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Swindle Haggle

Creator: Timelord Added: 25 Nov 2016 Tags: Global Downloads: 14
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This script allows you to permit a player to risk raising shop prices, in order to lower them. Once per shop, the player may press a button (set by script preferences) to attempt to 'haggle' with the shopkeep. This will result in one of three events, each with a 1/3 chance:

Prices lower.
Prices remain the same.
Prices increase.

The shop uses the 'Wealth Medal' items to accomplish its effects, and quests using this should balance shop prices around the player having 'Wealth Medal 1'.

The script only uses the first two level of Wealth medals, and you may edit the price discount, or price hike, by adjusting the values in the Item Editor for Wealth Medals level 1 and level 2.

Failing a 'haggle' attempt results in taking away the wealth medals 9for that shoppe).

You may still award the Level 3 Wealth Medal, if you so choose. This will override all 'haggle' shop pricing.