, int dir)
int flip;
if (dir == DIR_UP)
flip = 0;
else if (dir == DIR_DOWN)
flip = 3;
else if (dir == DIR_LEFT)
flip = 7;
else if (dir == DIR_RIGHT)
flip = 4;
else if (dir == DIR_LEFTUP)
flip = 0;
else if (dir == DIR_RIGHTUP)
flip = 0;
else if (dir == DIR_LEFTDOWN)
flip = 3;
else if (dir == DIR_RIGHTDOWN)
flip = 3;
lwpn->Flip = flip;
// This function generates sparkles for flying arrows.
// UP
// Sparkles oscillate between 0 to 3 pixels greater than arrow X. 4 to 7 pixels greater than arrow Y. OffsetY is -2.
// Sparkles oscillate between 0 to 3 pixels greater than arrow X. 1 to 4 pixels less than arrow Y. OffsetY is -2.
// Sparkles oscillate between 4 to 7 pixels greater than arrow X. 0 to 3 pixels greater than arrow Y. OffsetY is -2.
// Sparkles oscillate between 1 to 4 pixels less than arrow X. 0 to 3 pixels greater than arrow Y. OffsetY is -2.
void SetSparkle(lweapon arrow, int sparkle_sprite)
lweapon sparkle = CreateLWeaponAt(LW_SPARKLE, arrow->X, arrow->Y);
if (arrow->Dir == DIR_UP)
sparkle->X = arrow->X + Rand(0, 3);
sparkle->Y = arrow->Y + Rand(4, 7);
if (arrow->Dir == DIR_DOWN)
sparkle->X = arrow->X + Rand(0, 3);
sparkle->Y = arrow->Y - Rand(1, 4);
if (arrow->Dir == DIR_LEFT)
sparkle->X = arrow->X + Rand(4, 7);
sparkle->Y = arrow->Y + Rand(0, 3);
if (arrow->Dir == DIR_RIGHT)
sparkle->X = arrow->X - Rand(1, 4);
sparkle->Y = arrow->Y + Rand(0, 3);
sparkle->DrawYOffset = -2;
sparkle->CollDetection = false;

Edited by RephireZeKasual217, 16 January 2018 - 10:48 PM.

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