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Consumable Weapons

Creator: justin Updated: 29 Dec 2014 Tags: Item Downloads: 48
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Make weapons "consumable" in that they only have a specified number of times that they can be used before they are destroyed (removed from inventory).
You specify whether the item is consumed with each use, or with each successful collision.

Works with Swords, Bow&Arrow, Candle, Wand, Bait, Hammer, Boomerang, Whistle. Untested with anything else.

- a whole lot more functionality and customization
- weapons can be consumed with simple use (as before), but also with Enemies, Solids, Water, or any combination. So you can have a candle that shoots fire than can't cross water. or sword beams that don't go through solids. or give make every solid combo a "block-flag" for a boomerang.
- the weapon doesn't actually have to be consumable, so the bonus functions add a lot of flexibility to weapon customization
- weapons can have two consumable checking for two different lw types. so a sword that "breaks" when it hits enemies, and its beam that dies when it hits solids.
- a consumable ladder (global script)
- probably lots more