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Joe123's Shovel and Pegasus Boots in one script.

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#1 Dann Woolf

Dann Woolf

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Posted 13 December 2008 - 03:18 PM

I tried to do this by myself but I screwed it up big time, so can someone please put these scripts together for lil' ol' me so I can use them both?

#2 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 13 December 2008 - 04:51 PM

You don't have to have them in the same script to make them work.
At least, I don't think you do.
I mean, I've got plenty of different kinds of scripts at the moment, and they all work fine. However, I don't know how it is with item scripts... as I'm not scripter myself.
Sorry that I can't help you any more than just telling you this. icon_frown.gif
Cause I really wish I could.

#3 lucas92



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Posted 13 December 2008 - 05:16 PM

No, you indeed have to get them together since they are global scripts.
But it's quite easy to get them together.

#4 Dann Woolf

Dann Woolf

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Posted 13 December 2008 - 05:18 PM

The actual item scripts I have no problem with. However both items come with a pair of Global scripts, it's there that I have trouble.

#5 lucas92



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Posted 13 December 2008 - 05:21 PM

//Global variables, constants and functions
const int F_DIG                = 99;        //Flag for unwalkable combos you can dig, and walkable combos you can't dig
const int SFX_DIG            = 50;        //Digging sound effect
const int CMB_DUG            = 1418;        //'Dug' combo
const int T_SHOVEL            = 250;        //First of 8 tiles shovel animation uses
const int ShovelCSet        = 10;        //CSet for shovel to use
const int CF_DASH            = 98;        //Flag that Link can't dash through if walkable, and will break if solid
const int SFX_DASH            = 67;        //Dashing SFX
const int SFX_HITWALL        = 68;        //Hitting a wall
const int SFX_PEGASUSBREAK    = 66;        //SFX to play when breaking a Pegasus Boot block
const int T_DUST            = 27544;    //Dust Kick-up tile
const int DustAFrames        = 4;        //Dust Kick-up animation frames
const int DustASpeed        = 4;        //Dust Kick-up animation speed
const int DustCSet            = 3;        //Dust Kick-up CSet
const int DashSFXLength        = 9;        //Time between repeating Dash SFX

bool PegasusDash;
bool PegasusCollision;
int DashCounter;
int StoreInput;
int StoreHP;
int UseShovel;

//Check inherent and regular flags at the same time
bool ComboFI(int x,int y,int combotype){
if(Screen->ComboF[ComboAt(x,y)] == combotype
|| Screen->ComboI[ComboAt(x,y)] == combotype) return true;
//Stops all Link's inputs
void NoAction(){
    Link->InputUp = false;
    Link->InputDown = false;
    Link->InputLeft = false;
    Link->InputRight = false;
    Link->InputR = false;
    Link->InputL = false;
    Link->InputA = false;
    Link->InputB = false;
//Solidity Check, by Saffith
bool isSolid(int x,int y){
if(x<0 || x>255 || y<0 || y>175) return false;
int mask = 1111b;
if(x%16<8) mask &= 0011b;
else mask &= 1100b;
if(y%16<8) mask &= 0101b;
else mask &= 1010b;
int ret = Screen->ComboS[ComboAt(x,y)]&mask;
return ret != 0;

//Global scripts
global script Slot_2{
    void run(){
            //Call Pegasus Boots functions
            if(PegasusDash) PegasusBoots();
            //Other global script functions go here
            if(UseShovel > 0) Shovel();
            StoreHP = Link->HP;
    //Pegasus Boots
    void PegasusBoots(){
            int loc = ComboAt(Link->X+8,Link->Y+8);
            //Check if Link should be dashing
            if(((StoreInput == 1 && !Link->InputA)
            || (StoreInput == 2 && !Link->InputB))
            || StoreHP < Link->HP
            || Screen->ComboT[loc] == CT_WATER){
                PegasusDash = false;
                DashCounter = 0;
            //Stop all actions
            if(DashCounter > 10){
                if(Link->Dir == 0 && DashCheck(Link->X+8,Link->Y+6,true) != 2){
                    Link->InputUp = true;
                }else if(Link->Dir == 1 && DashCheck(Link->X+8,Link->Y+18,true) != 2){
                    Link->InputDown = true;
                }else if(Link->Dir == 2 && DashCheck(Link->X,Link->Y+12,false) != 2){
                    Link->InputLeft = true;
                }else if(Link->Dir == 3 && DashCheck(Link->X+16,Link->Y+12,false) != 2){
                    Link->InputRight = true;
                    PegasusCollision = true;
                    DashCounter = 0;
            //Break Pegasus Blocks
            if(ComboFI(Link->X+8,Link->Y+8,CF_DASH) && Screen->ComboS[loc] == 1111b){
                if(Screen->ComboF[loc] == CF_DASH) Screen->ComboF[loc] = 0;
            //Dust tile animation
            lweapon Dust;
            if(DashCounter%4 == 0){
                for(int j=1;j<=Screen->NumLWeapons();j++){
                    Dust = Screen->LoadLWeapon(j);
                    if(Dust->ID != LW_SCRIPT10) continue;
                    if(Link->Dir < 1) Dust->Y-=3;
                    else if(Link->Dir < 2) Dust->Y+=3;
                    else if(Link->Dir < 3) Dust->X-=3;
                    else if(Link->Dir < 4) Dust->X+=3;
                Dust = Screen->CreateLWeapon(LW_SCRIPT10);
                Dust->OriginalTile = T_DUST;
                Dust->CSet = DustCSet;
                Dust->Y = Link->Y;
                Dust->X = Link->X;
                Dust->NumFrames = DustAFrames;
                Dust->ASpeed = DustASpeed;
                Dust->DeadState = DustAFrames*DustASpeed;
            //Play SFX
            if(DashCounter%DashSFXLength == 0) Game->PlaySound(SFX_DASH);
            //Bounceback after hitting a wall
            if(DashCounter == 1){
                Screen->Quake = 10;
            }else if(DashCounter == 10){
                PegasusDash = false;
                PegasusCollision = false;
                DashCounter = 0;
            if(Link->Dir == 0 && DashCheck(Link->X+8,Link->Y+6,true) == 0) Link->Y++;
            else if(Link->Dir == 1 && DashCheck(Link->X+8,Link->Y+18,true) == 0) Link->Y--;
            else if(Link->Dir == 2 && DashCheck(Link->X+18,Link->Y+8,false) == 0) Link->X++;
            else if(Link->Dir == 3 && DashCheck(Link->X-2,Link->Y+8,false) == 0) Link->X--;
            if(DashCounter < 5) Link->Z++;
    void Shovel(){
        if(UseShovel < 20){
            if(UseShovel == 2 || UseShovel == 6) Link->Action = LA_ATTACKING;
            int t = T_SHOVEL+Link->Dir*2+Floor(UseShovel/10);
            if(Link->Dir == 0) Screen->DrawTile(2+Floor(UseShovel/10),Link->X,Link->Y-12+Floor(UseShovel/10)*8,t,1,1,ShovelCSet,1,0,0,0,0,true,128);
            else if(Link->Dir == 1) Screen->DrawTile(3,Link->X,Link->Y+8-Floor(UseShovel/10)*16,t,1,1,ShovelCSet,1,0,0,0,0,true,128);
            else if(Link->Dir == 2) Screen->DrawTile(3,Link->X-8+Floor(UseShovel/10)*8,Link->Y-Floor(UseShovel/10)*8,t,1,1,ShovelCSet,1,0,0,0,0,true,128);
            else Screen->DrawTile(3,Link->X+8-Floor(UseShovel/10)*8,Link->Y-Floor(UseShovel/10)*8,t,1,1,ShovelCSet,1,0,0,0,0,true,128);
            int dx = Link->X%16;
            int dy = Link->Y%16;
            if(Link->Dir < 2){
                if(Link->Dir == 0) dy = Link->Y-dy;
                else if(dy > 8) dy = Link->Y+(16-dy);
                else dy = Link->Y+24-dy;
                if(dx < 8) dx = Link->X-dx;
                else dx = Link->X+(16-dx);
                if(dx > 8){
                    if(Link->Dir == 2) dx = Link->X-dx;
                    else dx = Link->X+(16-dx);
                    if(Link->Dir == 2) dx = Link->X-dx + (Link->Dir-2)*16-8;
                    else dx = Link->X+(16-dx) + (Link->Dir-2)*16-8;
                if(dy < 8) dy = Link->Y-dy;
                else dy = Link->Y+(16-dy);
            int loc = ComboAt(dx,dy);
            if(Screen->ComboT[loc] == 0 &&
            ((Screen->ComboS[loc] == 0 && !ComboFI(dx,dy,F_DIG)) ||
            (Screen->ComboS[loc] != 0 && ComboFI(dx,dy,F_DIG)))
            && Screen->ComboD[loc] != CMB_DUG){
                Screen->ComboD[loc] = CMB_DUG;
                int chance = Rand(200);
                item got;
                if(chance < 5){
                    npc e = Screen->CreateNPC(44);
                    e->X = dx;
                    e->Y = dy;
                }else if(chance < 6) got = Screen->CreateItem(I_RUPEE50);
                else if(chance < 14) got = Screen->CreateItem(I_RUPEE5);
                else if(chance < 24) got = Screen->CreateItem(I_HEART);
                else if(chance < 44) got = Screen->CreateItem(I_RUPEE1);
                    got->X = loc%16*16;
                    got->Y = loc-loc%16;
            }else Game->PlaySound(SFX_TAP1);
        UseShovel = 0;
    //Check whether Link can dash onto a combo
    int DashCheck(int x, int y, bool xy){
     int xoffset; int yoffset;
     bool Solid;
     if(xy) xoffset = 4;
     else yoffset = 3;
     if(isSolid(x-xoffset,y-yoffset) || isSolid(x+xoffset,y+yoffset)) Solid = true;
     if(!Solid && !ComboFI(x-xoffset,y-yoffset,CF_DASH)
     && !ComboFI(x+xoffset,y+yoffset,CF_DASH)) return 0;
     else if(Solid && (ComboFI(x-xoffset,y-yoffset,CF_DASH)
     || ComboFI(x+xoffset,y+yoffset,CF_DASH))) return 1;
     else return 2;

global script Slot_3{
    void run(){
        PegasusDash = false;
        PegasusCollision = false;
        UseShovel = 0;

item script PegasusBoots{
    void run(){
        if(Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(Link->X+8,Link->Y+8)] == CT_WATER
        || ComboFI(Link->X+8,Link->Y+8,CF_DASH)) Quit();
        PegasusDash = true;
        if(Link->InputB && !Link->InputA) StoreInput = 2;
        else if(Link->InputA && !Link->InputB) StoreInput = 1;
item script Shovel{
    void run(){
        if(Link->Z == 0) UseShovel++;

That should work. icon_smile.gif

#6 Dann Woolf

Dann Woolf

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Posted 13 December 2008 - 05:47 PM

It works! Thanks man!

I can't code my way out of a wet paper bag so it's nice to have others help me out. Thanks again!

#7 Joe123



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Posted 13 December 2008 - 06:33 PM

For future reference.

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