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#1 connor.clark



  • ZC Developers

Posted 28 December 2024 - 02:57 AM

Download 2.55.8 here.

Use this thread to discuss or ask questions about the new changes.


# Features
trigger flag 'Only Grounded Weapons'
  Makes weapons that are in the air NOT trigger the combo (until they land)
subscreen counters can have separate color when "full"
zq: 'Whistle' item editor help text
zq: large corner option for dungeon carving autocombo mode
zq: -smart-assign CLI switch to compile + assign
  Example usage:
  ./zeditor.exe -smart-assign your_quest.qst
zq: Item animation previews now preview 'flash'
zq: add Cambria as tileset option
zq: hotkey for 'Show FFCs' (no default keybind)
zscript: allow trailing commas in enum/array body declarations
# Bug Fixes
correct bad version number used in 2.55 Alpha 86
number picker dialog not using proper starting value
  fixes some dialogs in Init Data
prevent crash when there are too many door combo sets
Lift gloves with specific settings not allowing throwing
  Gloves with Button=0 and 'Disable Item Use' set were unable to throw objects once picked up.
zc: Push (Generic) 'Opposites Cancel' flag not working properly with 0-push directions
zc: Add limit to `genericdata->RunFrozen()` recursion to prevent crashing
  Running too many frozen scripts at once caused a stack overflow crash, now it causes a script error message.
zc: prevent potential crash from show walkability cheat
zc: remove ladder during warp (#1017)
zc: when charging duration of Charge Ring is 0, use default time instead (#1023)
zc: remove jittery 1px gap when pushing blocks right/down
zc: step triggers ignoring z-axis
zc: triggered autowarp combos now use sidewarps
  autowarps triggered by combotriggers use sidewarps. instead of tilewarps
  screenflags that make autowarp and sidewarp direct work with triggers now (as they should)
zc: Custom Bush/Slash combo sprites not spawning centered on the combo
zc: incorrect dungeon check in map view
  This resulted in drawing doors incorrectly.
zc: bombed walls drawn incorrectly during scrolling
zq: add more ? buttons to combo editor about weapon triggers
  Clarified how the fire triggers work
  Renamed 'Any Fire' to 'Normal Fire' to better reflect how it actually works
zq: some lists closing dialogs randomly when rclicked
zq: changing some options in options dlg wasn't updating rclick menu
zq: show tile 0's actual graphic for gauge widget tile selectors
zq: `Mouse Scroll` setting not working on 4th combo column
zq: typo in subscreen gauge piece 'Units per Frame' help text
zq: set explicit width for combo lifting drop-down lists
zq: typo in push flag help text
zq: crash on importing combo aliases
zq: 'delay' animation preview was calculated wrong
zq: remove hidden combo selection mode toggled with spacebar (#1051)
  Pressing space changed how combo selection worked in a way that often confused
  users. There was also no visible indication of this, so it was extra bad. This
  mode was perhaps useful for something in the combo selector dialog, but outside
  that it was seemingly not useful at all - and is now removed.
zq: item 'flash' not previewing on main screen
zq: remove extraneous `String, but guy is (none)` warning
  Due to various new features, this warning is no longer valid, as
  there are reasons to have a string with no guy, ex. Signposts
zscript: prevent potential crash while compiling ternary expressions
  Regressed 2 years ago in dd975320.
zscript: fix codegen for long integer `^^^` constant 0
  This was accidentally producing `10000` instead of `1`.
zscript: correct broken clipping of draw commands in some cases
  Some draw commands clip their contents based on whether the render
  target is the screen or a custom bitmap. However, the way this was
  tracked was broken, and resulted in all draw commands in the same batch
  following a single custom bitmap draw command incorrectly using the
  clipping bounds meant for just custom bitmaps.
zscript: properly allocate file list to prevent `FileSystem->LoadDirectory()` crash
# Documentation
link to docs.zquestclassic.com/zscript in zscript.txt, ZScript_Additions.txt
# Refactors
zq: rename boomerang range attribute to duration (#1048)
zq: in Load Tileset wizard, enable all clear options by default
std_zh: remove DMFS_SIDEVIEW since it was never implemented
zscript: log errors in ghost_zh when creating an enemy fails
zscript: rename `Game->LevelStates[]`/`Game->GlobalStates[]`
  previous names `Game->LSwitches[]`/`Game->GSwitch[]` are deprecated
zscript: add a few functions in preparation for z3 regions
  While 2.55 won't support scrolling regions, it will still have these
  following functions so that scripts may be written to be compatible with
  2.55 and 3.0.
  - `mapdata LoadTempScreen(int layer, int screen)`
  - `mapdata LoadTempScreenForComboPos(int layer, int pos)`
  - `mapdata LoadScrollingScreen(int layer, int screen)`
  - `ffc LoadFFC(int screen, int index)`
  - `void TriggerSecrets(int screen)`
# Tests
correctly emit error when compiling unsupported ZASM
  The `-quick-compile` and `-smart-compile` CLI switches were not
  correctly failing the program or printing an error message when
  encountering a bad ZASM command.
# CI
use macos-13 for newer clang
# Misc.
zq: add help text for conveyors about positive/negative values

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