I think I ought to give some quick remarks to each shot:
Alucard648: I think the backdrop is very nice, but I think a lot of the rest of the graphics clash stylistically, at least between Link and everything else.
Anthus: this was 2nd place for me. The colors are gorgeous, and the detail of the lower half of the ship under the water is a fantastic addition. My sole issues with this shot are the perfectly square puddles, and the classic Link. As this beautiful tileset has developed, these two elements feel like artifacts and thus stick out detrimentally.
Architect Abdiel: I think this is the best shot I've seen from you; it's really good. I've had a hard time with the palette in the past, but the greys of the castle do something to soften the intensity of the palette and it just makes the screen work for me. I think this wasn't too far behind Anthus' to be honest.
FireSeraphim: I like the sprites quite a bit. I think the texture of the walls could use a fair amount of work though, clashes a bit with the a lot of the other textures. Basically the walls are overly-textured, if they were more similar to the blocks on the floor, I think that could be a fair improvement. Look at Robotrek for some inspiration I think to get an idea of what I mean.
HeroOfFire: Oh, it's procedurally generated? That's fairly cool. I can appreciate the utility of these tiles, simplifying form to allow for more focus on function; though in the end it has an uphill battle for me in SotW. I think the concept is cool though.
Orithan: already remarked above, but this shot shows excellent progress overall on the tileset and received my vote. My two notes would have to be that I think the bridge and stairs are too shiny and too textured. I would soften the interior outlines on both to suggest a texture, that would make them fit better with the grass and dirt... actually the texture on the house's roof is a good demonstration of what I would like to see on the bridge and stairs.
Phosphor: I mean, if this shot doesn't sell people on using PTUS, I don't know what will. This shot's gorgeous, outstanding work.
Rambly: I say this fairly frequently to everyone: adding a single sprite to the screen often adds a level of life that always improves it for SotW, in my opinion. That all said, I like the elements on display, such as the stained glass reflections and the floor texture.
RedTribeLink: I like the overall composition of the shot, I like whatever on earth is happening on the north side of the screen, it's quite compelling. I don't like a lot of the tiles though, the bushes and cliffs are too grainy and look mismatched to the other details IMO.
Taco Chopper: fantastic shot, great balance of symmetry and asymmetry. The colors are super pretty, I hope this is in Three Crests and I can't wait to play it.
And then some notes on my shot, I made this shot a few months ago when I was exploring the LA tiles. If you'll believe it, this shot is all on a single tile layer and I have edited nothing from base LA here. The only non-LA stuff are the sprites; the goat is a custom sprite by me, the pakkun comes from SD1 and the frog comes from... some frog game that was only released in Japan.
Anyway, it's wonderful to see the turnout overall