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Armos Combo Settings for Other Combo Types

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#1 P-Tux7



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Posted 24 July 2021 - 03:45 PM

This is the same as the newly-expanded Armos combo option, where for Statue (Center) and Spinning Tile combos, the NPC that is spawned is configurable on a per-combo basis by the user. This allows for the default shooting statue NPCs (Rock, Sword, etc.) to be used without taking up a screen enemy slot or messing up enemy spawn orders. This also allows for custom statue NPCs like the sword-triggered statues or Beamos from Z3, and the eye guards from Z4 which stop shooting after all enemies are defeated. This also allows for environmental flavour and variations of the spinning tiles, such as tiles, pots, and skulls. I was even going to use it for the crow enemies from Z3/Z4.


If there proves to be something messed up with the "Shooting Statues" flag and EWeapons, then a new combo type can be created ("Spawn NPC Once")

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#2 Mani Kanina

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Posted 24 July 2021 - 08:27 PM

I'm pretty sure this is already possible for spinning floor tiles, since they use tiles on an offset from the tile the combo that is spinning floor tile type uses.

#3 Emily


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Posted 25 July 2021 - 03:38 AM

I'm pretty sure this is already possible for spinning floor tiles, since they use tiles on an offset from the tile the combo that is spinning floor tile type uses.

That wouldn't make it spawn a non-spinning-tile NPC, which would be possible given the request.


Certainly a worthwhile addition, though I don't know if one I'd want to add myself. I'll see if Dimi's interested in working on this.

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#4 Deedee


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Posted 25 July 2021 - 03:43 AM

I've been planning on adding statue stuff for a while. Gonna tackle this soon.

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#5 P-Tux7



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Posted 25 July 2021 - 08:53 PM

I also know that this could be done via an FFC or combo script, but an FFC (at least temporarily) wastes a FFC slot, and a combo script has the enemy # hardcoded.

#6 Emily


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Posted 25 July 2021 - 10:26 PM

I also know that this could be done via an FFC or combo script, but an FFC (at least temporarily) wastes a FFC slot, and a combo script has the enemy # hardcoded.

Why would the combo script need it to be hardcoded? Just use the InitD...

#7 P-Tux7



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Posted 25 July 2021 - 11:53 PM

Why would the combo script need it to be hardcoded? Just use the InitD...

Oh right, I forgot that 2.55 added per-combo attribute settings instead of only having those for FFCs. That actually would work pretty well, then!

Edited by P-Tux7, 25 July 2021 - 11:53 PM.

#8 Emily


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Posted 26 July 2021 - 12:48 AM

Aye, should be able to do it just fine. Given, having it in-engine through attributes on the combo type instead of requiring a script makes a lot of sense too, so it'll still be added.

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#9 P-Tux7



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Posted 28 July 2021 - 03:53 AM

I can't rename the topic, but I would like to request combo size and enemy options for Graves and BS Graves as well, ported from the Armos combo. It would be useful for the 2x2 BS Graves in LTTP that can spawn different enemies depending on if Link is in the Light World or Dark World, and also for the Giant Ghini in one of the BS Graves in the LA graveyard.

#10 Emily


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Posted 28 July 2021 - 04:45 AM

Makes sense, all falls under the general "adding the armos combo settings to other combo types" theme.

And I can change the title!

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