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Pit Fall Package

Creator: cavthena Added: 25 Dec 2015 Tags: FFC, Global
Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (1 rating)
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Pitfall package includes: Pits and Lava, Moving Platforms, and Shutter Doors.
Allows for the addition of Pit and Lava combos. The combos will harm Link if he falls in or warp him to another floor. Moving Platforms move over pits or lava while allowing Link to stand on it. Shutter Doors close once Link enters the room but prevents him from being able to hide in the door way from enemies.

If Link falls into a pit or lava and is harmed he will be moved back to the point of which he entered the screen or where a door shut behind him. If the pitfall is a warp Link will be Pit Warped, meaning his X and Y are kept the same. Keep this in mind while building screens that use Pit Fall.