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help? something in this script is being strange

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#1 Nightmeres



  • Members

Posted 26 October 2017 - 11:11 AM

something in this script causes the grass tile to appear in the top right corner of every screen its on, i don't know why :

const int SCRIPT_BARRIERS = 15; // Must refer to "Barrier"'s ffc script slot in the quest
// ID's of barrier-related combos
// Barriers in raised state
const int BARRIER_A_RAISED           = 15036;
const int BARRIER_B_RAISED           = 15038;
// Barriers in lowered state
const int BARRIER_A_LOWERED          = 15037;
const int BARRIER_B_LOWERED          = 15039;
// Barriers animating to raised state
const int BARRIER_A_ANIMRAISE        = 15041;
const int BARRIER_B_ANIMRAISE        = 15043;
// Barriers animating to lowered state
const int BARRIER_A_ANIMLOWER        = 15040;
const int BARRIER_B_ANIMLOWER        = 15042;
// Raised barriers that Link can walk on
const int BARRIER_A_WALKABLE         = 15044;
const int BARRIER_B_WALKABLE         = 15045;
// Barrier switches
const int BARRIER_A_SWITCH           = 15046;
const int BARRIER_B_SWITCH           = 15047;
const int BARRIER_SWITCH_DUMMY = 191; // ID of a switch hit detection dummy enemy
const int BARRIER_SWITCH_DUMMY_HP = 32767;
// Global array to store the state of barriers per dmap
// If you have more than 16 dmaps you can change the capacity in the []'s
// You may change the states in other scripts, but the changes will not be visible
// until there is a new screen, so set them before Barriers_NewScreen() is called.
bool barriers[255]; // false = blue barriers raised, true = red barriers raised
global script slot2 {
 void run() {
  // Initialize variables used to listen on screen changes
  int curscreen = -1;
                int reqItem = 158; //Item that makes the FFC follower follow you
        int ffcNumber = 32; //The number of the FFC used.  This script will "hijack" this one, so don't use it for anything else on screens when you expect the player to have a follower.
        int firstFollowerCombo = 23568; //combo of the first combo.  In order, the concecutive combos must be "still up", "still down", "still left", "still right", "moving up", "moving down", "moving left", "moving right".
        int csetOfFollower = 11;
        bool firstCheck = false; //leave this alone
        ffc follower;
        int pastX;
        int currentX;
        int followerX[13];
        int pastY;
        int currentY;
        int followerY[13];
        int index;
  while (true) {
   // Keep track of screen changes
   // Run a Barrier script on every screen change
   if (Game->GetCurScreen() != curscreen) {
    curscreen = Game->GetCurScreen();
if(Link->Item[reqItem] == true){
                if(Link->Action != LA_SCROLLING && follower->Data==0){
                    follower = Screen->LoadFFC(ffcNumber);
                    follower->Data = firstFollowerCombo;
                    follower->CSet = csetOfFollower;
                    pastX = Link->X;
                    follower->X = Link->X;
                    pastY = Link->Y;
                    follower->Y = Link->Y;
                    for ( int i = 0; i < 13; i++ ){
                        followerX[i] = Link->X;
                        followerY[i] = Link->Y;
                    firstCheck = true;
                if(Link->Action != LA_SCROLLING){
                    if((Link->InputUp || Link->InputDown || Link->InputRight || Link->InputLeft)&&(!(Link->InputA || Link->InputB))){
                        pastX = follower->X;
                        follower->X = followerX[0];
                        for(index=0; index<12; index++){
                            followerX[index] = followerX[index + 1];
                        followerX[12] = Link->X;
                        pastY = follower->Y;
                        follower->Y = followerY[0];
                        for(index=0; index<12; index++){
                            followerY[index] = followerY[index + 1];
                        followerY[12] = Link->Y;
                    if(follower->Y > pastY){
                        follower->Data = firstFollowerCombo + 5;
                    else if(follower->Y < pastY){
                        follower->Data = firstFollowerCombo + 4;
                    else if(follower->X > pastX){
                        follower->Data = firstFollowerCombo + 7;
                    else if(follower->X < pastX){
                        follower->Data = firstFollowerCombo + 6;
                    if(!(Link->InputUp || Link->InputDown || Link->InputRight || Link->InputLeft)){
                        if((follower->Data == (firstFollowerCombo + 4))||(follower->Data == (firstFollowerCombo + 5))||(follower->Data == (firstFollowerCombo + 6))||(follower->Data == (firstFollowerCombo + 7))){
                            follower->Data = follower->Data - 4;
                        else if((follower->Data == (firstFollowerCombo + 3))||(follower->Data == (firstFollowerCombo + 2))||(follower->Data == (firstFollowerCombo + 1))||(follower->Data == (firstFollowerCombo))){
                            follower->Data = firstFollowerCombo;
                if(Link->Action == LA_SCROLLING){
                    firstCheck = false;
// Function that makes preparations for barriers on each screen and starts an FFC script
void Barriers_NewScreen() {
 // Search for a barrier-related combo
 for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
  int cd = Screen->ComboD[i];
   // A barrier-related combo was found
   // Make initial changes to combos
   if (barriers[Game->GetCurLevel()]) {
    for (int j = i; j <= 175; j++) {
     int cd = Screen->ComboD[j];
     if (cd == BARRIER_A_RAISED) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_A_LOWERED;
     else if (cd == BARRIER_B_LOWERED) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_B_RAISED;
     else if (cd == BARRIER_A_SWITCH) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_B_SWITCH;}}
   else {
    for (int j = i; j <= 175; j++) {
     int cd = Screen->ComboD[j];
     if (cd == BARRIER_B_RAISED) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_B_LOWERED;
     else if (cd == BARRIER_A_LOWERED) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_A_RAISED;
     else if (cd == BARRIER_B_SWITCH) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_A_SWITCH;}}
   // So run FFCscript to control barriers
   int args[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
   RunFFCScript(SCRIPT_BARRIERS, args);
// This lets you toggle barriers on any dmap
bool ToggleBarriers(int dmap) {
 if (dmap == Game->GetCurLevel()) ToggleBarriers();
 else barriers[dmap] = !barriers[dmap];
 return barriers[dmap];}
// This toggles barriers on the current dmap
bool ToggleBarriers() {
 int curdmap = Game->GetCurLevel();
 if (!barriers[curdmap]) {
  barriers[curdmap] = true;
  for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
   int cd = Screen->ComboD[i];
    Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_ANIMLOWER;}
   else if (cd == BARRIER_B_LOWERED || cd == BARRIER_B_ANIMLOWER) {
    Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_ANIMRAISE;}
   else if (cd == BARRIER_A_SWITCH) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_SWITCH;}}}
 else {
  barriers[curdmap] = false;
  for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
   int cd = Screen->ComboD[i];
    Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_ANIMLOWER;}
   else if (cd == BARRIER_A_LOWERED || cd == BARRIER_A_ANIMLOWER) {
    Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_ANIMRAISE;}
   else if (cd == BARRIER_B_SWITCH) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_SWITCH;}}}
 return barriers[curdmap];
// This script controls barriers on the screen
// The FFC is automatically created by Barriers_NewScreen()
ffc script Barriers {
 void run() {
  // Initialize storage for bswitch hit dummies
  int bswitch_count;
  npc bswitch[8];
  for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
   if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_A_SWITCH || Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_B_SWITCH) {
    npc bs = CreateNPCAt(BARRIER_SWITCH_DUMMY, ComboX(i), ComboY(i));
    bs->HitWidth = 8; // Smaller hit box to avoid annoying collisions with Link
    bs->HitHeight = 8;
    bswitch[bswitch_count++] = bs;}}
  // Change raised barriers to walkable ones if Link enters screen on a raised barrier
  int lcombo = LinkOnComboD();
  bool onbarrier = (lcombo == BARRIER_A_RAISED || lcombo == BARRIER_B_RAISED);
  if (onbarrier) for (int i = 0; i < 176; i++) {
   if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_A_RAISED) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_WALKABLE;}
   else if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_B_RAISED) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_WALKABLE;}}
  while (true) {
   // Detect hits on bswitches, and change combos accordingly
   for (int j = 0; j < bswitch_count; j++) {
    if (bswitch[j]->HP < BARRIER_SWITCH_DUMMY_HP) {
     bswitch[j]->HP = BARRIER_SWITCH_DUMMY_HP;
     break;}} //break so that only one bswitch hit may register per frame
   // Make barriers walkable if Link is on raised barriers, or unwalkable if not
   lcombo = LinkOnComboD();
   if (!onbarrier && (lcombo == BARRIER_A_RAISED || lcombo == BARRIER_B_RAISED)) {
    onbarrier = true;
    for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
     if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_A_RAISED) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_WALKABLE;}
     else if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_B_RAISED) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_WALKABLE;}}}
   else if (onbarrier && !(lcombo == BARRIER_A_WALKABLE || lcombo == BARRIER_B_WALKABLE)) {
    onbarrier = false;
    for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
     if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_A_WALKABLE) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_RAISED;}
     else if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_B_WALKABLE) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_RAISED;}}}
// A utility function that returns the ID of the combo that Link appears to stand on
int LinkOnComboD() {
 return Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(Link->X+8, Link->Y+13)];

can someone help me figure out why this is happening?

#2 Timelord


    The Timelord

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  • Location:Prydon Academy

Posted 27 October 2017 - 02:49 AM

something in this script causes the grass tile to appear in the top right corner of every screen its on, i don't know why :

[ SNIP ]

can someone help me figure out why this is happening?

Warning: Untested patch.
const int CMB_FFC_INVIS = 1; //Combo higher than ID 0 with an invisible tile. 

// ID's of barrier-related combos
// Barriers in raised state
const int BARRIER_A_RAISED           = 15036;
const int BARRIER_B_RAISED           = 15038;
// Barriers in lowered state
const int BARRIER_A_LOWERED          = 15037;
const int BARRIER_B_LOWERED          = 15039;
// Barriers animating to raised state
const int BARRIER_A_ANIMRAISE        = 15041;
const int BARRIER_B_ANIMRAISE        = 15043;
// Barriers animating to lowered state
const int BARRIER_A_ANIMLOWER        = 15040;
const int BARRIER_B_ANIMLOWER        = 15042;
// Raised barriers that Link can walk on
const int BARRIER_A_WALKABLE         = 15044;
const int BARRIER_B_WALKABLE         = 15045;
// Barrier switches
const int BARRIER_A_SWITCH           = 15046;
const int BARRIER_B_SWITCH           = 15047;
const int BARRIER_SWITCH_DUMMY = 191; // ID of a switch hit detection dummy enemy
const int BARRIER_SWITCH_DUMMY_HP = 32767;
// Global array to store the state of barriers per dmap
// If you have more than 16 dmaps you can change the capacity in the []'s
// You may change the states in other scripts, but the changes will not be visible
// until there is a new screen, so set them before Barriers_NewScreen() is called.
bool barriers[255]; // false = blue barriers raised, true = red barriers raised
const int ffcNumber = 32; //The number of the FFC used.  This script will "hijack" this one, so don't use it for anything else on screens when you expect the player to have a follower.
const int firstFollowerCombo = 23568; //combo of the first combo.  In order, the concecutive combos must be "still up", "still down", "still left", "still right", "moving up", "moving down", "moving left", "moving right".
const int csetOfFollower = 11;
const int reqItem = 158; //Item that makes the FFC follower follow you
const int BAR_PASTX = 14;
const int BAR_PASTY = 14;
global script slot2 {
 void run() {
  // Initialize variables used to listen on screen changes
	int curscreen = -1;
	bool firstCheck = false; //leave this alone
        ffc follower;

        int followerX[15];
        int followerY[15];
        int switch_index;
  while (true) {
   // Keep track of screen changes
   // Run a Barrier script on every screen change
   if (Game->GetCurScreen() != curscreen) {
    curscreen = Game->GetCurScreen();
if(Link->Item[reqItem] == true){
                if(Link->Action != LA_SCROLLING && follower->Data==0){
                    follower = Screen->LoadFFC(ffcNumber);
                    follower->Data = firstFollowerCombo;
                    follower->CSet = csetOfFollower;
                    followerX[BAR_PASTX] = Link->X;
                    follower->X = Link->X;
                    followerY[BAR_PASTY] = Link->Y;
                    follower->Y = Link->Y;
                    for ( int i = 0; i < 13; i++ ){
                        followerX[i] = Link->X;
                        followerY[i] = Link->Y;
                    firstCheck = true;
                if(Link->Action != LA_SCROLLING){
                    if((Link->InputUp || Link->InputDown || Link->InputRight || Link->InputLeft)&&(!(Link->InputA || Link->InputB))){
                        followerX[BAR_PASTX] = follower->X;
                        follower->X = followerX[0];
                        for(switch_index=0; switch_index<12; switch_index++){
                            followerX[switch_index] = followerX[switch_index + 1];
                        followerX[12] = Link->X;
                        followerY[BAR_PASTY] = follower->Y;
                        follower->Y = followerY[0];
                        for(switch_index=0; switch_index<12; switch_index++){
                            followerY[switch_index] = followerY[switch_index + 1];
                        followerY[12] = Link->Y;
                    if(follower->Y > followerY[BAR_PASTY]){
                        follower->Data = firstFollowerCombo + 5;
                    else if(follower->Y < followerY[BAR_PASTY]){
                        follower->Data = firstFollowerCombo + 4;
                    else if(follower->X > followerX[BAR_PASTX]){
                        follower->Data = firstFollowerCombo + 7;
                    else if(follower->X < followerX[BAR_PASTX]){
                        follower->Data = firstFollowerCombo + 6;
                    if(!(Link->InputUp || Link->InputDown || Link->InputRight || Link->InputLeft)){
                        if((follower->Data == (firstFollowerCombo + 4))||(follower->Data == (firstFollowerCombo + 5))||(follower->Data == (firstFollowerCombo + 6))||(follower->Data == (firstFollowerCombo + 7))){
                            follower->Data = follower->Data - 4;
                        else if((follower->Data == (firstFollowerCombo + 3))||(follower->Data == (firstFollowerCombo + 2))||(follower->Data == (firstFollowerCombo + 1))||(follower->Data == (firstFollowerCombo))){
                            follower->Data = firstFollowerCombo;
                if(Link->Action == LA_SCROLLING){
                    firstCheck = false;
// Function that makes preparations for barriers on each screen and starts an FFC script
void Barriers_NewScreen() {
 // Search for a barrier-related combo
 for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
  int cd = Screen->ComboD[i];
   // A barrier-related combo was found
   // Make initial changes to combos
   if (barriers[Game->GetCurLevel()]) {
    for (int j = i; j <= 175; j++) {
     int cd = Screen->ComboD[j];
     if (cd == BARRIER_A_RAISED) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_A_LOWERED;
     else if (cd == BARRIER_B_LOWERED) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_B_RAISED;
     else if (cd == BARRIER_A_SWITCH) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_B_SWITCH;}}
   else {
    for (int j = i; j <= 175; j++) {
     int cd = Screen->ComboD[j];
     if (cd == BARRIER_B_RAISED) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_B_LOWERED;
     else if (cd == BARRIER_A_LOWERED) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_A_RAISED;
     else if (cd == BARRIER_B_SWITCH) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_A_SWITCH;}}
   // So run FFCscript to control barriers
   int fif[]="Barriers";
	ffc f = Screen->LoadFFC(ffcNumber);
	f->Script = Game->GetFFCScript(fif);
	f->Data = CMB_FFC_INVIS;
	f->X = -100;
	f->Y = -100; 
        f->Flags[FFCF_PRELOAD] = true;
// This lets you toggle barriers on any dmap
bool ToggleBarriers(int dmap) {
 if (dmap == Game->GetCurLevel()) ToggleBarriers();
 else barriers[dmap] = !barriers[dmap];
 return barriers[dmap];}
// This toggles barriers on the current dmap
bool ToggleBarriers() {
 int curdmap = Game->GetCurLevel();
 if (!barriers[curdmap]) {
  barriers[curdmap] = true;
  for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
   int cd = Screen->ComboD[i];
    Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_ANIMLOWER;}
   else if (cd == BARRIER_B_LOWERED || cd == BARRIER_B_ANIMLOWER) {
    Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_ANIMRAISE;}
   else if (cd == BARRIER_A_SWITCH) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_SWITCH;}}}
 else {
  barriers[curdmap] = false;
  for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
   int cd = Screen->ComboD[i];
    Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_ANIMLOWER;}
   else if (cd == BARRIER_A_LOWERED || cd == BARRIER_A_ANIMLOWER) {
    Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_ANIMRAISE;}
   else if (cd == BARRIER_B_SWITCH) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_SWITCH;}}}
 return barriers[curdmap];
// This script controls barriers on the screen
// The FFC is automatically created by Barriers_NewScreen()
ffc script Barriers {
 void run() {
  // Initialize storage for bswitch hit dummies
  int bswitch_count;
  npc bswitch[8];
  for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
   if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_A_SWITCH || Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_B_SWITCH) {
    npc bs = CreateNPCAt(BARRIER_SWITCH_DUMMY, ComboX(i), ComboY(i));
    bs->HitWidth = 8; // Smaller hit box to avoid annoying collisions with Link
    bs->HitHeight = 8;
    bswitch[bswitch_count++] = bs;}}
  // Change raised barriers to walkable ones if Link enters screen on a raised barrier
  int lcombo = LinkOnComboD();
  bool onbarrier = (lcombo == BARRIER_A_RAISED || lcombo == BARRIER_B_RAISED);
  if (onbarrier) for (int i = 0; i < 176; i++) {
   if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_A_RAISED) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_WALKABLE;}
   else if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_B_RAISED) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_WALKABLE;}}
  while (true) {
   // Detect hits on bswitches, and change combos accordingly
   for (int j = 0; j < bswitch_count; j++) {
    if (bswitch[j]->HP < BARRIER_SWITCH_DUMMY_HP) {
     bswitch[j]->HP = BARRIER_SWITCH_DUMMY_HP;
     break;}} //break so that only one bswitch hit may register per frame
   // Make barriers walkable if Link is on raised barriers, or unwalkable if not
   lcombo = LinkOnComboD();
   if (!onbarrier && (lcombo == BARRIER_A_RAISED || lcombo == BARRIER_B_RAISED)) {
    onbarrier = true;
    for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
     if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_A_RAISED) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_WALKABLE;}
     else if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_B_RAISED) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_WALKABLE;}}}
   else if (onbarrier && !(lcombo == BARRIER_A_WALKABLE || lcombo == BARRIER_B_WALKABLE)) {
    onbarrier = false;
    for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
     if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_A_WALKABLE) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_RAISED;}
     else if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_B_WALKABLE) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_RAISED;}}}
// A utility function that returns the ID of the combo that Link appears to stand on
int LinkOnComboD() {
 return Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(Link->X+8, Link->Y+13)];
Why have I had to fix this script in two different ways, for two different users, in one week?

Edited by ZoriaRPG, 27 October 2017 - 09:47 PM.

#3 Nightmeres



  • Members

Posted 27 October 2017 - 09:11 AM

wont import says line 155 unexpected quotation around barrier and when i get rid of the quotation marks it says barrier is undeclared. 

#4 Sans


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Posted 27 October 2017 - 01:16 PM

Me i got the problem too: I combined this script in this combined script. i setup everything but nothing happens when i hit the switch with the sword or any weapons.

#5 Timelord


    The Timelord

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  • Location:Prydon Academy

Posted 27 October 2017 - 08:31 PM

Change it to:

int fif[]="Barriers";

Edited by ZoriaRPG, 27 October 2017 - 08:31 PM.

  • Nightmeres likes this

#6 Nightmeres



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Posted 28 October 2017 - 08:09 AM

Hey, thanks for all the help it works perfectly  :cheese:

#7 Timelord


    The Timelord

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Posted 29 October 2017 - 07:46 PM

Hey, thanks for all the help it works perfectly :cheese:

You are quite welcome. :)

Edited by ZoriaRPG, 29 October 2017 - 07:47 PM.

#8 Nightmeres



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Posted 31 October 2017 - 06:21 PM

so i tested it and it only switches the barriers for one dmap not multiple  

#9 Timelord


    The Timelord

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Posted 01 November 2017 - 07:19 PM

IIRC, that script only works on one dmap at a time. That's one thing that I remember fixing for TeamUDF, bu it may have been a different version of the script.

#10 Nightmeres



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Posted 01 November 2017 - 08:49 PM

Oh, would it be possible to make it work for multiple dmaps?

#11 Timelord


    The Timelord

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Posted 02 November 2017 - 09:14 AM

Oh, would it be possible to make it work for multiple dmaps?

I don't have the time at present to hack that into it. If I find the version that I modified for TeamUDF, you could use that. Otherwise, I would rather spend the time proving my own crystal switches script, testing it, and making it public; than to hack this one yet another time.

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