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Common ZC Wisdom Sharing

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#16 Twilight Knight

Twilight Knight

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Posted 28 October 2024 - 07:01 AM


  • For a weird dream-like area, teleport the player into some screens that would ordinarily just be layers for another screen. The tile errors can make for a really unnerving situation


I feel offended  :whap:


Funny though how many of these would've been serious advices 10+ years ago on the forums. ZC and the community has really notably advanced in this time



I don't have much to add to the wisdom shared so far, besides making your quest into something you would enjoy personally at least. Oh, a good one would be to have people test/play it while you're observing, that was very helpful for me. For example, some people made LPs of my quests that really made me see the flaws of my own designs, as usually people won't share all the feedback they had for your quests in a review (those are usually very condensed).


And it's been pointed out before, but it actually takes a whole lot of time polishing your quest. So aiming for a big quest (let's say 8 dungeons or more) is gonna take a whole lot of time, unless you don't polish it properly. Which is exactly what I did when I was a teenager (referring back to the "I feel offended"), just rush the quest and finish it a.s.a.p. without proper care and testing.

#17 TheRock


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Posted 29 October 2024 - 01:06 PM

When in doubt finish the game Sonic 06 style. It's fun you should try it out. I did this for Dreams Realm quite a lot. Cut cut and cut more content out of the game. 

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#18 Moonlight


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Posted 29 October 2024 - 02:27 PM

Don't plan features or mechanics which exceed your own capability.

Familiarize yourself with what's possible through the string, combo and enemy editors. It's more than you think.

Custom counters are an easy way to do things like story progression.

Try to think of unique uses for existing tiles or mechanics. It goes a long way in making an area stand out.
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#19 Moosh


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Posted 30 October 2024 - 05:57 AM

Don't plan features or mechanics which exceed your own capability.

It's funny how our advice can be kinda contradictory sometimes. I said basically the polar opposite of this. "Dream big, fail hard, and improve through mistakes" vs. "Set reasonable goals and hone the things you already know." I think both approaches are valid depending on the person.

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#20 Shoshon the Elegant

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Posted 30 October 2024 - 09:29 AM

It's funny how our advice can be kinda contradictory sometimes. I said basically the polar opposite of this. "Dream big, fail hard, and improve through mistakes" vs. "Set reasonable goals and hone the things you already know." I think both approaches are valid depending on the person.


I think the bigger thing is what kind of dreams you have, and thinking realistically on how you can accomplish them. For instance, if I only have to ask for help with writing a couple scripts, then I don't see too much of an issue. Now, if you're quest idea requires heavy scripting, you should probably make sure you either have public use scripts for the whole thing, or you have someone who you know would help.



Something I learned from you too... Just because you don't know how dedicated you are to a project or how long it will take to finish, doesn't mean you can't ask about a script. Your idea could be a really good idea for a public use script. Which makes it overall more useful.

#21 Blackpaintbowser


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Posted 30 October 2024 - 09:24 PM

Don't start too many projects when you already have one that isn't finished. having two projects at once is fine in my eyes, but more than that can be too much.

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