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Combining Global Scripts (Alot of them)

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#1 OmegaX


    Leader of Omega GamingHunters101

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Posted 26 November 2017 - 11:58 PM

Ok i know this is a lot but I'm going to ask anyway. I Trying to Combine 18 Global Scripts(Just a estimate) into one. Here are the scripts.





Help would be nice, Thanks :D





#2 Timelord


    The Timelord

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Posted 27 November 2017 - 05:20 AM

Have you bothered to try this first?

#3 OmegaX


    Leader of Omega GamingHunters101

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Posted 27 November 2017 - 07:05 AM

Yes I have but it stop working after trying to combine a third script, and I don't even know if I did right the first time.

#4 OmegaX


    Leader of Omega GamingHunters101

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Posted 27 November 2017 - 03:42 PM

I tried the script combiner again and i got this.

//Paste your current global script in here

//Paste the global script you want to add in here
// import "std.zh"  // Only need this once.

// Passive Subscreen A/B Counter Fix
// A fix to display the proper counter for the A and B buttons on the passive subscreen when the quest rule "Can Select A-Button Weapon on Subscreen" is on.
// In your Slot2 (or Active) global script, put SetCountersAB(); before the waitframe.
// A sample global script is commented out at the bottom.
// See notes below about the constants used ESPECIALLY if your quest makes use of the Script1-25 item counters.  If you're not sure, you'll likely be safe with the defaults.
// On your passive subscreen, place a Counter object with each Button Item display.  Edit the properties. 
// On the Attributes Tab, change Item 1 to the corresponding Script counter - default is A Button = Script 24, B Button = Script 25
// Leave "Show Zero" and "Only Selected" UNCHECKED.
// Note:  make sure that your item has its Counter Reference declared.  Edit the item, Pickup tab.  
// For instance, Arrows are hardcoded to use either rupees or arrows.  Unless the Counter Reference is set, the counter won't show.
// This should point to the item's counter NOT the script counters used by this script.

// Set these constants to unused Script counters. Valid numbers would be 7-31.
// By default they are set to the highest values to hopefully avoid interfering with any other scripts.
// The counter values and associated references are all in std_constants.zh
// You'll need to know the counter reference number NOT the value.  So for the defaults, you'll need to use Script Counters 24 & 25.
const int CR_ABUTTON = 30;  // Script 24 counter reference
const int CR_BBUTTON = 31;  // Script 25 counter reference

void SetCountersAB(){
	itemdata itemA = Game->LoadItemData(GetEquipmentA());
	itemdata itemB = Game->LoadItemData(GetEquipmentB());
	}else if(Game->Counter[CR_ABUTTON]!=Game->Counter[itemA->Counter]){

	}else if(Game->Counter[CR_BBUTTON]!=Game->Counter[itemB->Counter]){

// global script active{
//    void run(){
//	  while(true){
//              Might have other stuff here...
//		SetCountersAB();
//	        Waitframe();
//	  }
//    }

// -------------------------------------------

// --- Consumable Game-Boy Styled Shields  ---

// ---    with advanced defense options    ---

// ---     by justin, request gouanaco     ---

// --- based on Simplified GBShield Script ---

// ---  by MoscowModder and others         ---

// ---             ver 1.0                 ---

// -------------------------------------------


// Setup instructions

// 1. Check/set the constants below the instructions (sound SFXs, durability display, and eweapon->Misc[] index)

// 2. Combine global script with your existing slot2/active global, or if no existing global active, just use the example version

// 3. Compile/Import the script into your quest

// 3.1 set the global to its slot

// 3.2 set the item script gbshield to a slot


// 4. For every equipable/consumable/advanced shield you will need two items. Let's call them Item1 and Item2 for clarity with their particular setups.

//    Item1

//     The actual shield. Itemclass shield. Give this one a Link Tile Modifier to your tiles of Link carrying this shield.

//     This shield can still use normal shield block/reflect flags (see below) on the first page of the editor giving this script even more customization.

//     This shield can also take advantage of the consumable/advanced defense options by using the D values on the Scripts tab (you don't actually attach a script)

//     See, Item1 Options at end of these instructions for the standard block/reflect flags and all the D value options.


//    Item2

//     The "dummy" shield item. Itemclass custom. This is the item that will be usable on your A/B buttons. When used it gives the actual shield (Item1).

//     On the script tab, attach the gbshield script to the Action slot. Set the D values.

//      DO: "Real" shield item# to give

//      D1: Dummy shield item#, the item# that this script is attached to

//      D2: Durabilty save slot. If multiple consumable shields exist in the quest use this to save the current durabilty of each one. 

//          Give each individual shield a unique value between 0 and 4.

//          the script is hardwired to only save 5 durability values. expansion is possible by increasing the size of the CGBShieldVars[] array.

//          to increase the array size, see note at bottom of this script file.


// 5. That's it.

// ---------------------------


// Item1 Options


// Standard block/reflect flags - sum the numbers. eg: shield blocks - rock, arrow, fireball, script = 1+2+8+128 = 139

// 1 - rock

// 2 - arrow

// 4 - boomerang

// 8 - fireball

// 16 - sword beam

// 32 - magic

// 64 - fire

// 128 - script weapons

// 256 - boss fireball


// Advanced consumption and defense options for the Script Tab of Item1

// D0 = the shield's durability (HP)

// D1-D7 are for the highly customizable consumption/defense options. you don't need to set them all. this is their format.

// xxxxxxx.yy

// a positive x value means we want to use the standard block/reflect flags as above. (can be different than block/reflect on Data page)

// a negative x value means we want to use the advanced block/reflect flags below. ( NOT to be combined like standard block/reflect flags)

// the y value sets how the shield/Link handles the weapon(s) defined by x.


// Negative X values ( NOT to be combined like standard block/reflect flags)

//  rock = 1            arrow = 2        boomerang = 3    fireball = 4     swordbeam = 5     magic = 6

//  fire = 7            gen.script = 8   fireball2 = 9    proj.bomb = 10   bombblast = 11    proj.supbomb = 12

//  supbombblast = 13   firetrail = 14   wind = 15        fire2 = 16       script1 = 17      script2 = 18

//  script3 = 19        script4 = 20     script5 = 21     script6 = 22     script7 = 23      script8 = 24

//  script9 = 25        script10 = 26


// Y Values (divided up between tens column and ones column)

//  Tens column

//   .0y == shield takes no damage

//   .1y == shield takes all the eweapon damage

//   .2y == shield takes half the eweapon damage

//   .3y == shield takes half the eweapon damage, and diminshes the strength of the eweapon by that amount

//   .4y == shield takes quarter the eweapon damage

//   .5y == shield takes quarter the eweapon damage, and diminshes the strength of the eweapon by that amount

//   .6y == shield takes double the eweapon damage

//   .7y == shield takes triple the eweapon damage

//   .8y == eweapon one-hit-kills shield

//  Ones column

//  .y0 == Regardless of above, Link will not be hurt (eweapon was destroyed by shield)

//  .y1 == If shield breaks, Link takes the extra damage left over. eg Shield durability = 10, weapon damage = 15, Link will lose 5HP and shield gone

//  .y2 == Reflect eweapon, Link will not be hurt. But shield may have been damaged in process

//  .y3 == Despite shield, Link gets full weapon damage

//  .y4 == Despite shield, Link gets half weapon damage

//  .y5 == Despite shield, Link gets quarter weapon damage

//  .y6 == Despite shield, Link gets double weapon damage

//  .y7 == Despite shield, Link gets triple weapon damage

// the .y3 thru .y7 values allow for significant customization, for instance a 14 value gives a shield that takes full damage, but still gives Link half damage

// obviously some of the variations would be very mean if implimented, but who am I to decide...


// Example usage:

// D0 = 100  shield has 100 hp durability

// D1 = 38.21   shield will take half damage (.2y) from magic, boomr, arrow (32+4+2=38). If shield breaks (.y1) Link takes leftover damage from these weapons.

// D2 = -11.84  shield will be destroyed (.8y) by a bombblast (-11), but Link will only take half damage from the blast (.y4)

// D3 = 24.32    shield will take half damage (.3y) from fireball, swordbeam (8+16=24), and half dimished weapon will be reflected (.y2) 

Is this right?

and this

int CGBShieldVars[37]; // a global array that stores all the variables used by this script. see the bottom of this script file for the index values.

// --------------------------------------

// constants you may wish/need to change

const int CGBS_DURADISPLAY = 1; // 0 = no display, 1 = set to counter, can be placed on subscreen

const int CGBS_DURACOUNTER = 7; // default 7 = CR_SCRIPT1 counter, change depending on the counter usage in your quest. 

const int SFX_GBSHIELD = 17; //Shield active SFX   (note: this is the Hookshot sound in the default Z1 tileset)

const int SFX_SHIELDBREAK = 0; // SFX to use when shield breaks, the default value of 0 means that none is set

// this script also uses the following sound effects which the quest designer may wish to change (do a search)

// SFX_CLINK, the standard shield collision sound

// SFX_OUCH, the standard Link hurt sound

const int EW_MISC_CGBS = 0; // an index to the eweapon->Misc[] array. if any other scripts use this array you might have to change this value.

// ----- end constants -----------------

// --------------------------------------

// Example global active script, if combining with an existing global active script add, before the Waitframe(); the following two lines without the // comment tags

// GB_Shield();

// if(CGBShieldVars[CGBS_shieldOn]==1) Consume_Shield();

global script active{

 void run(){


   // the following two lines run the button equipable Game-Boy styled shield, and the Consumable shield with advanced defense options


   if(CGBShieldVars[CGBS_shieldOn]==1) Consume_Shield();

   Waitdraw();        //sometimes doesn't exist in a global active script, if it does, the shield code goes above it.

   Waitframe();       //Needed at bottom of while(true) loop

  }//end while

 }//end void run


// ------ end global -------------------

// ------- Item Script -----------------

// Item use script that checks use of dummy shield item and gives an actual shield item

// modified version of gbshield script by MoscowModder (who in turn credits others)

// Attach the script gbshield to the Action slot of the dummy shield item, and set the following arguments (D values)

//DO: "Real" shield item# to give

//D1: Dummy shield item#, the item# that this script is attached to

//D2: Durabilty save slot. If multiple consumable shields exist in the quest use this to save the current durabilty of each one. 

//    Give each individual shield a unique value between 0 and 4.

//    the script is hardwired to only save 5 durability values. expansion is possible by increasing the size of the CGBShieldVars[] array.

//    to increase the array size, see note at bottom of this script file.

item script gbshield{

 void run ( int shieldID, int dummyID, int duraSaveSlot ){

   if(CGBShieldVars[CGBS_curShieldItem] != shieldID)  // this dummy shield is connected to different real shield than we've already been using


    itemdata dummy = Game->LoadItemData( CGBShieldVars[CGBS_dummyShield] ); // get the previous dummy shield

    CGBShieldVars[CGBS_DurSlot1 + dummy->InitD[3]] = CGBShieldVars[CGBS_curDur]; // save previous shield durability to its durability slot (connected to its dummy)


    for(int i=0;i<CGBS_DurSlot1;i++) CGBShieldVars[i]=0; // clear everything up to the saved durability slots

    CGBShieldVars[CGBS_curDur] = CGBShieldVars[CGBS_DurSlot1 + duraSaveSlot];  // get saved durability for this shield

    CGBShieldVars[CGBS_curShieldItem] = shieldID;  // set the new real shield item#

    CGBShieldVars[CGBS_dummyShield] = dummyID;     // save this dummy item#

    Set_ShieldConsume(shieldID);     // get the arguments attached to our real shield and put in our CGBShieldVars[] array



  if ( Link->PressB ) CGBShieldVars[CGBS_Button] = 1;   // shield is on B button

  else if ( Link->PressA ) CGBShieldVars[CGBS_Button] = 2;  // shield is on A button

  CGBShieldVars[CGBS_usedDummy] = 1;   // tells our global function to actually give us the real shield

 }//end voidrun

}//end itemscript gbshield

// ------ end Item scripts -------------

// ------- Global functions -------------

// Function from gbshield script by MoscowModder (who in turn credits others)

void GB_Shield(){

 if( !CGBShieldVars[CGBS_shieldOn] && CGBShieldVars[CGBS_usedDummy]){   //Enable shield when using dummy

  CGBShieldVars[CGBS_shieldOn]=1;                  //Set shield state to on


  Link->Item[ CGBShieldVars[CGBS_curShieldItem] ]=true;    //Give the shield

  Game->PlaySound(SFX_GBSHIELD);  //Play the sound


 else if( ((CGBShieldVars[CGBS_Button] == 2 && !Link->InputA) || (CGBShieldVars[CGBS_Button] == 1 && !Link->InputB)) && CGBShieldVars[CGBS_shieldOn])

 { // button was released, so let's take the shield off. 

  Link->Item[ CGBShieldVars[CGBS_curShieldItem] ]=false;   //Remove shield

  CGBShieldVars[CGBS_shieldOn]=0;                  //Set shield state to off



// Going to check for valid collisions with our shield, and handle the consumption

void Consume_Shield(){

 eweapon ew;

 for(int i=Screen->NumEWeapons(); i>0 ; i--)  // cycle thru every eweapon on screen


  ew = Screen->LoadEWeapon(i);

  if( !CGBS_EWType(ew->ID) ) continue;  // eweapon type isn't something the shield cares about (normal collision, will not affect shield)

  ew->CollDetection = false; // turn off engine collisions so we can handle

  if( ShieldCollision(ew) )   // check for collision


   if(ew->Misc[EW_MISC_CGBS] != 666)   // hasn't already hit Link/shield




    ew->Misc[EW_MISC_CGBS] = 666;    // mark this eweapon with the sign of the beast



  ew->CollDetection = true; // turn engine collisions back on in case it's hitting something else

 }//forloop ew cycle

 if(CGBS_DURADISPLAY == 1) Game->Counter[CGBS_DURACOUNTER] = CGBShieldVars[CGBS_curDur];

}//end Consume_Shield

// a function to check for collision between Link and eweapon, plus correlation between direction Link is facing and location of eweapon.

// it should return true if the eweapon would be hitting Link's shield

bool ShieldCollision(eweapon b)


  if( ((Link->Z + Link->HitZHeight >= b->Z) && (Link->Z <= b->Z + b->HitZHeight))==false) return false;

  int Lx1 = Link->X + Link->HitXOffset;

  int Lx2 = Lx1 + Link->HitWidth;

  int bx1 = b->X + b->HitXOffset;

  int bx2 = bx1 + b->HitWidth;

  if( Lx2 < bx1 ) return false;

  if( Lx1 > bx2 ) return false;

  int Ly1 = Link->Y + Link->HitYOffset;

  int Ly2 = Ly1 + Link->HitHeight;

  int by1 = b->Y + b->HitYOffset;

  int by2 = by1 + b->HitHeight;

  if( Ly2 < by1 ) return false;

  if( Ly1 > by2 ) return false;

  int a = AngleDir8(Angle( Link->X+8, Link->Y+8, CenterX(b), CenterY(b) ));

  if(a == Link->Dir) return true;

  return false;

}//end ShieldCollision

// we have a collision between the eweapon and our shield, so let's do the consumption junction and some other functions (advanced defense stuff)

void Do_ConsumeShield(eweapon ew)


 int weapon_type = EWType_to_ConsumeShieldType(ew->ID);

 int shieldHurt = Floor(CGBShieldVars[weapon_type] * 0.1);

 int linkHurt = CGBShieldVars[weapon_type] - (shieldHurt*10);

 int damageShield = 0;

 int damageLink = 0;

 // get the damage to the shield based on its defense to this threat


  if     (shieldHurt == 1) damageShield = ew->Damage;

  else if(shieldHurt == 2 || shieldHurt == 3) damageShield = ew->Damage * 0.5;

  else if(shieldHurt == 4 || shieldHurt == 5) damageShield = ew->Damage * 0.25;

  else if(shieldHurt == 6) damageShield = ew->Damage * 2;

  else if(shieldHurt == 7) damageShield = ew->Damage * 3;

  if(shieldHurt == 3 || shieldHurt == 5) ew->Damage -= damageShield;


 CGBShieldVars[CGBS_curDur] -= damageShield;   // damage the shield

 // get the damage to Link based on his defense to this threat


  ew->DeadState = WDS_DEAD; // shield blocked this threat, kill the weapon


 else if(linkHurt==1){   // if shield is negative durability, give the extra damage to Link

  if(CGBShieldVars[CGBS_curDur] < 0) damageLink = Abs(CGBShieldVars[CGBS_curDur]);

  else ew->DeadState = WDS_DEAD;


  if(damageLink > ew->Damage){  // we don't want to hurt Link extra because of double damage to shield

   damageLink -= ew->Damage;

   if(damageLink > ew->Damage) damageLink -= ew->Damage; // we still don't want to hurt Link extra due to tripled damage to shield


  if(shieldHurt == 3 || shieldHurt == 5) damageLink += ew->Damage;


 else if(linkHurt==2){  // reflect eweapon

  lweapon lw = Screen->CreateLWeapon( ReflectEWtype(ew->ID) );

  lw->X = ew->X;  lw->Y = ew->Y;  lw->Z = ew->Z;   lw->Jump = ew->Jump;

  lw->DrawStyle = ew->DrawStyle;  lw->OriginalTile = ew->OriginalTile;   lw->Tile = ew->Tile;

  lw->OriginalCSet = ew->OriginalCSet;   lw->CSet = ew->CSet;   lw->FlashCSet = ew->FlashCSet;

  lw->NumFrames = ew->NumFrames;   lw->Frame = ew->Frame;   lw->ASpeed = ew->ASpeed;

  lw->Damage = ew->Damage;   lw->Step = ew->Step;   lw->Angular = ew->Angular;   lw->Flash = ew->Flash;

  lw->DeadState = -1;  lw->Flip = ew->Flip;   lw->Extend = ew->Extend;   lw->TileWidth = ew->TileWidth;

  lw->TileHeight = ew->TileHeight;  lw->HitWidth = ew->HitWidth;   lw->HitHeight = ew->HitHeight;

  lw->Dir = reverseDir(ew->Dir);

  if(lw->Dir == DIR_UP) lw->Flip = 0;

  else if(lw->Dir == DIR_DOWN) lw->Flip = 2;

  else if(lw->Dir == DIR_RIGHT) lw->Flip = 0;

  else if(lw->Dir == DIR_LEFT) lw->Flip = 1;

  ew->DeadState = WDS_DEAD;  


 else if(linkHurt == 3) damageLink = ew->Damage;

 else if(linkHurt == 4) damageLink = ew->Damage * 0.5;

 else if(linkHurt == 5) damageLink = ew->Damage * 0.25;

 else if(linkHurt == 6) damageLink = ew->Damage * 2;

 else if(linkHurt == 7) damageLink = ew->Damage * 3;

 if(CGBShieldVars[CGBS_curDur] <= 0 || shieldHurt == 8) // shield destroyed (no durability left, or one-hit killed)



  Link->Item[ CGBShieldVars[CGBS_curShieldItem] ] = false;   //Remove real shield from Link inventory

  Link->Item[ CGBShieldVars[CGBS_dummyShield] ] = false;     //Remove dummy shield from Link inventory

  itemdata dummy = Game->LoadItemData( CGBShieldVars[CGBS_dummyShield] ); // get our dummy shield data

  CGBShieldVars[CGBS_DurSlot1 + dummy->InitD[3]] = 0; // clear this shield's durability slot (connected to its dummy)

  for(int i=0;i<CGBS_DurSlot1;i++) CGBShieldVars[i]=0; // clear everything up to the saved durability slots



 if(damageLink>0) // we have to hurt Link


  Link->HP -= damageLink;

  Link->Action = LA_GOTHURTLAND;

  Link->HitDir = -1;


  ew->DeadState = WDS_DEAD;


}//end Do_ConsumeShield

// converts an eweapon type to an lweapon when reflected off shield. 

// does not currently include EW_SCRIPT#, EW_FIRE2. Could be added if desired. 

int ReflectEWtype( int ewType){

 if(ewType == EW_ARROW) return LW_ARROW;

 if(ewType == EW_BRANG) return LW_BRANG;

 if(ewType == EW_BEAM) return LW_REFBEAM;

 if(ewType == EW_ROCK) return LW_REFROCK;

 if(ewType == EW_MAGIC) return LW_REFMAGIC;

 if(ewType == EW_FIREBALL || ewType == EW_FIREBALL2) return LW_REFFIREBALL;

 if(ewType == EW_BOMB) return LW_BOMB;

 if(ewType == EW_BOMBBLAST) return LW_BOMBBLAST;

 if(ewType == EW_SBOMB) return LW_SBOMB;

 if(ewType == EW_SBOMBBLAST) return LW_SBOMBBLAST;

 if(ewType == EW_FIRE) return LW_FIRE;

 if(ewType == EW_WIND) return LW_WIND;

 return -1;


// convert an eweapon type value to the consumable shield values used by the CGBShieldVars[] array

int EWType_to_ConsumeShieldType(int ewType){

 if(ewType == EW_ARROW) return CGBS_arrow;

 if(ewType == EW_BRANG) return CGBS_boomr;

 if(ewType == EW_BEAM) return CGBS_swordb;

 if(ewType == EW_ROCK) return CGBS_rock;

 if(ewType == EW_MAGIC) return CGBS_magic;

 if(ewType == EW_FIREBALL) return CGBS_fireb;

 if(ewType == EW_FIREBALL2) return CGBS_boss;

 if(ewType == EW_BOMB) return CGBS_bomb;

 if(ewType == EW_BOMBBLAST) return CGBS_bombb;

 if(ewType == EW_SBOMB) return CGBS_sbomb;

 if(ewType == EW_SBOMBBLAST) return CGBS_sbombb;

 if(ewType == EW_FIRETRAIL) return CGBS_firet;

 if(ewType == EW_FIRE) return CGBS_fire;

 if(ewType == EW_WIND) return CGBS_wind;

 if(ewType == EW_FIRE2) return CGBS_fire2;

 if(ewType == EW_SCRIPT1) return CGBS_script1;

 if(ewType == EW_SCRIPT2) return CGBS_script2;

 if(ewType == EW_SCRIPT3) return CGBS_script3;

 if(ewType == EW_SCRIPT4) return CGBS_script4;

 if(ewType == EW_SCRIPT5) return CGBS_script5;

 if(ewType == EW_SCRIPT6) return CGBS_script6;

 if(ewType == EW_SCRIPT7) return CGBS_script7;

 if(ewType == EW_SCRIPT8) return CGBS_script8;

 if(ewType == EW_SCRIPT9) return CGBS_script9;

 if(ewType == EW_SCRIPT10) return CGBS_script10;

 return -1;

}//end EWType_to_ConsumeShieldType

// checks if our consumable shield cares about the eweapon type

bool CGBS_EWType( int ewType ){

 if( CGBShieldVars[ EWType_to_ConsumeShieldType(ewType) ] > 0) return true;

 return false;

}//end CGBS_EWType

// Grab the D values from the real shield item and sort them into the CGBShieldVars[] array for easier use

void Set_ShieldConsume(int shieldID)


 float defenseTypes = 0;

 int defenseVal = 0;

 bool isNeg;

 itemdata shield = Game->LoadItemData(shieldID);

 // if we didn't have a saved durability for this shield, we get the durability for it being brand spankin new

 if( CGBShieldVars[CGBS_curDur] <= 0) CGBShieldVars[CGBS_curDur] = shield->InitD[0];  

 for(int i=1;i<8;i++)   // cycle the remaining arguments


  defenseTypes = shield->InitD[i];

  if(defenseTypes==0) continue;   // no inputted value for the argument, move onto next

  isNeg = (defenseTypes<0);

  if(isNeg) defenseTypes = Abs(defenseTypes);

  // next two statements separate the integer and fraction from the argument into two variables  

  defenseVal = (defenseTypes - Floor(defenseTypes) ) * 100;

  defenseTypes = Floor(defenseTypes);

  if(isNeg) // we are using a speciality shield defense value


   CGBShieldVars[defenseTypes] = defenseVal;


  else // we are just using the standard shield defense bit flag values


   for(int b=1;b<10;b++) // cycle through the bits of the shield defense argument


    // if the bit is true (we have defense to that weapon) set the corresponding defense value to our CGBShieldVars[] array

    if( GetBit(defenseTypes,b) == true ) CGBShieldVars[b] = defenseVal;

   }//for loop

  }//else statement

 }//for loop



// General functions

int SetBit(int vari, int bit, bool state){

 bit = bit-1;

 int r = vari;

    if(state)	r |= (1 << bit);

    else	r &= ~(1 << bit);

 return r;


bool GetBit(int vari, int bit){

 bit = bit-1;

    return (vari & (1 << bit)) != 0;


//from stdExtra.zh   remove this if you have stdExtra.zh imported.

//Returns the reverse of the given direction.

int reverseDir(int dir)


	if(dir != Clamp(dir, 0, 15)) return -1; //Invalid direction

	return Cond(dir<8, OppositeDir(dir), ((dir+4)%8)+8);


void TestInt(int num, int x, int y) {



// ---------------------------------------

// the following constants do not need to be changed. they are indexes to the variables of the CGBShieldVars[] array

// however, if your quest is using more than 5 consumable shields, you will need to increase the size of the array. see the bottom of this list for the formula.

const int CGBS_curDur = 0;   // index to current shield's current durability

const int CGBS_rock = 1;     // index to eweapon rock defenses

const int CGBS_arrow = 2;    // index to eweapon arrow defenses

const int CGBS_boomr = 3;    // index to eweapon boomerang defenses

const int CGBS_fireb = 4;    // index to eweapon fireball defenses

const int CGBS_swordb = 5;   // index to eweapon sword beam defenses

const int CGBS_magic = 6;    // index to eweapon magic defenses

const int CGBS_fire = 7;     // index to eweapon fire defenses

const int CGBS_script = 8;   // index to eweapon generic script defenses

const int CGBS_boss = 9;     // index to eweapon boss fireball defenses

const int CGBS_bomb = 10;    // index to eweapon projectile bomb defenses

const int CGBS_bombb = 11;   // index to eweapon bomb blast defenses

const int CGBS_sbomb = 12;   // index to eweapon projectile superbomb defenses

const int CGBS_sbombb = 13;  // index to eweapon superbomb blast defenses

const int CGBS_firet = 14;   // index to eweapon fire trail defenses

const int CGBS_wind = 15;    // index to eweapon wind defenses

const int CGBS_fire2 = 16;   // index to eweapon fire2 defenses

const int CGBS_script1 = 17; // index to eweapon script# defenses

const int CGBS_script2 = 18;

const int CGBS_script3 = 19;

const int CGBS_script4 = 20;

const int CGBS_script5 = 21;

const int CGBS_script6 = 22;

const int CGBS_script7 = 23;

const int CGBS_script8 = 24;

const int CGBS_script9 = 25;

const int CGBS_script10 = 26;

const int CGBS_curShieldItem = 27;  // index to current real shield item# being tracked

const int CGBS_dummyShield = 28;    // index to the dummy shield item# that controls the real shield

const int CGBS_Button = 29;         // index to a variable tracking the button press that actuates the shield (A==2, B==1)

const int CGBS_shieldOn = 30;       // index to a variable tracking the real shield is being used

const int CGBS_usedDummy = 31;      // index to a variable tracking the one-frame usage of the dummy item to tell the global script to give the real shield

const int CGBS_DurSlot1 = 32; // from this array value and up can be used to save durability of multiple shields

// DurSlot2 = 33, DurSlot3 = 34, DurSlot4 = 35, DurSlot5= 36

// if you need to save more than 5 shield durabilities increase the CGBShieldVars[] array using the following formula

// (total number of slots) + CGBS_DurSlot1

// eg currently  CGBShieldVars[37]   (number of slots = 5) + (CGBS_DurSlot1 = 32) = 37

// ------------------- end of script file -----------------------

const int SCRIPT_BARRIERS = 1; // Must refer to "Barrier"'s ffc script slot in the quest

// ID's of barrier-related combos
// Barriers in raised state
const int BARRIER_A_RAISED           = 32;
const int BARRIER_B_RAISED           = 33;

// Barriers in lowered state
const int BARRIER_A_LOWERED          = 34;
const int BARRIER_B_LOWERED          = 35;

// Barriers animating to raised state
const int BARRIER_A_ANIMRAISE        = 36;
const int BARRIER_B_ANIMRAISE        = 37;

// Barriers animating to lowered state
const int BARRIER_A_ANIMLOWER        = 38;
const int BARRIER_B_ANIMLOWER        = 39;

// Raised barriers that Link can walk on
const int BARRIER_A_WALKABLE         = 40;
const int BARRIER_B_WALKABLE         = 41;

// Barrier switches
const int BARRIER_A_SWITCH           = 42;
const int BARRIER_B_SWITCH           = 43;

const int BARRIER_SWITCH_DUMMY = 177; // ID of a switch hit detection dummy enemy
const int BARRIER_SWITCH_DUMMY_HP = 32767;

// Global array to store the state of barriers per dmap
// If you have more than 16 dmaps you can change the capacity in the []'s
// You may change the states in other scripts, but the changes will not be visible
// until there is a new screen, so set them before Barriers_NewScreen() is called.
bool barriers[16]; // false = blue barriers raised, true = red barriers raised

global script slot2 {
 void run() {
  // Initialize variables used to listen on screen changes
  int curscreen = -1;

  while (true) {
   // Keep track of screen changes
   // Run a Barrier script on every screen change
   if (Game->GetCurScreen() != curscreen) {
    curscreen = Game->GetCurScreen();


// Function that makes preparations for barriers on each screen and starts an FFC script
void Barriers_NewScreen() {

 // Search for a barrier-related combo
 for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
  int cd = Screen->ComboD[i];
   // A barrier-related combo was found

   // Make initial changes to combos
   if (barriers[Game->GetCurDMap()]) {
    for (int j = i; j <= 175; j++) {
     int cd = Screen->ComboD[j];
     if (cd == BARRIER_A_RAISED) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_A_LOWERED;
     else if (cd == BARRIER_B_LOWERED) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_B_RAISED;
     else if (cd == BARRIER_A_SWITCH) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_B_SWITCH;}}
   else {
    for (int j = i; j <= 175; j++) {
     int cd = Screen->ComboD[j];
     if (cd == BARRIER_B_RAISED) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_B_LOWERED;
     else if (cd == BARRIER_A_LOWERED) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_A_RAISED;
     else if (cd == BARRIER_B_SWITCH) Screen->ComboD[j] = BARRIER_A_SWITCH;}}
   // So run FFCscript to control barriers
   int args[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
   RunFFCScript(SCRIPT_BARRIERS, args);

// This lets you toggle barriers on any dmap
bool ToggleBarriers(int dmap) {
 if (dmap == Game->GetCurDMap()) ToggleBarriers();
 else barriers[dmap] = !barriers[dmap];
 return barriers[dmap];}

// This toggles barriers on the current dmap
bool ToggleBarriers() {

 int curdmap = Game->GetCurDMap();
 if (!barriers[curdmap]) {
  barriers[curdmap] = true;
  for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
   int cd = Screen->ComboD[i];
    Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_ANIMLOWER;}
   else if (cd == BARRIER_B_LOWERED || cd == BARRIER_B_ANIMLOWER) {
    Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_ANIMRAISE;}
   else if (cd == BARRIER_A_SWITCH) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_SWITCH;}}}
 else {
  barriers[curdmap] = false;
  for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
   int cd = Screen->ComboD[i];
    Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_ANIMLOWER;}
   else if (cd == BARRIER_A_LOWERED || cd == BARRIER_A_ANIMLOWER) {
    Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_ANIMRAISE;}
   else if (cd == BARRIER_B_SWITCH) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_SWITCH;}}}

 return barriers[curdmap];

// This script controls barriers on the screen
// The FFC is automatically created by Barriers_NewScreen()
ffc script Barriers {
 void run() {

  // Initialize storage for bswitch hit dummies
  int bswitch_count;
  npc bswitch[8];

  for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
   if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_A_SWITCH || Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_B_SWITCH) {
    npc bs = CreateNPCAt(BARRIER_SWITCH_DUMMY, ComboX(i), ComboY(i));
    bs->HitWidth = 8; // Smaller hit box to avoid annoying collisions with Link
    bs->HitHeight = 8;
    bswitch[bswitch_count++] = bs;}}

  // Change raised barriers to walkable ones if Link enters screen on a raised barrier
  int lcombo = LinkOnComboD();
  bool onbarrier = (lcombo == BARRIER_A_RAISED || lcombo == BARRIER_B_RAISED);
  if (onbarrier) for (int i = 0; i < 176; i++) {
   if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_A_RAISED) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_WALKABLE;}
   else if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_B_RAISED) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_WALKABLE;}}

  while (true) {

   // Detect hits on bswitches, and change combos accordingly
   for (int j = 0; j < bswitch_count; j++) {
    if (bswitch[j]->HP < BARRIER_SWITCH_DUMMY_HP) {
     bswitch[j]->HP = BARRIER_SWITCH_DUMMY_HP;
     break;}} //break so that only one bswitch hit may register per frame

   // Make barriers walkable if Link is on raised barriers, or unwalkable if not
   lcombo = LinkOnComboD();
   if (!onbarrier && (lcombo == BARRIER_A_RAISED || lcombo == BARRIER_B_RAISED)) {
    onbarrier = true;
    for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
     if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_A_RAISED) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_WALKABLE;}
     else if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_B_RAISED) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_WALKABLE;}}}
   else if (onbarrier && !(lcombo == BARRIER_A_WALKABLE || lcombo == BARRIER_B_WALKABLE)) {
    onbarrier = false;
    for (int i = 0; i <= 175; i++) {
     if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_A_WALKABLE) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_A_RAISED;}
     else if (Screen->ComboD[i] == BARRIER_B_WALKABLE) {Screen->ComboD[i] = BARRIER_B_RAISED;}}}


// A utility function that returns the ID of the combo that Link appears to stand on
int LinkOnComboD() {
 return Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(Link->X+8, Link->Y+13)];

// Overhead
// by grayswandir
// Makes certain overhead layers transparent/invisible while link is
// underneath them.
// Setup:
// Put Overhead_Update() in your active loop.
// Mess with the Configuration section if you want.

// Configuration

// Set to 1 to make the tiles disappear completely, instead of being drawn
// transparently.

// These are the layers that are used. Set to 1 to enable, and 0 to disable.
const int OVERHEAD_USE_L3 = 0;
const int OVERHEAD_USE_L4 = 0;
const int OVERHEAD_USE_L5 = 1;
const int OVERHEAD_USE_L6 = 1;

// Change this to 16 if you have very fast scrolling turned on.

// Code

int Overhead_Data[1416];
const int OVERHEAD_STATE = 0;
const int OVERHEAD_SCROLL_DIR = 2;
const int OVERHEAD_TIMER = 3;
const int OVERHEAD_SCREENS = 4;
const int OVERHEAD_COMBOS = 8;
const int OVERHEAD_CSETS = 712;


void Overhead_Update() {
  int map; int screen; int location; int layer; bool under; int offset;

  // If this is the first time this function has been called, do some setup.
    Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_LAST_SCREEN] = -1;
    for (layer = 3; layer <= 6; ++layer) {
      Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_SCREENS + layer - 3] = -1;

  // If we've left our current screen, reset the layers we killed.
  screen = (Game->GetCurMap() << 8) + Game->GetCurScreen();
  if (screen != Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_LAST_SCREEN]) {
    for (layer = 3; layer <= 6; ++layer) {
      // Skip if this layer wasn't recorded.
      if (-1 == Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_SCREENS + layer - 3]) {continue;}

      // Replace the lost data.
      map = Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_SCREENS + layer - 3] >> 8;
      screen = Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_SCREENS + layer - 3] % 256;
      offset = 176 * (layer - 3);
      for (location = 0; location < 176; ++location) {
        Game->SetComboData(map, screen, location, Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_COMBOS + offset + location]);

    // Remember what screen we're on, so we can tell if we've moved.
    Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_LAST_SCREEN] = (Game->GetCurMap() << 8) + Game->GetCurScreen();

    // If we've just started scrolling, figure out what direction it's in so
    // we can draw the deleted combos properly. Also reset the timer.
    if (LA_SCROLLING == Link->Action) {
      if (-16 == Link->X) {Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_SCROLL_DIR] = DIR_RIGHT;}
      if (256 == Link->X) {Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_SCROLL_DIR] = DIR_LEFT;}
      if (-16 == Link->Y) {Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_SCROLL_DIR] = DIR_DOWN;}
      if (176 == Link->Y) {Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_SCROLL_DIR] = DIR_UP;}
      Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_TIMER] = 0;

  // If we've finished scrolling, copy over the layers and delete them.
    for (layer = 3; layer <= 6; ++layer) {
      // Skip this layer if we're not configured to use it.
      if (3 == layer && !OVERHEAD_USE_L3) {continue;}
      if (4 == layer && !OVERHEAD_USE_L4) {continue;}
      if (5 == layer && !OVERHEAD_USE_L5) {continue;}
      if (6 == layer && !OVERHEAD_USE_L6) {continue;}

      // If this screen doesn't use this layer, mark as not in use and skip.
      map = Screen->LayerMap(layer);
      screen = Screen->LayerScreen(layer);
      if (-1 == map || -1 == screen) {
        Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_SCREENS + layer - 3] = -1;

      // Save this layer's screen location.
      Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_SCREENS + layer - 3] = (map << 8) + screen;

      // Grab every combo and cset, and delete the original.
      offset = (layer - 3) * 176;
      for (location = 0; location < 176; ++location) {
        // Grab the data.
        Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_COMBOS + offset + location] = Game->GetComboData(map, screen, location);
        Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_CSETS + offset + location] = Game->GetComboCSet(map, screen, location);
        // Delete the original.
        Game->SetComboData(map, screen, location, 0);

    // Update the state so we know we've copied the data.

  // See if link is standing under a combo in one of the specified layers.
  under = false;
  location = ComboAt(Link->X + 8, Link->Y + 8);
  for (layer = 3; layer <= 6; ++layer) {
    // Skip this layer if it's not in use.
    if (-1 == Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_SCREENS + layer - 3]) {continue;}
    // Check for there being a non-0 combo at the specified position.
    if (Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_COMBOS + (layer - 3) * 176 + location]) {
      under = true;

  // Offsets for scrolling.
  int x = 0;
  int y = 0;
    if (DIR_LEFT == Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_SCROLL_DIR]) {x = Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_TIMER];}
    if (DIR_RIGHT == Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_SCROLL_DIR]) {x = -Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_TIMER];}
    if (DIR_UP == Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_SCROLL_DIR]) {y = Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_TIMER];}
    if (DIR_DOWN == Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_SCROLL_DIR]) {y = -Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_TIMER];}

  // Don't draw if we're under and have it set to be invisible then.
  if (under && OVERHEAD_INVISIBLE) {return;}

  // Draw the overhead layers.
  int opaque = Cond(under, OP_TRANS, OP_OPAQUE);
  for (layer = 3; layer <= 6; ++layer) {
    // Make sure the layer exists.
    if (-1 == Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_SCREENS + layer - 3]) {continue;}

    // Draw the layer.
    offset = (layer - 3) * 176;
    for (location = 0; location < 176; ++location) {
      int combo = Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_COMBOS + offset + location];
      if (combo) {
        Screen->FastCombo(layer, ComboX(location) + x, ComboY(location) + y,
                          combo, Overhead_Data[OVERHEAD_CSETS + offset + location],
// uncomment this line (remove the //) if you haven't already imported std.zh in your script file
//import "std.zh"

int BetterByrna[8];
const int BETTERBYRNA_COST = 0;

global script BetterByrnaSampleGlobal
	void run()
		while (true)

void BetterByrna()
	if (NumLWeaponsOf(LW_CANEOFBYRNA) > 0)
		// make player invincible
		if (Link->CollDetection && BetterByrna[BETTERBYRNA_INVINCIBLE])
			Link->CollDetection = false;
		// deduct MP cost
		if (BetterByrna[BETTERBYRNA_MP_TRACKER] >= 1)
			if (Link->MP - Floor(BetterByrna[BETTERBYRNA_MP_TRACKER]) >= 0)
				Link->MP -= Floor(BetterByrna[BETTERBYRNA_MP_TRACKER]);
				Link->MP = 0;
		if (Link->MP == 0)
			lweapon byrna = LoadLWeaponOf(LW_CANEOFBYRNA);
			BetterByrna[BETTERBYRNA_MP_TRACKER] += BetterByrna[BETTERBYRNA_COST] * (Game->Generic[GEN_MAGICDRAINRATE] * 0.5);
		// block projectiles
			for (int i = Screen->NumEWeapons(); i > 0; i--)
				eweapon projectile = Screen->LoadEWeapon(i);
				if (projectile->ID != EW_BOMBBLAST && projectile->ID != EW_SBOMBBLAST)
					for (int j = Screen->NumLWeapons(); j > 0; j--)
						lweapon byrna = Screen->LoadLWeapon(j);
						if (byrna->ID == LW_CANEOFBYRNA && Collision(projectile, byrna))
	// make player vulnerable again
	else if (!Link->CollDetection)
		Link->CollDetection = true;
	if (Link->MP == 0 && (Link->InputA || Link->InputB))
		itemdata a_button = Game->LoadItemData(GetEquipmentA());
		itemdata b_button = Game->LoadItemData(GetEquipmentB());
		if (Link->InputA && a_button->Family == IC_CBYRNA)
			Link->InputA = false;
			Link->PressA = false;
		if (Link->InputB && b_button->Family == IC_CBYRNA)
			Link->InputB = false;
			Link->PressB = false;

this is a long file

// D0: reserved for other things, like pickup message scripts
// D1: MP cost per frame
// D2: 1 for invincible while cane is in use
// D3: 1 to block enemy projectiles
item script BetterByrnaItem
	void run(int foo, int cost, int invincible, int block_projectiles)
		BetterByrna[BETTERBYRNA_COST] = cost;
		BetterByrna[BETTERBYRNA_INVINCIBLE] = invincible;
		BetterByrna[BETTERBYRNA_BLOCK_PROJECTILES] = block_projectiles;
const int CUSTOM_LENS_HINTS_MAX_LAYERS = 0; //Maximum layers to check screens for lens hints

//Global script example.
global script LensHints{
	void run (){
		while (true){

//Main custom lens hint drawing function. Put this into main loop of "Action" global script.
void DrawCustomLensHints(){
	if (Link->MP<=0) return;
	if (!UsingItem(I_LENS))return;
	//Add lens hints here.
	DrawCustomLensHint(0, 120, 1028, 8, 1);//Draw combo#1028 with cset 8 on all combos of type 120 (damage 8 hearts)
	DrawCustomLensHint(1, 98, 1029, 7, 1);//Draw combo#1029 with cset 7 on all combos with inherent or placed flag 98 (Script 1)
	DrawCustomLensHint(2, 55, 1030, 6, 1);//Draw combo#1030 with cset 6 on all NPC`s with ID#55 (Arrow Pols Voices)
	//Add more lens hints here.

//Lenstype: 0-combo type, 1-combo flag, 2 - NPC.
//miscvalue1: depends on lenstype:
// 0 - combo type ID
// 1 - combo flag ID
// 2 - NPC ID
//cmb - combo to draw, cset - cset to use for hint drawing
//minlevel - minimum item level for Lens-like item needed to be used to reveal this hint.
void DrawCustomLensHint(int lenstype, int miscvalue1, int cmb, int cset, int minlevel){
	int lens = GetCurrentItem(IC_LENS);
	itemdata it = Game->LoadItemData(lens);
	if (it->Level<minlevel) return;
	if (lenstype==0){//combo types
		for (int l=0; l<=CUSTOM_LENS_HINTS_MAX_LAYERS; l++){
			if (l==0){
				for (int c=0;c<176;c++){
					if (Screen->ComboT[c]==miscvalue1) Screen->FastCombo(0, ComboX(c), ComboY(c), cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);
			if ((Screen->LayerMap(l)==-1)||(Screen->LayerScreen(l)==-1))continue;
			for (int c=0;c<176;c++){
					int lc = GetLayerComboT(l, c);
					if (Screen->ComboT[lc]==miscvalue1) Screen->FastCombo(l, ComboX(lc), ComboY(lc), cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);
	else if (lenstype==1){//combo flags
		for (int l=0; l<=CUSTOM_LENS_HINTS_MAX_LAYERS; l++){
			if (l==0){
				for (int c=0;c<176;c++){
					if (ComboFI(c, miscvalue1)) Screen->FastCombo(0, ComboX(c), ComboY(c), cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);
			if ((Screen->LayerMap(l)==-1)||(Screen->LayerScreen(l)==-1))continue;
			for (int c=0;c<176;c++){
					int lc = GetLayerComboT(l, c);
					if (ComboFI(lc, miscvalue1)) Screen->FastCombo(l, ComboX(lc), ComboY(lc), cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);
	else if (lenstype==2){//enemies
		for (int i=1; i<= Screen->NumNPCs(); i++ ){
			npc lensie= Screen->LoadNPC(i);
			if (lensie->ID==miscvalue1) Screen->FastCombo(6, lensie->X, lensie->Y-lensie->Z, cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);

//Draws Lens hints on FFC`s if FFC runs given script and has specific value set in checked Init D variable.
void DrawFFCLensHint(int scr, int dreg, int dvalue, int cmb, int cset, int minlevel){
	int lens = GetCurrentItem(IC_LENS);
	itemdata it = Game->LoadItemData(lens);
	if (it->Level<minlevel) return;
	for (int i=1;i<=32;i++){
		ffc lensie = Screen->LoadFFC(i);
		if (lensie->Script!=scr) continue;
		if (lensie->InitD[dreg]!=dvalue) continue;
		Screen->FastCombo(0, CenterX(lensie), CenterY(lensie), cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);

//FFC version of custom lens hints.
//D0 - Lenstype: 0-combo type, 1-combo flag, 2 - NPC.
//D1: depends on lenstype:
// 0 - combo type ID
// 1 - combo flag ID
// 2 - NPC ID
//D2 - combo to draw, 
//D3 - cset to use for hint drawing
//D4 - minimum item level for Lens-like item needed to be used to reveal this hint.
ffc script CustomLensHints{
	void run (int lenstype, int miscvalue1, int cmb, int cset, int minlevel){
		while (true){
			DrawCustomLensHint(lenstype, miscvalue1, cmb, cset, minlevel);

//|  Bottle Constants  |

const int FFC_SFA = 31; //FFC used for screen freeze A
const int FFC_SFB = 32; //FFC used for screen freeze B
const int CMB_SFA = 2; //Combo used for screen freeze A
const int CMB_SFB = 3; //Combo used for screen freeze B

const int BOTTLE_SETTING_NO_WATER = 0; //Set to 1 if water shouldn't be bottleable

const int TIL_BOTTLE = 52020; //First of the tiles used for the bottle items. Should come in four identical rows.
                              //Tile order in each row should go as such:
							  //Empty, Empty, Red Potion, Green Potion, Blue Potion, Water, Fairy, Bee

const int REDPOTION_HEARTS = 8; //Hearts the red potion heals
const int GREENPOTION_MP = 256; //MP the green potion restores
const int BLUEPOTION_HEARTS = 16; //Hearts the blue potion heals
const int BLUEPOTION_MP = 256; //MP the blue potion restores

const int LW_WATER = 31; //LWeapon type used for bottled water. Script 1 by default
const int SPR_BOTTLEWATER = 88; //Sprite used for bottled water
const int SFX_BOTTLEWATER = 55; //Sound when water is dumped out

const int FAIRY_HEARTS = 3; //Hearts healed by a fairy
const int CMB_FAIRY = 904; //Fairy combo
const int CS_FAIRY = 8; //Fairy cset
const int SFX_FAIRY = 64; //Sound that plays when a fairy appears

const int IC_BOTTLE = 67; //Item class used for bottles. Custom 1 by default.

const int I_BOTTLE1 = 143; //Item ID for the first bottle (Level 1)
const int I_BOTTLE2 = 144; //Item ID for the second bottle (Level 2)
const int I_BOTTLE3 = 145; //Item ID for the second bottle (Level 3)
const int I_BOTTLE4 = 146; //Item ID for the second bottle (Level 4)

const int FREQ_HEARTREFILL = 8; //Frequency in frames at which potions/fairies restore hearts
const int SFX_HEARTREFILL = 22; //Sound when potion/fairy restores a heart
const int FREQ_MAGICSOUND = 8; //Frequency in frames where the magic refill sound plays
const int SFX_MAGICREFILL = 61; //Magic refill sound
const int SFX_ERROR = 62; //Error sound
const int TIL_BOTTLESWING = 52006; //Tile of a right facing open bottle used when trying to catch something
const int CS_BOTTLESWING = 11; //CSet of the swinging bottle
const int SFX_BOTTLESWING = 63; //Sound used for the bottle being swung

const int I_WATERBOTTLE = 150; //Item for bottle water pickup
const int I_FAIRYBOTTLE = 151; //Item for bottle fairy pickup
const int I_BEEBOTTLE = 152; //Item for bottle bee pickup

const int CMB_BEE = 905; //Combo used for the bee
const int CS_BEE = 8; //CSet used for the bee
const int SFX_BEE = 65; //SFX used for the bee
const int LW_BEE = 32; //Lweapon used for the bee (Script 2 by default)
const int EW_BEE = 32; //Eweapon used for the bee (Script 2 by default)
const int DAMAGE_BEE = 4; //Damage the bee deals
const int FFCM_BEE_SELFDESTRUCT = 0; //FFC misc used to tell the bee to disappear

const int STR_CANTAFFORD = 2; //Message for when you can't afford an item
const int STR_NOBOTTLE = 3; //Message for when you don't have a bottle to store a potion in

const int C_WHITE = 0x01; //The color white
const int C_BLACK = 0x0F; //The color black

//|  Screen Freeze Function  |

void Screen_Freeze(){
	ffc f1 = Screen->LoadFFC(FFC_SFA);
	ffc f2 = Screen->LoadFFC(FFC_SFB);
	f1->Data = CMB_SFA;
	f2->Data = CMB_SFB;

void Screen_Unfreeze(){
	ffc f1 = Screen->LoadFFC(FFC_SFA);
	ffc f2 = Screen->LoadFFC(FFC_SFB);
	f1->Data = 0;
	f2->Data = 0;

//|  Empty Bottle Functions  |

//|  These constants don't need to be changed.             |
//|  They just define various states of the empty bottle.  |
//|  BS_ constants are also used for  the potion filling   |
//|  pickup item script. Look here to see what to set D2   |
//|  to for that.                                          |
//                                                         |
const int BS_EMPTY = 0; //                                 |
const int BS_POTIONRED = 1; //                             |
const int BS_POTIONGREEN = 2; //                           |
const int BS_POTIONBLUE = 3; //                            |
const int BS_WATER = 4; //                                 |
const int BS_FAIRY = 5; //                                 |
const int BS_BEE = 6; //                                   |
//                                                         |
const int BSI_BOTTLEUSED = 4; //                           |
const int BSI_BOTTLETIMER = 5; //                          |
const int BSI_OLDHP = 6; //                                |
const int BSI_OLDMP = 7; //                                |
const int BSI_FAIRYTIMER = 8; //                           |
const int BSI_FAIRYREVIVE = 9; //                          |
//                                                         |

int BottleState[12]; //0-3: States of bottles, 4: Bottle used, 
                     //5: Potion timer, 6: OldHP, 7: OldMP

//This function should be called at the beginning of your global and 
//refreshes the graphics for the bottles.
void RefreshBottles(){
	for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
		CopyTile(TIL_BOTTLE+20*i+1+BottleState[i], TIL_BOTTLE+20*i);
int UsingEmptyBottle(){
  int id = GetEquipmentA();
   itemdata A = Game->LoadItemData(id);
    return A->Level-1;
else if(Link->PressB){
  int id = GetEquipmentB();
   itemdata B = Game->LoadItemData(id);
    return B->Level-1;
return -1;

bool CanFillBottle(){
int bottles[4] = {I_BOTTLE1, I_BOTTLE2, I_BOTTLE3, I_BOTTLE4};
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
   return true;
return false;

int FillBottle(int state){
int bottles[4] = {I_BOTTLE1, I_BOTTLE2, I_BOTTLE3, I_BOTTLE4};
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
   BottleState[i] = state;
   return i;

int HasFairy(){
int bottles[4] = {I_BOTTLE1, I_BOTTLE2, I_BOTTLE3, I_BOTTLE4};
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
   return i;
return -1;

//This function goes in the while loop of your global script before waitdraw
void EmptyBottleGlobal(){
int bottle = BottleState[BSI_BOTTLEUSED];
    Link->HP += 16;
     BottleState[BSI_BOTTLETIMER] = 0;
  else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_POTIONGREEN){
   Link->MP += 2;
    BottleState[BSI_BOTTLETIMER] = 0;
  else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_POTIONBLUE){
    Link->HP += 16;
    Link->MP += 2;
    BottleState[BSI_BOTTLETIMER] = 0;
  else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_FAIRY){
    BottleState[BSI_BOTTLETIMER] = 2;
   int X = Link->X+VectorX(16*(BottleState[BSI_FAIRYTIMER]/120), BottleState[BSI_FAIRYTIMER]*8);
   int Y = Link->Y+VectorY(8*(BottleState[BSI_FAIRYTIMER]/120), BottleState[BSI_FAIRYTIMER]*8)-BottleState[BSI_FAIRYTIMER]/8;
     Screen->Rectangle(6, 0, 0, 256, 176, C_BLACK, 1, 0, 0, 0, true, 64);
     Screen->Rectangle(6, 0, 0, 256, 176, C_BLACK, 1, 0, 0, 0, true, 128);
    Screen->FastTile(6, Link->X+Link->DrawXOffset, Link->Y+Link->DrawYOffset, Link->Tile, 6, 128);
    Screen->FastCombo(6, X, Y, CMB_FAIRY, CS_FAIRY, 128);
    Link->HP += 16;
    BottleState[BSI_BOTTLETIMER] = 0;
   BottleState[bottle] = BS_EMPTY;
   BottleState[BSI_BOTTLEUSED] = -1;
  bottle = UsingEmptyBottle();
    int scriptname[] = "Bottle_Empty";
    int scriptid = Game->GetFFCScript(scriptname);
    int Args[8] = {bottle};
    RunFFCScript(scriptid, Args);
   else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_POTIONRED){
     BottleState[BSI_BOTTLEUSED] = bottle;
   else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_POTIONGREEN){
     BottleState[BSI_BOTTLEUSED] = bottle;
   else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_POTIONBLUE){
     BottleState[BSI_BOTTLEUSED] = bottle;
     BottleState[BSI_OLDHP] = Link->HP;
     BottleState[BSI_OLDMP] = Link->MP;
   else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_WATER){
    Link->Action = LA_ATTACKING;
    lweapon l = CreateLWeaponAt(LW_WATER, Link->X+InFrontX(Link->Dir, 0), Link->Y+InFrontY(Link->Dir, 0));
    l->DeadState = l->ASpeed*l->NumFrames;
    l->CollDetection = false;
    BottleState[bottle] = BS_EMPTY;
   else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_FAIRY){
     BottleState[BSI_BOTTLEUSED] = bottle;
     BottleState[BSI_FAIRYTIMER] = 0;
     BottleState[BSI_FAIRYREVIVE] = 0;
   else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_BEE){
    int scriptname[] = "Bottle_Bee";
    int scriptid = Game->GetFFCScript(scriptname);
    int vars[8] = {1};
    RunFFCScript(scriptid, vars);
    BottleState[bottle] = BS_EMPTY;
  int fairy = HasFairy();
   Link->HP = 1;
   BottleState[BSI_BOTTLEUSED] = fairy;
   BottleState[BSI_FAIRYTIMER] = 0;
   BottleState[BSI_FAIRYREVIVE] = 1;

//|  Empty Bottle Action Scripts  |

ffc script Bottle_Empty{
void run(int bottleid){
  int Angle = 0;
   Angle = -90;
  else if(Link->Dir==DIR_DOWN)
   Angle = 90;
  else if(Link->Dir==DIR_LEFT)
   Angle = 180;
  Link->Action = LA_ATTACKING;
  int Collected = 0;
  for(int i=-45; i<45; i+=10){
   int X = Link->X+VectorX(12, Angle+i);
   int Y = Link->Y+VectorY(12, Angle+i);
   Screen->DrawTile(2, X, Y, TIL_BOTTLESWING, 1, 1, CS_BOTTLESWING, -1, -1, X, Y, Angle+i+90, 0, true, 128);
    if(OnWater(X+8, Y+8)&&Collected==0&&BOTTLE_SETTING_NO_WATER==0){
     Collected = BS_WATER;
    for(int j=1; j<=Screen->NumItems(); j++){
     item itm = Screen->LoadItem(j);
      if(RectCollision(itm->X+itm->HitXOffset, itm->Y+itm->HitYOffset, itm->X+itm->HitXOffset+itm->HitWidth, itm->Y+itm->HitYOffset+itm->HitHeight, X+4, Y+4, X+11, Y+11)){
       Collected = BS_FAIRY;
    for(int j=1; j<=32; j++){
     ffc f = Screen->LoadFFC(j);
     int scriptname[] = "Bottle_Bee";
     int scriptid = Game->GetFFCScript(scriptname);
      if(RectCollision(X+4, Y+4, X+11, Y+11, f->X+4, f->Y+4, f->X+11, f->Y+11)){
       Collected = BS_BEE;
       f->Misc[FFCM_BEE_SELFDESTRUCT] = 1;
   BottleState[bottleid] = BS_WATER;
   item itm = CreateItemAt(I_WATERBOTTLE, Link->X, Link->Y);
   itm->Pickup = IP_HOLDUP;
  else if(Collected==BS_FAIRY){
   BottleState[bottleid] = BS_FAIRY;
   item itm = CreateItemAt(I_FAIRYBOTTLE, Link->X, Link->Y);
   itm->Pickup = IP_HOLDUP;
  else if(Collected==BS_BEE){
   BottleState[bottleid] = BS_BEE;
   item itm = CreateItemAt(I_BEEBOTTLE, Link->X, Link->Y);
   itm->Pickup = IP_HOLDUP;
bool OnWater(int x, int y){
  int ct = Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(x, y)];
   return true;
  return false;

ffc script Bottle_Bee{
void run(int friendly){
  this->Data = CMB_BEE;
  this->CSet = CS_BEE;
   this->X = Link->X;
   this->Y = Link->Y;
  int i; int j; int k;
  int X = this->X;
  int Y = this->Y;
  lweapon lh;
  eweapon eh;
  int Lifespan = Rand(900, 1200);
  for(i=0; i<40; i++){
   Y -= 0.5;
   this->X = X;
   this->Y = Y;
   int Angle;
    int Tx = -1000;
    int Ty = -1000;
    int Dist = 1000;
    for(i=1; i<=Screen->NumNPCs(); i++){
     npc n = Screen->LoadNPC(i);
     if(Distance(X+8, Y+8, CenterX(n), CenterY(n))<Dist){
      Dist = Distance(X+8, Y+8, CenterX(n), CenterY(n));
      Tx = CenterX(n)-8;
      Ty = CenterY(n)-8;
    Angle = Angle(X, Y, Tx, Ty);
     Angle = Angle(X, Y, Link->X, Link->Y);
    if(Distance(Link->X, Link->Y, X, Y)<80&&Rand(2)==0)
     Angle = Angle(X, Y, Link->X, Link->Y);
     Angle = Rand(360);
   k = Rand(32, 48);
   for(i=0; i<k; i++){
    j = (j+1)%360;
    X = Clamp(X+VectorX(2, Angle), -16, 256);
    Y = Clamp(Y+VectorY(2, Angle), -16, 176);
    this->X = X;
    this->Y = Y;
      lh->X = X;
      lh->Y = Y;
      lh = CreateLWeaponAt(LW_BEE, X, Y);
      lh->HitXOffset = 4;
      lh->HitYOffset = 4;
      lh->HitWidth = 8;
      lh->HitHeight = 8;
      lh->DrawYOffset = -1000;
      lh->Dir = 8;
      lh->Damage = DAMAGE_BEE;
      eh->X = X;
      eh->Y = Y;
      eh = CreateEWeaponAt(EW_BEE, X, Y);
      eh->HitXOffset = 4;
      eh->HitYOffset = 4;
      eh->HitWidth = 8;
      eh->HitHeight = 8;
      eh->DrawYOffset = -1000;
      eh->Dir = 8;
      eh->Damage = DAMAGE_BEE;
      lh->DeadState = 0;
      eh->DeadState = 0;
     this->Data = 0;
     this->CSet = 0;
   lh->DeadState = 0;
   eh->DeadState = 0;
  this->Data = 0;
  this->CSet = 0;
  for(i=0; i<40; i++){
    Screen->FastCombo(2, X, Y, CMB_BEE, CS_BEE, 128);

//|  Other Associated Scripts  |

item script PotionFill{
void run(int str, int state){

and this

// D0: reserved for other things, like pickup message scripts
// D1: MP cost per frame
// D2: 1 for invincible while cane is in use
// D3: 1 to block enemy projectiles
item script BetterByrnaItem
	void run(int foo, int cost, int invincible, int block_projectiles)
		BetterByrna[BETTERBYRNA_COST] = cost;
		BetterByrna[BETTERBYRNA_INVINCIBLE] = invincible;
		BetterByrna[BETTERBYRNA_BLOCK_PROJECTILES] = block_projectiles;
const int CUSTOM_LENS_HINTS_MAX_LAYERS = 0; //Maximum layers to check screens for lens hints

//Global script example.
global script LensHints{
	void run (){
		while (true){

//Main custom lens hint drawing function. Put this into main loop of "Action" global script.
void DrawCustomLensHints(){
	if (Link->MP<=0) return;
	if (!UsingItem(I_LENS))return;
	//Add lens hints here.
	DrawCustomLensHint(0, 120, 1028, 8, 1);//Draw combo#1028 with cset 8 on all combos of type 120 (damage 8 hearts)
	DrawCustomLensHint(1, 98, 1029, 7, 1);//Draw combo#1029 with cset 7 on all combos with inherent or placed flag 98 (Script 1)
	DrawCustomLensHint(2, 55, 1030, 6, 1);//Draw combo#1030 with cset 6 on all NPC`s with ID#55 (Arrow Pols Voices)
	//Add more lens hints here.

//Lenstype: 0-combo type, 1-combo flag, 2 - NPC.
//miscvalue1: depends on lenstype:
// 0 - combo type ID
// 1 - combo flag ID
// 2 - NPC ID
//cmb - combo to draw, cset - cset to use for hint drawing
//minlevel - minimum item level for Lens-like item needed to be used to reveal this hint.
void DrawCustomLensHint(int lenstype, int miscvalue1, int cmb, int cset, int minlevel){
	int lens = GetCurrentItem(IC_LENS);
	itemdata it = Game->LoadItemData(lens);
	if (it->Level<minlevel) return;
	if (lenstype==0){//combo types
		for (int l=0; l<=CUSTOM_LENS_HINTS_MAX_LAYERS; l++){
			if (l==0){
				for (int c=0;c<176;c++){
					if (Screen->ComboT[c]==miscvalue1) Screen->FastCombo(0, ComboX(c), ComboY(c), cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);
			if ((Screen->LayerMap(l)==-1)||(Screen->LayerScreen(l)==-1))continue;
			for (int c=0;c<176;c++){
					int lc = GetLayerComboT(l, c);
					if (Screen->ComboT[lc]==miscvalue1) Screen->FastCombo(l, ComboX(lc), ComboY(lc), cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);
	else if (lenstype==1){//combo flags
		for (int l=0; l<=CUSTOM_LENS_HINTS_MAX_LAYERS; l++){
			if (l==0){
				for (int c=0;c<176;c++){
					if (ComboFI(c, miscvalue1)) Screen->FastCombo(0, ComboX(c), ComboY(c), cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);
			if ((Screen->LayerMap(l)==-1)||(Screen->LayerScreen(l)==-1))continue;
			for (int c=0;c<176;c++){
					int lc = GetLayerComboT(l, c);
					if (ComboFI(lc, miscvalue1)) Screen->FastCombo(l, ComboX(lc), ComboY(lc), cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);
	else if (lenstype==2){//enemies
		for (int i=1; i<= Screen->NumNPCs(); i++ ){
			npc lensie= Screen->LoadNPC(i);
			if (lensie->ID==miscvalue1) Screen->FastCombo(6, lensie->X, lensie->Y-lensie->Z, cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);

//Draws Lens hints on FFC`s if FFC runs given script and has specific value set in checked Init D variable.
void DrawFFCLensHint(int scr, int dreg, int dvalue, int cmb, int cset, int minlevel){
	int lens = GetCurrentItem(IC_LENS);
	itemdata it = Game->LoadItemData(lens);
	if (it->Level<minlevel) return;
	for (int i=1;i<=32;i++){
		ffc lensie = Screen->LoadFFC(i);
		if (lensie->Script!=scr) continue;
		if (lensie->InitD[dreg]!=dvalue) continue;
		Screen->FastCombo(0, CenterX(lensie), CenterY(lensie), cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);

//FFC version of custom lens hints.
//D0 - Lenstype: 0-combo type, 1-combo flag, 2 - NPC.
//D1: depends on lenstype:
// 0 - combo type ID
// 1 - combo flag ID
// 2 - NPC ID
//D2 - combo to draw, 
//D3 - cset to use for hint drawing
//D4 - minimum item level for Lens-like item needed to be used to reveal this hint.
ffc script CustomLensHints{
	void run (int lenstype, int miscvalue1, int cmb, int cset, int minlevel){
		while (true){
			DrawCustomLensHint(lenstype, miscvalue1, cmb, cset, minlevel);

//|  Bottle Constants  |

const int FFC_SFA = 31; //FFC used for screen freeze A
const int FFC_SFB = 32; //FFC used for screen freeze B
const int CMB_SFA = 2; //Combo used for screen freeze A
const int CMB_SFB = 3; //Combo used for screen freeze B

const int BOTTLE_SETTING_NO_WATER = 0; //Set to 1 if water shouldn't be bottleable

const int TIL_BOTTLE = 52020; //First of the tiles used for the bottle items. Should come in four identical rows.
                              //Tile order in each row should go as such:
							  //Empty, Empty, Red Potion, Green Potion, Blue Potion, Water, Fairy, Bee

const int REDPOTION_HEARTS = 8; //Hearts the red potion heals
const int GREENPOTION_MP = 256; //MP the green potion restores
const int BLUEPOTION_HEARTS = 16; //Hearts the blue potion heals
const int BLUEPOTION_MP = 256; //MP the blue potion restores

const int LW_WATER = 31; //LWeapon type used for bottled water. Script 1 by default
const int SPR_BOTTLEWATER = 88; //Sprite used for bottled water
const int SFX_BOTTLEWATER = 55; //Sound when water is dumped out

const int FAIRY_HEARTS = 3; //Hearts healed by a fairy
const int CMB_FAIRY = 904; //Fairy combo
const int CS_FAIRY = 8; //Fairy cset
const int SFX_FAIRY = 64; //Sound that plays when a fairy appears

const int IC_BOTTLE = 67; //Item class used for bottles. Custom 1 by default.

const int I_BOTTLE1 = 143; //Item ID for the first bottle (Level 1)
const int I_BOTTLE2 = 144; //Item ID for the second bottle (Level 2)
const int I_BOTTLE3 = 145; //Item ID for the second bottle (Level 3)
const int I_BOTTLE4 = 146; //Item ID for the second bottle (Level 4)

const int FREQ_HEARTREFILL = 8; //Frequency in frames at which potions/fairies restore hearts
const int SFX_HEARTREFILL = 22; //Sound when potion/fairy restores a heart
const int FREQ_MAGICSOUND = 8; //Frequency in frames where the magic refill sound plays
const int SFX_MAGICREFILL = 61; //Magic refill sound
const int SFX_ERROR = 62; //Error sound
const int TIL_BOTTLESWING = 52006; //Tile of a right facing open bottle used when trying to catch something
const int CS_BOTTLESWING = 11; //CSet of the swinging bottle
const int SFX_BOTTLESWING = 63; //Sound used for the bottle being swung

const int I_WATERBOTTLE = 150; //Item for bottle water pickup
const int I_FAIRYBOTTLE = 151; //Item for bottle fairy pickup
const int I_BEEBOTTLE = 152; //Item for bottle bee pickup

const int CMB_BEE = 905; //Combo used for the bee
const int CS_BEE = 8; //CSet used for the bee
const int SFX_BEE = 65; //SFX used for the bee
const int LW_BEE = 32; //Lweapon used for the bee (Script 2 by default)
const int EW_BEE = 32; //Eweapon used for the bee (Script 2 by default)
const int DAMAGE_BEE = 4; //Damage the bee deals
const int FFCM_BEE_SELFDESTRUCT = 0; //FFC misc used to tell the bee to disappear

const int STR_CANTAFFORD = 2; //Message for when you can't afford an item
const int STR_NOBOTTLE = 3; //Message for when you don't have a bottle to store a potion in

const int C_WHITE = 0x01; //The color white
const int C_BLACK = 0x0F; //The color black

//|  Screen Freeze Function  |

void Screen_Freeze(){
	ffc f1 = Screen->LoadFFC(FFC_SFA);
	ffc f2 = Screen->LoadFFC(FFC_SFB);
	f1->Data = CMB_SFA;
	f2->Data = CMB_SFB;

void Screen_Unfreeze(){
	ffc f1 = Screen->LoadFFC(FFC_SFA);
	ffc f2 = Screen->LoadFFC(FFC_SFB);
	f1->Data = 0;
	f2->Data = 0;

//|  Empty Bottle Functions  |

//|  These constants don't need to be changed.             |
//|  They just define various states of the empty bottle.  |
//|  BS_ constants are also used for  the potion filling   |
//|  pickup item script. Look here to see what to set D2   |
//|  to for that.                                          |
//                                                         |
const int BS_EMPTY = 0; //                                 |
const int BS_POTIONRED = 1; //                             |
const int BS_POTIONGREEN = 2; //                           |
const int BS_POTIONBLUE = 3; //                            |
const int BS_WATER = 4; //                                 |
const int BS_FAIRY = 5; //                                 |
const int BS_BEE = 6; //                                   |
//                                                         |
const int BSI_BOTTLEUSED = 4; //                           |
const int BSI_BOTTLETIMER = 5; //                          |
const int BSI_OLDHP = 6; //                                |
const int BSI_OLDMP = 7; //                                |
const int BSI_FAIRYTIMER = 8; //                           |
const int BSI_FAIRYREVIVE = 9; //                          |
//                                                         |

int BottleState[12]; //0-3: States of bottles, 4: Bottle used, 
                     //5: Potion timer, 6: OldHP, 7: OldMP

//This function should be called at the beginning of your global and 
//refreshes the graphics for the bottles.
void RefreshBottles(){
	for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
		CopyTile(TIL_BOTTLE+20*i+1+BottleState[i], TIL_BOTTLE+20*i);
int UsingEmptyBottle(){
  int id = GetEquipmentA();
   itemdata A = Game->LoadItemData(id);
    return A->Level-1;
else if(Link->PressB){
  int id = GetEquipmentB();
   itemdata B = Game->LoadItemData(id);
    return B->Level-1;
return -1;

bool CanFillBottle(){
int bottles[4] = {I_BOTTLE1, I_BOTTLE2, I_BOTTLE3, I_BOTTLE4};
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
   return true;
return false;

int FillBottle(int state){
int bottles[4] = {I_BOTTLE1, I_BOTTLE2, I_BOTTLE3, I_BOTTLE4};
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
   BottleState[i] = state;
   return i;

int HasFairy(){
int bottles[4] = {I_BOTTLE1, I_BOTTLE2, I_BOTTLE3, I_BOTTLE4};
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
   return i;
return -1;

//This function goes in the while loop of your global script before waitdraw
void EmptyBottleGlobal(){
int bottle = BottleState[BSI_BOTTLEUSED];
    Link->HP += 16;
     BottleState[BSI_BOTTLETIMER] = 0;
  else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_POTIONGREEN){
   Link->MP += 2;
    BottleState[BSI_BOTTLETIMER] = 0;
  else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_POTIONBLUE){
    Link->HP += 16;
    Link->MP += 2;
    BottleState[BSI_BOTTLETIMER] = 0;
  else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_FAIRY){
    BottleState[BSI_BOTTLETIMER] = 2;
   int X = Link->X+VectorX(16*(BottleState[BSI_FAIRYTIMER]/120), BottleState[BSI_FAIRYTIMER]*8);
   int Y = Link->Y+VectorY(8*(BottleState[BSI_FAIRYTIMER]/120), BottleState[BSI_FAIRYTIMER]*8)-BottleState[BSI_FAIRYTIMER]/8;
     Screen->Rectangle(6, 0, 0, 256, 176, C_BLACK, 1, 0, 0, 0, true, 64);
     Screen->Rectangle(6, 0, 0, 256, 176, C_BLACK, 1, 0, 0, 0, true, 128);
    Screen->FastTile(6, Link->X+Link->DrawXOffset, Link->Y+Link->DrawYOffset, Link->Tile, 6, 128);
    Screen->FastCombo(6, X, Y, CMB_FAIRY, CS_FAIRY, 128);
    Link->HP += 16;
    BottleState[BSI_BOTTLETIMER] = 0;
   BottleState[bottle] = BS_EMPTY;
   BottleState[BSI_BOTTLEUSED] = -1;
  bottle = UsingEmptyBottle();
    int scriptname[] = "Bottle_Empty";
    int scriptid = Game->GetFFCScript(scriptname);
    int Args[8] = {bottle};
    RunFFCScript(scriptid, Args);
   else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_POTIONRED){
     BottleState[BSI_BOTTLEUSED] = bottle;
   else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_POTIONGREEN){
     BottleState[BSI_BOTTLEUSED] = bottle;
   else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_POTIONBLUE){
     BottleState[BSI_BOTTLEUSED] = bottle;
     BottleState[BSI_OLDHP] = Link->HP;
     BottleState[BSI_OLDMP] = Link->MP;
   else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_WATER){
    Link->Action = LA_ATTACKING;
    lweapon l = CreateLWeaponAt(LW_WATER, Link->X+InFrontX(Link->Dir, 0), Link->Y+InFrontY(Link->Dir, 0));
    l->DeadState = l->ASpeed*l->NumFrames;
    l->CollDetection = false;
    BottleState[bottle] = BS_EMPTY;
   else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_FAIRY){
     BottleState[BSI_BOTTLEUSED] = bottle;
     BottleState[BSI_FAIRYTIMER] = 0;
     BottleState[BSI_FAIRYREVIVE] = 0;
   else if(BottleState[bottle]==BS_BEE){
    int scriptname[] = "Bottle_Bee";
    int scriptid = Game->GetFFCScript(scriptname);
    int vars[8] = {1};
    RunFFCScript(scriptid, vars);
    BottleState[bottle] = BS_EMPTY;
  int fairy = HasFairy();
   Link->HP = 1;
   BottleState[BSI_BOTTLEUSED] = fairy;
   BottleState[BSI_FAIRYTIMER] = 0;
   BottleState[BSI_FAIRYREVIVE] = 1;

//|  Empty Bottle Action Scripts  |

ffc script Bottle_Empty{
void run(int bottleid){
  int Angle = 0;
   Angle = -90;
  else if(Link->Dir==DIR_DOWN)
   Angle = 90;
  else if(Link->Dir==DIR_LEFT)
   Angle = 180;
  Link->Action = LA_ATTACKING;
  int Collected = 0;
  for(int i=-45; i<45; i+=10){
   int X = Link->X+VectorX(12, Angle+i);
   int Y = Link->Y+VectorY(12, Angle+i);
   Screen->DrawTile(2, X, Y, TIL_BOTTLESWING, 1, 1, CS_BOTTLESWING, -1, -1, X, Y, Angle+i+90, 0, true, 128);
    if(OnWater(X+8, Y+8)&&Collected==0&&BOTTLE_SETTING_NO_WATER==0){
     Collected = BS_WATER;
    for(int j=1; j<=Screen->NumItems(); j++){
     item itm = Screen->LoadItem(j);
      if(RectCollision(itm->X+itm->HitXOffset, itm->Y+itm->HitYOffset, itm->X+itm->HitXOffset+itm->HitWidth, itm->Y+itm->HitYOffset+itm->HitHeight, X+4, Y+4, X+11, Y+11)){
       Collected = BS_FAIRY;
    for(int j=1; j<=32; j++){
     ffc f = Screen->LoadFFC(j);
     int scriptname[] = "Bottle_Bee";
     int scriptid = Game->GetFFCScript(scriptname);
      if(RectCollision(X+4, Y+4, X+11, Y+11, f->X+4, f->Y+4, f->X+11, f->Y+11)){
       Collected = BS_BEE;
       f->Misc[FFCM_BEE_SELFDESTRUCT] = 1;
   BottleState[bottleid] = BS_WATER;
   item itm = CreateItemAt(I_WATERBOTTLE, Link->X, Link->Y);
   itm->Pickup = IP_HOLDUP;
  else if(Collected==BS_FAIRY){
   BottleState[bottleid] = BS_FAIRY;
   item itm = CreateItemAt(I_FAIRYBOTTLE, Link->X, Link->Y);
   itm->Pickup = IP_HOLDUP;
  else if(Collected==BS_BEE){
   BottleState[bottleid] = BS_BEE;
   item itm = CreateItemAt(I_BEEBOTTLE, Link->X, Link->Y);
   itm->Pickup = IP_HOLDUP;
bool OnWater(int x, int y){
  int ct = Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(x, y)];
   return true;
  return false;

ffc script Bottle_Bee{
void run(int friendly){
  this->Data = CMB_BEE;
  this->CSet = CS_BEE;
   this->X = Link->X;
   this->Y = Link->Y;
  int i; int j; int k;
  int X = this->X;
  int Y = this->Y;
  lweapon lh;
  eweapon eh;
  int Lifespan = Rand(900, 1200);
  for(i=0; i<40; i++){
   Y -= 0.5;
   this->X = X;
   this->Y = Y;
   int Angle;
    int Tx = -1000;
    int Ty = -1000;
    int Dist = 1000;
    for(i=1; i<=Screen->NumNPCs(); i++){
     npc n = Screen->LoadNPC(i);
     if(Distance(X+8, Y+8, CenterX(n), CenterY(n))<Dist){
      Dist = Distance(X+8, Y+8, CenterX(n), CenterY(n));
      Tx = CenterX(n)-8;
      Ty = CenterY(n)-8;
    Angle = Angle(X, Y, Tx, Ty);
     Angle = Angle(X, Y, Link->X, Link->Y);
    if(Distance(Link->X, Link->Y, X, Y)<80&&Rand(2)==0)
     Angle = Angle(X, Y, Link->X, Link->Y);
     Angle = Rand(360);
   k = Rand(32, 48);
   for(i=0; i<k; i++){
    j = (j+1)%360;
    X = Clamp(X+VectorX(2, Angle), -16, 256);
    Y = Clamp(Y+VectorY(2, Angle), -16, 176);
    this->X = X;
    this->Y = Y;
      lh->X = X;
      lh->Y = Y;
      lh = CreateLWeaponAt(LW_BEE, X, Y);
      lh->HitXOffset = 4;
      lh->HitYOffset = 4;
      lh->HitWidth = 8;
      lh->HitHeight = 8;
      lh->DrawYOffset = -1000;
      lh->Dir = 8;
      lh->Damage = DAMAGE_BEE;
      eh->X = X;
      eh->Y = Y;
      eh = CreateEWeaponAt(EW_BEE, X, Y);
      eh->HitXOffset = 4;
      eh->HitYOffset = 4;
      eh->HitWidth = 8;
      eh->HitHeight = 8;
      eh->DrawYOffset = -1000;
      eh->Dir = 8;
      eh->Damage = DAMAGE_BEE;
      lh->DeadState = 0;
      eh->DeadState = 0;
     this->Data = 0;
     this->CSet = 0;

// D0: reserved for other things, like pickup message scripts
// D1: MP cost per frame
// D2: 1 for invincible while cane is in use
// D3: 1 to block enemy projectiles
item script BetterByrnaItem
	void run(int foo, int cost, int invincible, int block_projectiles)
		BetterByrna[BETTERBYRNA_COST] = cost;
		BetterByrna[BETTERBYRNA_INVINCIBLE] = invincible;
		BetterByrna[BETTERBYRNA_BLOCK_PROJECTILES] = block_projectiles;
const int CUSTOM_LENS_HINTS_MAX_LAYERS = 0; //Maximum layers to check screens for lens hints

//Global script example.
global script LensHints{
	void run (){
		while (true){

//Main custom lens hint drawing function. Put this into main loop of "Action" global script.
void DrawCustomLensHints(){
	if (Link->MP<=0) return;
	if (!UsingItem(I_LENS))return;
	//Add lens hints here.
	DrawCustomLensHint(0, 120, 1028, 8, 1);//Draw combo#1028 with cset 8 on all combos of type 120 (damage 8 hearts)
	DrawCustomLensHint(1, 98, 1029, 7, 1);//Draw combo#1029 with cset 7 on all combos with inherent or placed flag 98 (Script 1)
	DrawCustomLensHint(2, 55, 1030, 6, 1);//Draw combo#1030 with cset 6 on all NPC`s with ID#55 (Arrow Pols Voices)
	//Add more lens hints here.

//Lenstype: 0-combo type, 1-combo flag, 2 - NPC.
//miscvalue1: depends on lenstype:
// 0 - combo type ID
// 1 - combo flag ID
// 2 - NPC ID
//cmb - combo to draw, cset - cset to use for hint drawing
//minlevel - minimum item level for Lens-like item needed to be used to reveal this hint.
void DrawCustomLensHint(int lenstype, int miscvalue1, int cmb, int cset, int minlevel){
	int lens = GetCurrentItem(IC_LENS);
	itemdata it = Game->LoadItemData(lens);
	if (it->Level<minlevel) return;
	if (lenstype==0){//combo types
		for (int l=0; l<=CUSTOM_LENS_HINTS_MAX_LAYERS; l++){
			if (l==0){
				for (int c=0;c<176;c++){
					if (Screen->ComboT[c]==miscvalue1) Screen->FastCombo(0, ComboX(c), ComboY(c), cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);
			if ((Screen->LayerMap(l)==-1)||(Screen->LayerScreen(l)==-1))continue;
			for (int c=0;c<176;c++){
					int lc = GetLayerComboT(l, c);
					if (Screen->ComboT[lc]==miscvalue1) Screen->FastCombo(l, ComboX(lc), ComboY(lc), cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);
	else if (lenstype==1){//combo flags
		for (int l=0; l<=CUSTOM_LENS_HINTS_MAX_LAYERS; l++){
			if (l==0){
				for (int c=0;c<176;c++){
					if (ComboFI(c, miscvalue1)) Screen->FastCombo(0, ComboX(c), ComboY(c), cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);
			if ((Screen->LayerMap(l)==-1)||(Screen->LayerScreen(l)==-1))continue;
			for (int c=0;c<176;c++){
					int lc = GetLayerComboT(l, c);
					if (ComboFI(lc, miscvalue1)) Screen->FastCombo(l, ComboX(lc), ComboY(lc), cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);
	else if (lenstype==2){//enemies
		for (int i=1; i<= Screen->NumNPCs(); i++ ){
			npc lensie= Screen->LoadNPC(i);
			if (lensie->ID==miscvalue1) Screen->FastCombo(6, lensie->X, lensie->Y-lensie->Z, cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);

//Draws Lens hints on FFC`s if FFC runs given script and has specific value set in checked Init D variable.
void DrawFFCLensHint(int scr, int dreg, int dvalue, int cmb, int cset, int minlevel){
	int lens = GetCurrentItem(IC_LENS);
	itemdata it = Game->LoadItemData(lens);
	if (it->Level<minlevel) return;
	for (int i=1;i<=32;i++){
		ffc lensie = Screen->LoadFFC(i);
		if (lensie->Script!=scr) continue;
		if (lensie->InitD[dreg]!=dvalue) continue;
		Screen->FastCombo(0, CenterX(lensie), CenterY(lensie), cmb, cset, OP_OPAQUE);

//FFC version of custom lens hints.
//D0 - Lenstype: 0-combo type, 1-combo flag, 2 - NPC.
//D1: depends on lenstype:
// 0 - combo type ID
// 1 - combo flag ID
// 2 - NPC ID
//D2 - combo to draw, 
//D3 - cset to use for hint drawing
//D4 - minimum item level for Lens-like item needed to be used to reveal this hint.
ffc script CustomLensHints{
	void run (int lenstype, int miscvalue1, int cmb, int cset, int minlevel){
		while (true){
			DrawCustomLensHint(lenstype, miscvalue1, cmb, cset, minlevel);

//|  Bottle Constants  |

const int FFC_SFA = 31; //FFC used for screen freeze A
const int FFC_SFB = 32; //FFC used for screen freeze B
const int CMB_SFA = 2; //Combo used for screen freeze A
const int CMB_SFB = 3; //Combo used for screen freeze B

const int BOTTLE_SETTING_NO_WATER = 0; //Set to 1 if water shouldn't be bottleable

overall this script file is real long and i think i am repeating lines so I'll just leave it at that

it's just 5000 lines of code

#5 OmegaX


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Posted 30 November 2017 - 10:19 PM

I tried it for a second time and i believe it works https://www.dropbox....review=Global.zi'm not sure?

#6 Timelord


    The Timelord

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Posted 01 December 2017 - 09:56 AM

it's just 5000 lines of code

I think...that...I...just...broke....

No-one should ever complain about my post length , again, after that.

You might want to try pastebin.
  • Anthus and Deedee like this

#7 OmegaX


    Leader of Omega GamingHunters101

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Posted 01 December 2017 - 08:46 PM

Well this do lol?https://pastebin.com/1SdAR66Z

Edited by MegaX, 06 December 2017 - 08:54 PM.

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