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Creating a item script

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#1 Sans


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 04:26 PM

Hello everyone. Today i do want to try to create a simple item script (maybe global)

that i do like to create the Bombs item script. I know here's already bombs items in zquest but i do want to make it lifting by the Power Bracelet but the little problem is as you know i can't create scripts alone but just edit it. So i wondering if you guys do want to create the script with me. i explein: If one person finish to create a part of a script the another person can do the another part, and vise versa.

Or for more simple you could just give me instructions function i'll directly import in the script file and maybe edit it if something goes wrong. So what's you think guys ? good plan huh ?

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#2 justin



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Posted 20 January 2018 - 04:33 PM

Do you already have a power bracelet script? If yes you should post it.

#3 Sans


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 04:37 PM

yes i have the Power Bracelet script here:

// global constants

const int CF_PICK = 98; // SCRIPT1, bracelet

const int SCRIPT_POWERBRACELET = 9; // set this to the ffc script slot assigned to PowerBracelet script when compiling

const int LTM_CATCHING = 170; // LTM for Link catching a block with the Power Bracelet
const int LTM_PULLING = 172; // LTM for Link pulling a block with the Power Bracelet
const int LTM_HOLDING = 171; // LTM for Link holding a block with the Power Bracelet

const int BLOCK_VH=4; //thrown block/bush horizontal initial velocity
const int BLOCK_VV=0; //thrown block/bush vertical initial velocity
const int BLOCK_DMG=8; //damage dealt to enemies by thrown block/bush
const int LW_BLOCK = 31; //id of a lweapon to be used as thrown block
const float BLOCK_FALL = 0.5; //gravity acceleration for block in sideview screens
const int PB_PULL_TIME=15; // num of frames to wait for pickup with PB
const int PB_UNDERCOMBO=0; // combo to set after picking up a block; set a negative value to have a shift of the original combo

const int SFX_PICKUP_BLOCK = 75; // sfx played when link picks up the block
const int SFX_THROW_BLOCK = 76; // sfx played when the block is thrown
const int SFX_CRASH_BLOCK = 77; // sfx of a block crashing

const int INV_COMBO_ID = 25; // id af an invisible combo
const int INV_TILE_ID = 741; // id af an invisible tile
const int CRASH_SPR = 91; // sprite for a block crashing at ground
const int BUSH_SPR = 92; // sprite for a bush crashing at ground
const int LAYER_OVER = 3; // an overhead layer

const int NPC_ITEMSET = 196; // id of a dummy enemy with type different from "none"

// ------------------------------------------

// global variables
bool throw_disabled;
int holding_block;
bool holding_bush;
int link_catching;

// ------------------------------------------

// Example of Global Scripts (comment this out if using other global scripts in the quest)

global script Slot_2{
void run(){
holding_block = 0;

global script Slot_3{
void run(){
Link->Item[LTM_CATCHING] = false;
Link->Item[LTM_HOLDING] = false;
Link->Item[LTM_PULLING] = false;
holding_block = 0;
holding_bush = false;
link_catching = 0;

// ------------------------------------------

// global function to add to the global script
void PowerBracelet(){
if(CountFFCsRunning(SCRIPT_POWERBRACELET)==0 && holding_block>0){
holding_block = 0;
Link->Item[LTM_HOLDING] = false;
Link->Item[LTM_CATCHING] = false;
Link->Item[LTM_PULLING] = false;

// ------------------------------------------

// Item script
item script PowerBracelet{
void run(){
// if(holding_block==0 && holding_item==0 && holding_bomb==0){
if(holding_block==0){ // use this line if not using GB_Shop and GB_Bombs
if(!link_catching && isSolid(TouchedX(),TouchedY())){
int args[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
int id = RunFFCScript(SCRIPT_POWERBRACELET, args);

// ------------------------------------------

// FFC script (automatically called by the item script - you don't have to place any ffc on the screen for this)
ffc script UsePowerBracelet{
void run(int input){
// initialization
this->Data = INV_COMBO_ID;
this->X = -16;
this->Y = -16;
int counter = 0;

while(Link->InputA || Link->InputB){
// set link catching the wall / block / bush
if(!Link->Item[LTM_CATCHING]) Link->Item[LTM_CATCHING] = true;

// to fix a bug...
if(!isSolid(TouchedX(),TouchedY())) break;

// if pressing opposite direction, set link pulling
if(!Link->Item[LTM_PULLING]) Link->Item[LTM_PULLING] = true;
counter ++;
if(Link->Item[LTM_PULLING]) Link->Item[LTM_PULLING] = false;
counter = 0;

// if pulling a block or bush for 15 frames or more, pick it up
int loc=TouchedComboLoc();
if(Screen->ComboF[loc]==CF_PICK || Screen->ComboI[loc]==CF_PICK){
link_catching = 0;
int combo = Screen->ComboD[loc];
int cset = Screen->ComboC[loc];
if(isBush(Screen->ComboT[loc])) holding_bush = true;
else holding_bush = false;
if(PB_UNDERCOMBO<0) Screen->ComboD[loc] += (-PB_UNDERCOMBO);
else Screen->ComboD[loc] = PB_UNDERCOMBO;
throw_disabled = true;

// mid-air block
for(int i=0;i<16;i++){
int blockX = (Link->X+ComboX(loc))/2;
int blockY = Link->Y-7;
Screen->FastCombo(LAYER_OVER, blockX, blockY, combo, cset, 128 );

// set link holding
holding_block = 1;
if(!Link->Item[LTM_HOLDING]) Link->Item[LTM_HOLDING] = true;
while(throw_disabled || (!Link->InputA && !Link->InputB)){
if(!Link->InputA && !Link->InputB) throw_disabled = false;
Screen->FastCombo(LAYER_OVER, Link->X, Link->Y - 14, combo, cset, 128 );
if(Link->Invisible || (Link->Action != LA_NONE && Link->Action != LA_WALKING)) break; // break if falling in pit or water!
if(Link->Invisible || (Link->Action != LA_NONE && Link->Action != LA_WALKING)) break; // break if falling in pit or water!
counter = 0;
holding_block = 0;
if(Link->Item[LTM_CATCHING]) Link->Item[LTM_CATCHING] = false;
if(Link->Item[LTM_PULLING]) Link->Item[LTM_PULLING] = false;
if(Link->Item[LTM_HOLDING]) Link->Item[LTM_HOLDING] = false;

// throw block
lweapon w = CreateLWeaponAt(LW_SCRIPT1,Link->X,Link->Y);
w->Damage = BLOCK_DMG;
w->OriginalTile = INV_TILE_ID;
w->NumFrames = 1;
w->Dir = Link->Dir;
w->Step = Floor(BLOCK_VH*100);
w->DrawYOffset = -14;
w->HitXOffset = -4;
w->HitYOffset = -4;
w->HitWidth = 16 + 8;
w->HitHeight = 16 + 8;
w->HitZHeight = 16 + 8;
while(w->DrawYOffset<0 && !isSolid(w->X+8,w->Y+ 8) && !isOutOfScreen(w->X,w->Y,16,16)){
if(counter<4) Link->Action = LA_ATTACKING;
w->DrawYOffset += Floor(counter*GRAVITY) - BLOCK_VV;
Screen->FastCombo(LAYER_OVER, w->X, w->Y + w->DrawYOffset, combo, cset, 128 );
counter ++;
if(holding_bush) Game->PlaySound(SFX_GRASSCUT);
else Game->PlaySound(SFX_CRASH_BLOCK);
w->DeadState = WDS_DEAD;
if(holding_bush) CreateGraphicAt(BUSH_SPR,w->X,w->Y + w->DrawYOffset);
else CreateGraphicAt(CRASH_SPR,w->X,w->Y + w->DrawYOffset);
link_catching = 0;
holding_block = 0;
counter = 0;
if(Link->Item[LTM_CATCHING]) Link->Item[LTM_CATCHING] = false;
if(Link->Item[LTM_PULLING]) Link->Item[LTM_PULLING] = false;
if(Link->Item[LTM_HOLDING]) Link->Item[LTM_HOLDING] = false;
this->Data = 0;

// ------------------------------------------

// utility functions
bool isBush(int ct){
if(ct==CT_BUSH) return true;
if(ct==CT_BUSHC) return true;
if(ct==CT_BUSHNEXT) return true;
if(ct==CT_BUSHNEXTC) return true;
if(ct==CT_FLOWERS) return true;
if(ct==CT_FLOWERSC) return true;
return false;

// ------------------------------------------

// x touched by Link
int TouchedX(){
int x;
if(Link->Dir == DIR_UP) x = Link->X+8;
else if(Link->Dir == DIR_DOWN) x = Link->X+8;
else if(Link->Dir == DIR_LEFT) x = Link->X-2;
else if(Link->Dir == DIR_RIGHT) x = Link->X+18;
return x;

// y touched by Link
int TouchedY(){
int y;
if(Link->Dir == DIR_UP) y = Link->Y+6;
else if(Link->Dir == DIR_DOWN) y = Link->Y+18;
else if(Link->Dir == DIR_LEFT) y = Link->Y+8;
else if(Link->Dir == DIR_RIGHT) y = Link->Y+8;
return y;

// location of the touched combo
int TouchedComboLoc(){
int loc;
loc = ComboAt( TouchedX(), TouchedY() );
return loc;

// create a dummy npc and kill it, giving an item
void ItemSetAt(int itemset,int loc){
npc e = Screen->CreateNPC(NPC_ITEMSET);
e->ItemSet = itemset;
e->X = loc%16*16;
e->Y = loc-loc%16;

// function to test if (x,y) is out of the screen
bool isOutOfScreen(int x, int y, int dx, int dy){
if((x+dx) > 16*16) return true;
else if(x < 0) return true;
else if((y+dy) > 16*11) return true;
else if(y < 0) return true;
else return false;

// create a sprite
int CreateGraphicAt(int sprite, int x, int y){
eweapon e = Screen->CreateEWeapon(EW_SCRIPT1);
e->HitXOffset = 500;
e->DeadState = e->NumFrames*e->ASpeed;
e->X = x;
e->Y = y;
return e->DeadState;

// inhibit all the movement actions
void NoMoveAction(){
Link->InputUp = false;
Link->InputDown = false;
Link->InputLeft = false;
Link->InputRight = false;

// this utility routine by Saffith checks for walkability of combos
bool isSolid(int x, int y){
if(x<0 || x>255 || y<0 || y>175) return false;
int mask=1111b;
if(x%16< 8) mask&=0011b;
else mask&=1100b;
if(y%16< 8) mask&=0101b;
else mask&=1010b;
return (!(Screen->ComboS[ComboAt(x, y)]&mask)==0);

// gives true if Link pushes the opposite direction of his facing direction
bool OppositeDir(){
if(Link->InputDown && Link->Dir==DIR_UP) return true;
if(Link->InputUp && Link->Dir==DIR_DOWN) return true;
if(Link->InputRight && Link->Dir==DIR_LEFT) return true;
if(Link->InputLeft && Link->Dir==DIR_RIGHT) return true;
else return false;

// ----------------------------------------

#4 justin



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Posted 20 January 2018 - 07:28 PM

Where did you get the script from? Because it has a comment within it about GB_Bombs, so maybe there is an existing complimentary script that does exactly what you want already. Here are the lines,

// if(holding_block==0 && holding_item==0 && holding_bomb==0){
if(holding_block==0){ // use this line if not using GB_Shop and GB_Bombs

#5 Sans


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 07:53 PM

well from the script there. https://www.purezc.n...e=scripts&id=32 and that not work...

Edited by Sans, 20 January 2018 - 07:55 PM.

#6 judasrising


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 02:20 AM

well from the script there. https://www.purezc.n...e=scripts&id=32 and that not work...

You missing the GB_bombs script and that is why it does not work as Justin said.........



Edited by judasrising, 21 January 2018 - 03:41 AM.

#7 Sans


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 10:40 AM

but when i place it somewhere before the waitframe it's simply don't work. even if i add the " } " after the waitframe or after the quit(); 

#8 Sans


    Hey kid wanna buy hot dogs ?

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Posted 21 January 2018 - 04:14 PM


why the script don't work ? i did make the same setting as the exemple quest for the power bracelet but bombs won't lifting.

Edited by Sans, 21 January 2018 - 05:20 PM.

#9 judasrising


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Posted 22 January 2018 - 02:59 AM


why the script don't work ? i did make the same setting as the exemple quest for the power bracelet but bombs won't lifting.

I ask you again do you have the GBbombs script? since it seems you miss that script...

#10 Sans


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Posted 22 January 2018 - 09:23 AM

yes i got the bomb script i test everything but Link don't lift the bomb. instead i only hear the sound of lifting but he don't lift the bomb an all and i did created the empty bomb item and set it as a custom item classe.

#11 justin



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Posted 22 January 2018 - 09:33 AM

yes i got the bomb script i test everything but Link don't lift the bomb. instead i only hear the sound of lifting but he don't lift the bomb an all and i did created the empty bomb item and set it as a custom item classe.


again it would be helpful if you actually posted the script. 

#12 judasrising


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Posted 22 January 2018 - 09:48 AM

yes i got the bomb script i test everything but Link don't lift the bomb. instead i only hear the sound of lifting but he don't lift the bomb an all and i did created the empty bomb item and set it as a custom item classe.

did you choose the bombs script as an Action script in the bomb item?

Edited by judasrising, 22 January 2018 - 09:48 AM.

#13 Sans


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Posted 22 January 2018 - 10:29 AM

i take the script from here 


however i don't think i see any name of global script. So i don't know what i have to put on voidrun() or while(true) in my combined script.

Edited by Sans, 22 January 2018 - 10:32 AM.

#14 judasrising


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Posted 22 January 2018 - 11:13 AM

i take the script from here 


however i don't think i see any name of global script. So i don't know what i have to put on voidrun() or while(true) in my combined script.

Put Bombs(); after while(true){ in your global script if you have one..........

#15 Sans


    Hey kid wanna buy hot dogs ?

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Posted 22 January 2018 - 11:17 AM

alright i'll try it

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